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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

PIUG 2006 Annual Conference

An International Conference for Patent Information Professionals

Boolean and Beyond:
Patent Information: Overcoming Pitfalls and Enhancing Productivity

Overview | Program | Conference Materials (PIUG members only) | Sponsors | Travel | Workshops

Saturday, May 20 to Thursday, May 25, 2006
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
1300 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, Minnesota


The conference will feature world-renowned experts on patent information for technology research and planning, for legal organizations, and for overall corporate IP management (technology licensing and related activities). The conference will include many opportunities for discussion. Tuesday afternoon will be dedicated to product reviews. Many workshops will also be held in conjunction with this meeting (before and after the technical sessions).

Attendees typically have a professional, scientific, or technical interest in patents and represent a multitude of companies. The PIUG 2005 meeting drew an enthusiastic group of over three hundred and forty people to our three-day technical session in Arlington, VA. Over 15% of the attendees were international, that is, more than 50 attendees represented various countries, including the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, Israel, Italy, and Canada. We expect 300-400 attendees in 2006.
We hope you will enjoy the excellent technical programming of the PIUG Annual Conference, designed to provide new learning and networking opportunities for the patent information community. We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis.

Meeting Agenda

The PIUG Registration Desk will be open during the following times for meeting attendees to pick up their PIUG Badge and other meeting materials.

Sunday, May 21 - 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday, May 22 - 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23 - 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wednesday, May 24 - 7 a.m. to noon

 Preconference Workshops and Activities

 Saturday, May 20



Legal Status – Beyond The Beaten Track Stephen Adams Workshop (Registration required with a fee)

Mirage Room
(2nd floor)

1:00pm-4:30pm Excel Tricks and Traps Daniel Phelps Workshop (Registration required with a fee)

Mirage Room
(2nd floor)

Sunday, May 21
Workshops, Volunteer Luncheon, Welcome Receptions
8:00am-12:00pm Questel*Orbit Workshop (Registration Required)
FamPat Enhancements David Dickens, Joe Terlizzi
Greenway D/E
9:00am-11:30am Chemical Abstracts Service Workshop (Registration Required)
Improving Search Results on STN by Utilizing Patent Classification Codes
John Zabilski
Mirage Room
(2nd floor)
9:00am-11:00am Omniviz Workshop (Registration Required)
Using Visual Data Mining for More Effective Patent Analysis
Jeffrey D. Saffer
Greenway F
(2nd floor)
12:00pm-1:00pm Volunteer Luncheon (by invitation only) Lake Minnetonk
(5th floor)
1:00pm-3:00pm Fiz Karlsruhe Workshop (Registration Required)
Derwent World Patents Index on STN – Reloaded & Enhanced
Rob Austin
Mirage Room
(2nd floor)
1:00pm-3:00pm Elsevier MDL Workshop (Registration Required)
MDL Patent Chemistry Database – Chemical Reactions and Substance Data for Scientists
Eva Seip
Greenway D/E
(2nd floor)
3:30pm-5:30pm PIUG Business Meeting
(PIUG, Inc. members are encouraged to attend)
Greenway A-C
(2nd floor)
6:30pm-7:00pm First Time Attendee Welcome Reception
Sponsored by PIUG
Greenway D/E
(2nd floor)
7:00pm-9:00pm Welcome Reception for all Meeting Attendees / Exhibits Open
Sponsored by PIUG
Nicollet C/D
Exhibits Room
(1st floor)

Technical Session - Monday to Wednesday

 Monday, May 22

7:30am-8:30am Breakfast Sponsored by Questel*Orbit Nicollet C/D
Exhibits Room
Strategic Planning for Patent Search Groups Session Chairs: Jeff Forman, Richard Kurt, Vicky Veach
Location: Nicollet A/B
8:30am-9:00 am

