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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

Previous RECORDED Virtual Only PIUG Conferences (2020-2022)

For details about any conference, refer to the related previous conference pages listed in the dropdown list in the left navigation bar.
1 – 2 March 2022 PIUG 2022 Biotechnology VIRTUAL Conference  (Recorded Version) – "Searching Analytics, Recording and Client Engagement for the Biotechnology Searcher in the 21st Century" – Online
26 – 30 October 2020 PIUG 2020 Annual Conference (Recorded Version) – "Taking Patent Information to the Next Level" – Online

    • 05 May 2024
    • 1:00 PM
    • 31 Dec 2024
    • 5:00 PM
    • The Drake Hotel, 140 East Walton Place, Chicago, IL 60611

    PIUG 2024 Joint Annual and Biotechnology Conference

    Sunday, May 5 - Thursday, May 9, 2024

    The Drake Hotel

    140 East Walton Place
    Chicago, IL 60611
    +1-(312) 787-2200

    As you make your plans to attend, be sure to check out the many ways you can make the most out of your conference experience. 

    The plenary sessions with General Sessions Monday through Wednesday and Biotech Plenaries on Thursday, but you’ll have many great opportunities to learn and connect throughout the conference. Be sure your travel plans account for: 

    • Sunday, May 5: Pre-conference Workshops and the Opening Reception! 
    • Monday, May 6: General Plenary Sessions and Opportunities for informal dine-arounds in the evening. Bring your curiosity!
    • Tuesday, May 7: General Plenary Sessions and some Workshops during the day.  Food and drinks with colleagues and friends aboard a yacht in the evening.   
    • Wednesday, May 8: More General Plenary Sessions in the morning and Workshops in the afternoon. More Opportunities for informal dine-arounds in the evening. 
    • Thursday, May 9: Biotech Plenary Sessions.
    • 03 May 2025
    • 8:00 AM
    • 08 May 2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • The Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314

    PIUG 2025 Annual Conference

    Saturday, May 3 - Thursday, May 8, 2025

    The Westin Alexandria

    400 Courthouse Square
    Alexandria, VA 22314

    As you make your plans to attend, be sure to check out the many ways you can make the most out of your conference experience. 

    The plenary sessions run from Monday to Wednesday, but you’ll have many great opportunities to learn and connect throughout the conference. Be sure your travel plans account for: 

    • Saturday May 3: Possible pre-conference workshops. Deepen your expertise and extend your impact.
    • Sunday May 4: Vendor workshops, Conference Warm-up For First Time Attendees, and the Opening Reception! Plus, a chance to check out the inner workings of PIUG at the annual Business meeting. 
    • Monday, May 5: Our Annual Gala and Awards Dinner. Dinner and drinks with colleagues and friends.
    • Tuesday, May 6 and Wednesday May 7: Opportunities for informal dine-arounds in the evenings. Bring your curiosity!
    • Thursday May 8: Post-conference workshops. Because you really can’t be too much of an expert.   

    Some details, such as vendor workshop registration links, still need to be finalized. Bookmark the link and return often.