Welcome and Introductory Remarks Elyse Turner, PIUG Chair

9:00am-9:50am Keynote Address
Do You Truly Leverage What You Already Know?
Charles Dennis, Medtronic
9:50am-10:00am Product Reviews
10:00am-10:30am Break
Sponsored by Fiz Karlsruhe
Nicollet C/D – Exhibits Room
10:30am-11:10am The Ever-Changing Role of Information Analysts in Pharmaceutical R&D
Doreen Alberts,Theravance
11:10am-11:50am 3M Information Research & Solutions in 2010 - Mapping and Driving the Future of a Corporate Information Organization
Martha Ellison & Denise Rabogliatti, 3M
11:50am–12:00pm Product Reviews
Monday, May 22
12:00pm–1:30pm Lunch Sponsored by Thomson Scientific Greenway
(2nd floor)
Enhancing Productivity - From Search to Report Session Chair: Daniel Phelps
Location: Nicollet A/B
1:30pm-2:00pm Open Patent Review Initiative
Bill McGinnis, IBM
2:00pm-2:15pm Product Reviews
2:15pm-2:45pm How to Optimize Search Reports for Clients - Tips From an Independent Search Firm
Dr. Alison Taylor, Threshold Information, Inc.
2:45pm-2:55pm SERVICE AWARDS
2:55pm-3:25pm Break
Sponsored by PROUS
Nicollet C/D – Exhibits Room
3:25pm-3:55pm Patent Analysis & Visualization for Technology Assessment
Yateen Pargaonkar, Procter & Gamble
3:55pm-4:25pm Searching for Needles in Sewing Boxes – Advantages of Subject Specific Databases Over Uncontrolled Free Text Files
Edlyn S. Simmons & Alena F. Chadwick, Procter & Gamble
4:25pm-4:35pm Product Reviews
4:35pm-5:05pm Inexpensive Methods for Formatting and Presenting Patent Intelligence
Barry Brager, Perception Partners
5:05pm-5:15pm Product Reviews
Monday, May 22
Evening Activities
5:45 pm Open Committee Meetings
Greenway A/B/I/J
5:45pm-7:30pm Tours of the new Minneapolis Public Library
Registration Required
public transportation and cabs available
Tuesday, May 23
7:30am-8:30am Breakfast. Sponsored by PIUG Nicollet C/D
Exhibits Room
Morning Session 1
Nuts & Bolts: Mechanical/Device Searching Session Chair: Paul Stieg
Location: Nicollet A/B
8:30am-9:00am Pumps, Valves, and Dispensers: Tools and Techniques for Finding Device Patents
Jane List, The Technology Partnership plc
9:00am-9:30am Automated Patent Portfolio Analysis and Categorization
Stephen K. Sampson, Caterpillar
9:30am-10:00am Thomson Scientific Solutions: Meeting Business Needs Through an Integrated Information Solution
Stuart Dodd, Thomson Scientific
10:00am-10:30 am Break
Sponsored by Elsevier MDL
Location: Nicollet C/D – Exhibits Room
Morning Session 2
Patents on Campus Session Chair: Michael White
Location: Nicollet A/B
10:30am-10:40am Patents on Campus: The Role of Patent Information in Academic Research, Teaching, Learning and Technology Transfer Michael White, Queen's University
10:40am-11:10am Overview of Academic Patenting and Licensing Susan McFadden Patow, University of Minnesota
11:10am-11:20am Product Reviews
11:20am-11:50am Patents 101: Teaching Patents to Engineering Students Nancy Spitzer, Univ. of Wisconsin
11:50am–12:00pm Product Reviews
Tuesday, May 23
12:00pm–1:30pm Lunch and IPI Award Presentation Sponsored by PIUG Greenway
(2nd floor)
Afternoon Session 1 Location: Nicollet C/D – Exhibits Room
1:30pm-3:30pm Product Reviews & Break
Afternoon Session 2
Simplicity Out of Chaos: IPC Reform from Vendor Perspective Session Chair: Tony Arleth
Location: Nicollet A/B
3:30pm-3:45pm Thomson Scientific
Bob Stembridge
3:45pm-4:00pm Questel-Orbit David Dickens
4:00pm-4:15pm Chemical Abstracts Service Jan Williams/Brian Sweet
4:15pm-4:30pm IFI Patent Intelligence Jim Brown
4:30pm-5:00pm Panel Discussion
Tuesday, May 23
Evening Entertainment
8:00pm-8:30pm Ice Cream Social
8:30pm-10:30pm IFFI Play
"The Patent Office Home Companion(with special guest stars, Monty Python's Flying Circus)" Produced and co-authored by Nancy Lambert
Location: Regency Room 2nd floor
Wednesday, May 24
7:30am–8:30am Breakfast
Sponsored by PIUG
Nicollet C/D
Exhibits Room
Current Events: Challenges and Pitfalls Session Chair: Yateen Pargaonkar
Location: Nicollet A/B
8:30am-9:00am Tips for Cost Effective and Efficient MMS Searching Judy Johnson Philipsen, Independent Consultant

Are Long Chemistry-Patent Publications by Definition Difficult to Understand and Analyze? Lawrence DeBolt, Elsevier MDL
9:30am-9:45am Product Reviews
9:45am-10:15am Break Location: Nicollet C/D – Exhibits Room
10:15am-10:45am The Rise and Fall of Stopword Lists in Patent Searching and Mapping Antoine Blanchard, Syngenta
10:45am-11:15am To Pastures New - A Searcher's Guide to Less Well-used Fields of Data Stephen Adams, Magister
11:15am-11:45am The Application of Text Mining in the Analysis of Patent Literature Christophe Beguel, TEMIS
11:45am–12:00pm Product Reviews
Wednesday, May 24
12:00pm–1:30pm Lunch
Sponsored by PIUG
(2nd floor)
Current Events: Patent Offices Session Chair: Carol Bachmann
Location: Nicollet A/B
1:30pm-2:10pm Search Strategies and the Reformed IPC Pasquale Foglia, European Patent Office
2:10pm-2:40pm The IPC and Other Animals Dan Shalloe, European Patent Office
2:40pm-2:55pm Q & A Session for European Patent Office
2:55pm-3:25pm Break
Location: Nicollet C/D – Exhibits Room
3:25pm-3:55pm Freedom-to-Operate Analysis: Streamlining the Process and Avoiding Landmines JiNan Glasgow, Neopatents
3:55pm-4:35pm Requiring Pre-Filing Patentability Searches: An Emerging USPTO Policy Joe Ebersole, Counsel for the Coalition for Patent and Trademark Information Dissemination
4:35pm-5:15pm KIPRIS (Korean Industrial Property Rights Information Service) YooChan Choi & Jeong Sei-Joon, Korean Institute of Patent Information
Wednesday, May 24
Evening Reception and Dinner at the Science Museum
Hosted by Thomson Scientific
Shuttle transportation provided, registration required
6:00pm Cocktail Reception
7:00pm Dinner
Thursday, May 25


Thomson Scientific Workshops (Registration required)
Andrew McFarlane, Don Walter, Bob Stembridge, Jonathan Grant, Ron Kaminecki
Lake Superior A/B Lake Minnetonka and Lake Nokomis
(5th floor)
8:00am-4:00pm STN Patent Forum (Registration required)
Rob Austin, Lora Burgess, Matt McBride, John Zabilski
Greenway A-C
(2nd floor)

Meeting Abstracts

Keynote Speaker: Charles Dennis, Vice President, CRM Business Development, Medtronic

Title: "Do You Truly Leverage What You Already Know?"

When most people think about patent searching, they think about getting onto a database and doing a search. In doing so, they rely upon their existing knowledge of classifications, common terminology and the like. But do you really leverage everything you know when you do this? Or are you just repeating the same steps over and over? The continuing explosive growth in patent filings and the importance of intellectual property for business means that we must all become more efficient at doing the background art, landscape, due diligence and other searches that are in ever increasing demand. Fully leveraging everything we already know is essential to doing to learning how to work smarter, not just harder.


Charles Dennis is Vice-President, Business Development, for the $5 billion Cardiac Rhythm Management division of Medtronic. He is responsible for global business development and management of intellectual property. This includes managing acquisitions and start-up investing, technology scouting, licensing, patent procurement, intellectual property landscaping and analysis, and strategy development.

Prior to joining Medtronic, Mr. Dennis led the creation of the Strategic Intellectual Asset Management licensing business at 3M, and was Director Specialty Storage and Business Development Director in the Data Storage division of Imation. Mr. Dennis also practiced intellectual property law for over 15 years and was general counsel/treasurer of the international business development consulting firm DC Associates.

While in private practice, Mr. Dennis ran a search business using the USPTO public search room in the pre-computer days. He also chaired the AIPLA and ABA Information Retrieval Committees from the mid-1980s to early-1990s, and played a strong role in pushing the USPTO to make patent data available to the public on-line.

Mr. Dennis has a Bachelor of Arts in Physics, cum laude and with departmental honors, from Carleton College, and a Juris Doctor from Northwestern University School of

Contact Details: Charles Dennis
Medtronic, Inc.
Mail Stop CW210
7000 Central Avenue NE
Minneapolis, MN 55432
Tel: 763-514-4568
Email: charles.l.dennis @


Speaker: Doreen Alberts, Theravance

Title:  "The Ever-Changing Role of Information Analysts in Pharmaceutical R&D"

Drug discovery is a long and expensive process. Staying on top of changes in our industry is critical to our success. The huge amount of information available to us presents opportunities to react quicker to paradigm shifts, but for scientists focused on their own research, this can be a challenging task. This is where an information analyst can be an asset. We are no longer only a 'service' function, but have become active and integral members of corporate and R&D project teams.
To be successful in our industry, we need to shorten development time and decrease cost. This presentation will highlight the role of an information analyst in moving a compound through the R&D pipeline. The value of an information analyst is not easy to quantify but our contributions to the success of our companies can be significant.

Doreen Alberts is the Associate Director of the Knowledge Management at Theravance, a small pharmaceutical company in South San Francisco. She started her career at Scripps Research Institute as a chemist in the Molecular Biology Department working on catalytic monoclonal antibodies. Prior to joining Theravance in 2000, Ms. Alberts spent 13 years at SmithKline Beecham (now GlaxoSmithKline), originally hired as a medicinal chemist. In 1999, she transferred to the Information Management Department where she worked as an Information Analyst, supporting the Inflammation Tissue Repair and Oncology project teams.

Contact Details:
Doreen Alberts Associate Director
Knowledge Management
Theravance Inc.
901 Gateway Blvd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080


Speakers: Martha Ellison & Denise Rabogliatti, 3M

Title: 3M Information Research & Solutions in 2010 - Mapping and Driving the Future of a Corporate Information Organization

Throughout 2004 and early 2005, the management team of 3M's worldwide information organization undertook a project to envision the information organization, including staff, services and resources, needed to support 3M's information requirements in 2010. Using several intersecting strategic planning porcesses, a map for the future was created along with a plan for closing the gaps to meet future organizational needs. This talk will discuss the strategic planning processes used, the outcomes, and current activities on the path to 2010.