Past Live Conferences

06 May 2024 Ballgame Group Outing - Cubs vs Padres
01 May 2023 Evening Dinner Cruise and River Tour
30 Apr 2023 PIUG 2023 Annual Conference
28 Feb 2023 PIUG 2023 Biotechnology Conference
01 May 2022 PIUG 2022 Annual Conference
01 Mar 2022 STN Workshop: What's New in STNext
01 Mar 2022 BizInt Workshop: What's New - Creating IP Sequence Reports with BizInt Smart Charts for Patents
01 Mar 2022 GenomeQuest Workshop: What’s New in 2022
01 Mar 2022 Questel Workshop
28 May 2021 STN Patent Forum
24 May 2021 BizInt: What's New in BizInt Smart Charts?
24 May 2021 Clarivate: The Trifecta of Expert Curated Data: SequenceBase, Derwent Innovation & Innography
24 May 2021 Relativity: Introducing Patent Search & Analytics from Relativity
24 May 2021 IFI Claims: Direct Data in Tableau
24 May 2021 Aptean: GenomeQuest Discover Analysis – Prioritization and Annotation Strategies
24 May 2021 Minesoft: The changing face of patent software solutions, what’s next on the horizon at Minesoft?
24 May 2021 Questel: Orbit BioSequence and the many uses of combinations
24 May 2021 WIPO: WIPO’s global patent database PATENTSCOPE: what’s new?
24 May 2021 Ambercite: The Importance of Alternative Search Methodologies – How Ambercite can enhance your search capabilities
24 May 2021 EPO: Taming the dragon: how to tackle CN legal event data
24 May 2021 PIUG 2021 Combined Annual and Biotechnology Virtual Conference
30 Oct 2020 USPTO Initiatives: Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)
30 Oct 2020 STN Patent Forum
30 Oct 2020 AI assisted reading for faster understanding of patent texts
26 Oct 2020 Expanding Patentability: A Novel Approach Using a Non-Obvious Data Source
26 Oct 2020 Preferred Patent Lineup and Automated Antibody Search Report
26 Oct 2020 Get Up To Date with BizInt Smart Charts
26 Oct 2020 Meet the new Derwent Innovation
26 Oct 2020 Part 1 - What's new in Orbit Intelligence?; Part 2 - FAMPAT FOUNDATIONS, Detecting and Repairing the Dysfunctional Family
26 Oct 2020 Introducing PatBase 2.0, the biggest ever update to the PatBase
26 Oct 2020 Why another monitoring tool? FIZ PatMon – Specific, Broad, and Flexible
26 Oct 2020 PIUG 2020 Annual Conference
25 Feb 2020 PIUG 2020 Biotechnology Conference
08 May 2019 “The wonderful world of WIPO standards”
08 May 2019 Artificial Intelligence Basics for Patent Professionals
08 May 2019 Leveraging CPC for Search
05 May 2019 Delivering Patent Analytics With a Punch
05 May 2019 Updates to PatBase & PatDocs, introducing IPShare and What to Expect Next from Minesoft…
05 May 2019 Latest Innovations: optimize your IP analysis
05 May 2019 Advances in Sequence Searching: GQ Discover Browser, Sequence Variation Discovery Module and CAS BiosequencesTM Access
05 May 2019 Get Up to Date with BizInt Smart Charts for Patents
05 May 2019 Patent Portfolio Maintenance: Benchmarking Current Practices
05 May 2019 Google Patents for Power Users
05 May 2019 Google Patents Public Datasets
04 May 2019 PIUG Fundamentals of Patent Searching
04 May 2019 PIUG Introduction to Patent Searching and Fundamentals
04 May 2019 PIUG Introduction to Patent Searching
04 May 2019 PIUG 2019 Annual Conference
21 Feb 2019 Resources of Interest
21 Feb 2019 The Patent Examination Process Including Different Approaches to Searching at the USPTO
21 Feb 2019 The Meat Inside the WIPO Standard ST.26 Nutshell; The Details of Sequence Listings in Patent Applications
19 Feb 2019 PIUG 2019 Biotechnology Conference
10 May 2018 Sneak Preview of New Espacenet
05 May 2018 Patent Information & Intelligence That Senior Managers Really Need…
05 May 2018 PIUG 2018 Annual Conference
20 Feb 2018 Searching Peptides and Proteins and Second Medical Use Claims
20 Feb 2018 PIUG 2018 Biotechnology Conference
25 May 2017 What’s new in CPC – recent changes and Searching in CPC - Practical Tips
21 May 2017 Global Patent Dossier - 2017
20 May 2017 The EPO Patent Information Products Road Show - 2017
20 May 2017 “Making it to the Premiership” – a review of the rising stars in the IP information space.
20 May 2017 PIUG 2017 Annual Conference
27 Feb 2017 Searching Biotechnological Inventions under the EPC
26 May 2016 EPO's PATSTAT Online
22 May 2016 Global Patent Dossier
21 May 2016 Connecting, Engaging, and Making Your Case: How To Communicate Your Value To People Who Don't Understand What You Do
21 May 2016 Patent Law Fundamentals for Patent Information Specialists
21 May 2016 Understanding "Europe"
21 May 2016 PIUG 2016 Annual Conference
07 May 2015 Searching in CPC - Practical Tips
02 May 2015 The EPO Patent Information Products Road Show
02 May 2015 Patent Documentation from South America: Procedures, Sources and Uses.
02 May 2015 PIUG 2015 Annual Conference
02 May 2015 Patent Law Fundamentals for Patent Information Specialists
19 Feb 2015 Patent Searching Fundamentals Course
01 May 2014 CPC Workshop
01 May 2014 Advanced Strategies for Searching Patents in Any Source
26 Apr 2014 EPO Road Show
26 Apr 2014 Fundamentals of Current Patent Law
26 Apr 2014 IP in Africa - Shedding Light on the "Dark Continent"
26 Apr 2014 PIUG 2014 Annual Conference
27 Feb 2014 Patent Information Fundamentals Course
02 May 2013 CPC Workshop by USPTO and EPO
02 May 2013 AIA Workshop by the USPTO
30 Apr 2013 USPTO Tour Arranged Specifically for PIUG
27 Apr 2013 Personal Branding: Communicating the Authentic You
27 Apr 2013 Fundamentals of Current Patent Law
27 Apr 2013 Soft Skills and Squidgy Answers: The Importance of Presenting Useable Search Output to the Client
27 Apr 2013 PIUG 2013 Annual Conference
27 Apr 2013 Patinformatics: The Next Generation

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Become a Member

PIUG - Patent Information User Group, Inc.

Mailing Address:  
40 E. Main St., #1438
Newark, DE  19711

Phone: +1 (302) 660-3275   
Fax: +1 (302) 660-3276


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No one may use the PIUG name or logo for any promotional or commercial purpose or any other purpose without the prior written consent of the PIUG Board of Directors.  

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