Contact Details:
Martha Ellison,3M
3M Center, Building 201-2C-12
Maplewood, MN 55144
Tel: 651-736-5565
Email: mbellison @

Denise Rabogliatti, 3M
3M Center, Bldg. 224-2E-40
Maplewood, MN 55145
Email: dgrabogliatti @


Speaker: Bill McGinnis, IBM

Title: Open Patent Review Initiative

The United States wants to improve a world class patent system to remain consistent with what is expected in the world community. This is a critical requirement in the face of new technologies for handling the information base used by patent offices for prior art seaches. The USPTO and private industry are engaged in various projects to improve the US patent system in a challenging environment involving rapid growth of new technologies and a culture that is highly litigious. One such effort is the Community Patent Review. This proposal seeks to make published patent applications more readily available to communities of expert reviewers by incorporating an alerting feature into the existing PTO database for published applications. This system will allow the public to register searches and receive periodic updates. The proposal envisions the creation of community platforms perhaps in the form of web-based communities in which participants might seek experts and actively discuss published applications.

Another project is providing Open Source materials as prior art. The project focuses on rendering the millions of lines of open source code available in various online repositories into a form that is suitable for use by examiners. Principle items in the project include a tagging mechanism that attaches searchable functional descriptors to code at varying levels of granularity. A third and academically driven project (separate from the patent office) is the Patent Quality Index in which the objective is to create a numeric index that represents the quality of a patent. The index would likely be comprised of sub-indices which in turn would reflect combinations of data regarding various aspects of the patent preparation and examination process indicating the clarity of the patent record and the rigor of the examination.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology BSEE 1966
University of Minnesota Law School JD 1969
Several years of private and corporate practice in Minneapolis 1969-1985 including fourteen years at Control Data Corporation in the intellectual property department.
1985 – Present with IBM at locations in NewYork and now Rochester IPLaw Counsel, with positions on corporate IP Law staff in licensing and patent portfolio management.

Contact Details:
William J. McGinnis--IPLaw Counsel
Rochester, Minnesota, IBM Corporation
3605 Hwy. 52 N
Rochester MN 55901
Tel: 507-253-5331
Email: mcginpat @


Speaker: Dr. Alison Taylor, Threshold Information, Inc.

Title: How to Optimize Search Reports for Clients - Tips From an Independent Search Firm

It is a continual challenge to be able to search the patent and non-patent literature effectively, especially for independent search firms that expect to make a living from their expert services. You need to manage both the data expenses and researcher’s time tightly and produce a well-organized, concise report that serves the client well.

The question often becomes not, ‘Does this information exist in the published domain?’ – you know that it does – but, ‘What is the best (i.e. least expensive) way to extract it?’. There are multiple choices dependent on your level of expertise and datasource subscription options. This presentation will highlight some of the most important aspects of technical searching that a resourceful searcher needs to remember in order to serve the client well. For example, some of the differences in the way the various patent classification systems are used and applied by examiners and indexers may considerably affect ability to gather and report complete and reliable data.

Following data gathering, which tools should be used to extract and present the most pertinent data? Some real-life examples of errors and problems encountered during research projects will be discussed, with a focus on life science and law firm clients.

Alison is a scientific information specialist working with Threshold Information Inc., an independent information consultancy . She performs patent and literature searches for a variety of Threshold’s clients, with a focus on the life sciences. She was previously manager of the patent and chemical searchers team with Monsanto and Pharmacia (now Pfizer) and has eleven years experience as an information scientist. Alison has a PhD in biochemistry and started her career as a research scientist with Abbott Laboratories in the Molecular Biology dept.

Contact Details:
Dr. Alison Taylor
Threshold Information Inc.
1910 First St.
Highland Park
IL 60035
Tel: 847 433 8306
Email: ataylor @
General Email: infopros @


Speaker: Yateen Pargaonkar, Procter & Gamble

Title: Patent Analysis & Visualization for Technology Assessmen

Access to technical information contained in patent documents is a key element in fostering the use of patent system, for innovation and creation. For this reason, knowing how to turn voluminous patent information to knowledge for better business decisions is vital.
By working together with your Information provider, R & D Technologists, Patent Attorneys and IP Managers you can answer complex questions that can be used to make better business decisions. For instance they can:
- Analyze the patent landscape to determine who, what, where, when and how.
- Track competitive intelligence to find out what your competitors are doing.
- Understand “White Space” or areas of commercial potential significance to the company.
- Identify, connect and develop opportunities for existing technology.

- Information Scientist at P&G
- Registered Patent Agent at USPTO
- Associate Law Librarian focused in Patent Searching at Morrison & Forester In San Diego and as Scientific Advisor to IP Law Firms on the East Coast
- Lecturer at University of California in San Diego for one summer on Patent Searching
- Trained as a Biomedical Scientist. M.S in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from University of Miami, FL.

Contact Details:
Yateen Pargaonkar
Information Scientist, P & G
8700 Mason-Montgomery RD, MBC
Mason, Ohio 45040
Tel: 513-622-2861
Email: pargaonkar.y @


Speakers: Edlyn S. Simmons & Alena F. Chadwick, Procter & Gamble

Title: Searching for Needles in Sewing Boxes – Advantages of Subject Specific Databases Over Uncontrolled Free Text Files

We often speak of searching for a particular bit of published information as looking for a needle in a haystack. In recent years the quantity of published matter has grown enormously while advances in computer technology have made more and more publications available in full text databases and Internet sites. As the virtual haystacks have grown, recognizing the needles among the straw has become more difficult.

A more efficient way to search for a needle is to look in a sewing box – a specialized container for needles and related materials. Subject-based databases with controlled indexing terms and vocabularies are the sewing baskets in the world of information retrieval. This paper will give examples of the difficulties posed by searching uncontrolled free text and the advantages of searching for information in databases customized to the technologies being searched.

Edlyn S. Simmons is the winner of the 2005 International Patent Information Award. She serves as Section Manager, Patent Information, at Procter & Gamble Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio. She holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry and is a registered U.S. patent agent. She is a founding member, past Chair, and Director at Large of PIUG (Patent Information Users Group Inc.) and is the Course Director of the PERI (Pharmaceutical Education, Research Institute) course on Patent Information for Pharma/Biotech and a member of the World Patent Information Editorial Advisory Board.

Ms. Chadwick is a Senior Information Scientist at The Procter & Gamble Company. She performs searches for prior art and freedom-to-practice information, focusing on mechanical and process topics. Her background is in science and technology librarianship, working in university, public, and special library settings, including in a US patent depository library.

Contact Details:
Edlyn S. Simmons
Section Manager - Patent Information
Intellectual Property & Business Information Services
The P&G US Business Services Co.
5299 Spring Grove Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45217
Phone: (513) 627-5664
Fax: (513) 627-6854
Email: @

Alena Chadwick
Senior Information Scientist
Intellectual Property & Business Information Services
The P&G US Business Services Co
6100 Center Hill Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45224
Phone: (513) 634-6562
Fax (513) 634-1515
Email: @


Speaker: Barry Brager, Perception Partners

Title: Inexpensive Methods for Formatting and Presenting Patent Intelligence

Patent intelligence is increasingly required to satisfy business decisions outside of the legal function. Often the results of patent searches are deep sets of documents possessing multiple points of interest. Comprehension of search results is improved when presentations can be tailored, delivered and formatted to the needs of busy decision-makers. To that end, we have developed and will demonstrate a workflow of inexpensive database (FileMaker Pro) and presentation (Microsoft Office) tools to maximize the impact and minimize the cost of preparing well-designed deliverables. This presentation will demonstrate an inexpensive solution to formatting and presenting patent search results that include a) patent document data and b) patent data visualizations.

Barry Brager is the Managing Partner and founder of Perception Partners, a consulting firm providing research, transactional and consulting services to intellectual property owners. In this role, Barry has led global competitive technical intelligence engagements and developed unique analytical products to support decisions made by corporate, institutional and economic development clients. His focus is to leverage unique marketing and financial research to improve intellectual property strategy and transactions.

Currently, Barry is the co-chair of the Atlanta Chapter of the Licensing Executives Society. He is also a member of the Intellectual Property Owners Association, Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association, Patent Information Users Group and the Association of University Technology Managers. He is a frequent speaker at the meetings of these and other associations. Barry has one US patent and multiple pending.

Barry recently completed Emory University's top 10 globally-ranked Executive MBA program, graduating Beta Gamma Sigma and first in the class.

Contact Details:
Barry Brager, Managing Partner
Perception Partners, Inc.
bbrager @
768 Marietta St. NW
Suite 102
Atlanta, GA 30318
T: (404) 523-5990
F: (770) 818-5521


Speaker: Jane List, The Technology Partnership plc

Title: Pumps, Valves, and Dispensers: Tools and Techniques for Finding Device Patents

Searching in the ever expanding field of mechanical and device patents has its own challenges, pitfalls and solutions. This presentation will consider the strengths and weaknesses of existing sources and tools for finding device patents from the perspective of searching at an independent technology consultancy. Drawings often form an important part of the patent specification for inventions in the field of mechanical and device patents and I will look at the use and value of drawings as a means of identifying relevant patents. The talk will be illustrated throughout with some examples of typical patent searches in the fields of pumps and dispensers. Suggestions will also be made for future tools that could particularly benefit searchers of mechanical and device patents.

Biography: Jane is responsible for information provision at The Technology Partnership, an independent technology development company based near Cambridge, UK, where she has worked since 1997. She performs technical and commercial patent and literature searches for TTP and its clients across all industry sectors primarily in the fields of physics and engineering. Prior to joining TTP Jane worked at DataStar (now part of Thomson Scientific) in the database design and documentation team, and prior to that worked in information roles at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Wellcome (now GSK) and the British Library. Jane started her career as a laboratory chemist at Thames Water. Jane has degrees in Chemistry, Information Science and a Certificate in Intellectual Property Law.

Contact Details:
Jane List
TTP (The Technology Partnership plc)
Melbourn Science Park
Cambridge Rd
Melbourn, Herts
Tel: (+44) 1763 262626
Fax: (+44) 1763 261582
Email: jane.list @


Speaker: Stephen K. Sampson, Caterpillar

Title: Automated Patent Portfolio Analysis and Categorization

The presentation discusses methods for generating patent portfolio landscapes of mechanical patents using predefined categorization rule sets. The presentation will include an example of rule set development using a combination of patent related characteristics. Application of commercially available search and analysis tools will be presented as well as visualization techniques.

Steve is the manager of IP Analytics for the Intellectual Property Department of Caterpillar’s Legal Services Division. He coordinates patent and literature search and analysis activities for Caterpillar and also provides related training. Steve has worked in patent analytics and competitive intelligence roles for the past three years, but has twenty-nine years of engineering experience related to internal combustion engines and fuel systems. He was an engineering manager for Cummins prior to joining Caterpillar in 1998. Steve has a MS in mechanical engineering degree and is currently completing course work toward his MBA.

Contact Details:
Stephen K. Sampson
Caterpillar, Inc.
100 N.E. Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61629-6490
Tel: 309 675 4922
Email: Stephen.Sampson @


Speaker: Stuart Dodd, Thomson Scientific

Title: Thomson Scientific Solutions: Meeting Business Needs Through an Integrated Information Solution

This presentation examines the proven and potential benefits that result from an Integrated Information Solution. As a long time provider of industry leading intellectual property, scientific literature, and other content and solution offerings, Thomson Scientific has been at the forefront of delivering products and services to meet the information needs of customers.

Drawing on a number of customer case studies, including the leading automotive safety systems developer, TRW, Stuart Dodd offers two perspectives. First, he will focus on how search techniques and results are impacted through the integration of different contents sets such as Derwent World Patents Index and full text patent collections as well as scientific literature and proceedings.

Stuart will then look at the wider picture and how advanced data management, data integration, and data visualization tools can reside within an organization’s workflow and be of benefit to organizations facing increasing demands to improve productivity, remove inefficient processes, and bring products to market faster and in the face of external competitive threats. These integrations can benefit all information users but especially Engineers, Researchers, IP and Information professionals.

Finally, Stuart will conclude with the potential next steps the integration of Thomson Scientific information solutions may take and what that could mean for both standard and customized information solutions.

Biography: Stuart has over 15 years of sales, consulting, and services experience, with the past 5 years focused exclusively on helping companies better manage their intellectual property. As the Vice President of Professional Services for Thomson Scientific and Health Care Corporate Markets group, Stuart and his team are responsible for ensuring that Thomson’s customers get the most value out of the products and services provided by the Thomson organization. This includes providing on-going e-learning education programs to help customers get quickly up to speed on new products, defining and managing customer centric consulting projects, developing new services and education programs to meet customers’ requirements, and providing ‘one stop’ patent searching services. Stuart joined Thomson as part of the MicroPatent acquisition in November 2004. Prior to MicroPatent, Stuart managed the account management and consulting services organization with Aurigin Systems. In addition, Stuart has worked at Hewlett-Packard as a Principal Consultant advising Fortune 100 customers on best practices within the information technology industry. Stuart holds an MBA from Columbia University Graduate School of Business

Contact Details: Stuart Dodd
Thomson Scientific
Tel: 720.406.1207
Email: stuart.dodd @


Speaker: Michael White, Queen's University

Title: Patents on Campus: The Role of Patent Information in Academic Research, Teaching, Learning and Technology Transfer

Since passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, the number of patents granted to U.S. universities and public research institutes has increased ten-fold. In 2003 alone, universities and research institutes in the U.S. and Canada filed approximately 16,000 new invention disclosures and received 8,000 patents. European governments are considering legislation similar to Bayh-Dole in order to encourage more academic researchers to commercialize their discoveries and innovations. This phenomena is not limited to developed countries. In China, academic patenting is increasing at a faster rate than published scholarly articles, due, in part, to intellectual property law reform and government policies encouraging domestic innovation and commercialization. Patents are increasingly important to academic institutions worldwide. This session will explore how patent information is being used by university and not-for-profit researchers, instructors, librarians and technology transfer officers.

Michael White is the librarian for research services in the Engineering and Science Library at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. He is the departmental liaison and subject specialist for chemistry, chemical engineering, electrical and computer engineering (interim) and patents. He is also responsible for providing services to interdisciplinary research centres and works closely with PARTEQ Innovations, the university's technology transfer office. Prior to Queen's, Mike had an seven-year career with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in Washington, D.C. At the USPTO he worked in the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program (PTDLP) Office, which coordinates a nationwide network of libraries that provide patent and trademark information to the public. He has conducted numerous seminars on patent searching for librarians, attorneys, inventors and the general public. He received his B.A. degree in history and international relations from Boston University in 1989 and his MLIS from the University of Michigan in 1994. He was a PTDLP fellowship librarian in 1997-1998.

Contact Details:
Michael J. White
Librarian for Research Services
Engineering and Science Library
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario


Speaker: Susan McFadden Patow, University of Minnesota

Title: Overview of Academic Patenting and Licensing

In 1980 legislation enacted by Congress known as the Bayh-Dole Act, radically changed how universities treated intellectual property created by their faculty. The legislation not only allowed but encouraged the patenting and licensing of federally funded technology created by university inventors. While slow at first to embrace this concept, universities are now in the "business" of patenting and licensing their inventions. License revenue has become a major funding source for universities as federal and state support has declined and tuition increases have not kept up with the rising cost of education and research. Patent prosecution and technology transfer has become big business for universities. This session will provide an overview of the university technology transfer process from invention disclosure, market evaluation, patent filing decisions, and ultimately licensing to an established or start-up company.

Sue Patow is the Senior Licensing Associate in the Health Technologies Division of Patents & Technology Marketing. In this position Sue works with faculty from the Academic Health Center to identify and evaluate inventions resulting from their University research. Along with invention evaluation, Sue is also responsible for managing the patent prosecution of the inventions and identifying and negotiating royalty bearing licenses with commercial partners to further develop and commercialize the inventions. Royalty income resulting from these licenses supports additional research at the University.

Sue is an active leader in several professional associations and editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Technology Transfer and on the editorial board of the Journal of the Association of University Technology Managers. Sue holds a B.S. in nursing from the Medical College of Virginia with distinction and an M.B.A. and M.S. in technology management from the University of Maryland. Sue's Emerging Leaders project is with the University's Community Relations Office to identify all of the University programs focusing on children and youth. This information will be available to the public through a searchable web site as part of the University's commitment to children.

Contact Details:
Susan McFadden Patow, MBA, MS
Senior Licensing Associate
Patents & Technology Marketing
University of Minnesota
Suite 450 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street, SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: 612-624-3966
Fax 612-624-6554
Email: patow001 @


Speaker: Nancy Spitzer, Univ. of Wisconsin

Title: Patents 101: Teaching Patents to Engineering Students

 Wendt Library is a U.S. Patent and Trademark Depository Library, one of 83 across the country. The library serves the University of Wisconsin-Madison's College of Engineering and works with faculty to promote information literacy for engineering students. Many engineering courses emphasize creativity and design, and campus competitions reward student invention. Wendt librarians are working to increase their visibility as a resource in College instructional programs, and strive to integrate the teaching of patents into the curriculum. This session will give an overview of how engineering students are introduced to the patent literature and to the concepts of the patenting process.

Nancy Spitzer has been a librarian at Wendt Library since 1998. As part of Wendt's role in the USPTO's Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program, she helps library users (university and the public) with the patent searching process and locating patent resources. Nancy also teaches patent research workshops for UW College of Engineering classes in engineering professional development, graduate seminars, engineering design classes and for an annual student creativity competition. Nancy has been a librarian for 20 years in various positions at UW-Madison, and at the universities of Pittsburgh and Wyoming.

Contact Details:
Nancy Spitzer
Patents/Reports Librarian
Kurt F. Wendt
University of Wisconsin-Madison
215 N. Randall Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: (608) 265-9802
Email: spitzer @


Speaker: Judy Johnson Philipsen, Independent Consultant

Title: Tips for Cost Effective and Efficient MMS Searching

Merged Markush Service (MMS) is a product which allows the searching and retrieval of real and prophetic structures described in the patent literature. The recent transfer of this program from IBM to UNIX platform has resulted in an update of procedures for using this program. The following topics will be described in this presentation: (1) considerations in creating a structure query, (2) methods of creating, inputting, and correcting the query, (3) the platforms with which to access MMS, and (4) the various search options. Costs of MMS and housekeeping tips as well as techniques in finding the references for MMS Compound Numbers (CN) which are missing in the Derwent World Patent Index database, will also be discussed.

Judy Johnson Philipsen retired from Pfizer in April, 2006 and is currently a Patent Information Consultant working with Technology Patent Research International. She received her MS in Biochemistry/Organic Chemistry from Iowa State University and then joined the Medicinal Chemistry Department at Parke Davis in Ann Arbor, where she worked as a bench chemist, synthesizing potential drugs. During that time, she was author or co-author of 37 publications. In 1989, she became a chemistry/patent searcher. Prior to her retirement, she held the title of Information Manager in the Information Management Department at Pfizer. In addition to her searching responsibilities, she was Global Coordinator of the SciFinder Program at Pfizer as well as being involved in mentoring and training. She has also been a part of the faculty for the course on Patent Information for Pharma/Biotech, provided by the Pharmaceutical Education and Research Institute, Inc.

Contact Details:
Judy Johnson Philipsen
Email: judyphilipsen @


Speaker: Lawrence DeBolt, Elsevier MDL

Title: Are Long Chemistry-Patent Publications by Definition Difficult to Understand and Analyze?

Those dealing with patent publications realize that the average size of patent documents is continuously growing. Increasing number of patent pages, long lists of claimed compounds, huge Markush structures make understanding and analysis of patent documents challenging.

How do providers of databases built from patent publications deal with this phenomenon? What indexing concepts and analysis tools might help to handle these issues? Taking a closer look into the new MDL Patent Chemistry Database the author will describe how the display of so-called ‘Markush Families”, Markush reactions and the export of patent-specific data to tables help to make analyzing of long chemistry-related patent documents easier.

Lawrence DeBolt is an Advisory Consultant with Elsevier MDL based in Morristown, NJ, where he has provided the primary support for the MDL Patent Chemistry Database, Beilstein and other Elsevier MDL databases.

Prior to joining Elsevier MDL, Lawrence DeBolt held positions at Exxon Mobil Polymer Research Center as a Staff Chemist, Tripos Associates as a Senior Field Applications Scientist and prior to that the Sherwin-Williams Company as a Senior Coatings Physicist.
Contact Details:

Dr. Lawrence DeBolt
Advisory Consultant
Elsevier MDL
163 Madison Ave., 4th Floor
Morristown, NJ 07960
Tel: 1-(800) 406-4321 X2215
Email: l.debolt @


Speaker: Antoine Blanchard, Syngenta

Title: The Rise and Fall of Stopword Lists in Patent Searching and Mapping

Stopword lists are collections of so-called 'noise' words, which appear frequently in documents but are considered as non information-bearing. They have been introduced as a way to enhance information retrieval e.g. patent information retrieval in 1958 and were further developed until the 1970's. Since then, they have remained almost unchanged albeit they have gained importance by forming the basis for advanced tools such as text mining, mapping or clustering tools. Moreover, they are currently mostly used in static form whereas they could benefit from the latest findings of information science.

Biography: Antoine graduated from a French engineering "Grande école" in agricultural and life sciences while earning a background in bibliometrics. He joined Syngenta AG (Basel, Switzerland) in April, 2005 as a trainee in charge of patent mapping benchmarking and use for strategic decision making. He was later appointed Patent Information Specialist. Antoine is the recipient of the Brian Stockdale Memorial Award 2005 underwritten by PIUG.

Contact Details:
Syngenta Crop Protection AG
WRO 1002.8-65
Schwarzwaldallee 215
4058 Basel
Tel: +41 61 323 92 75
Email: antoine.blanchard @


Speaker: Stephen Adams, Magister

Title: To Pastures New - A Searcher's Guide to Less Well-used Fields of Data

Human nature tends to encourage us to stay within our comfort zone, and patent searchers are no exception. As a result, many searchers only develop practical experience in using a relatively small number of search fields, within a subset of the commercial or free-of-charge patent databases. This leaves a variety of lesser ones which are used more rarely, or never. The purpose of this talk is to describe some search tips and techniques which put these less well-known fields to good use, either alone or in conjunction with other data. Examples will include interpretation of EPO data, when the same field can mean more than one thing, the use of attorney names and inventors addresses, opposition data from single country files, and quasi-legal status data from application number sub-fields.

Stephen is managing director of Magister Ltd, a UK-based best-practice consultancy in patent information. He holds a chemistry degree at Bachelor level and a Masters degree in Information Science, and has worked with patent information full-time since 1988, during a career which has spanned national government, private sector research and commercial industry information departments. He is author of the newly published reference work "Information Sources in Patents", as well as numerous other scientific papers. Stephen will be stepping down from the position of Director-at-Large of PIUG Inc in 2006, but intends to remain fully involved, especially in international patent issues. He is on the editorial advisory board of "World Patent Information".

Contact Details: Magister Ltd.,
Crown House,
231 Kings Road,
Berkshire, RG1 4LS
United Kingdom
Tel: (+44) (0)118 966 6520
Email: stevea @


Speaker: Christophe Beguel, TEMIS

Title: The Application of Text Mining in the Analysis of Patent Literature

Intellectual Property (IP) management has become a critical business tool for pharmaceutical companies to protect existing products, foster innovation and increase sales potential. This trend has been especially accentuated with the ever increasing competition from generic and “me-too” drugs and the importance of licensing (in and out) in the portfolio mix of all major players.

Patent analysis is a key element that supports the definition and execution of an IP strategy and requires analyzing thoroughly the patent literature to find information, such as:
- What is the patent landscape in a given area?
- What is the scope of application for this set of patents?
- Who are the most prominent actors in this area?
- Etc.

But to answer these questions and others, patent specialists need to sift through large collections of patent documents, looking for specific clues. Online databases and visualization tools can provide a first answer to those questions but fail to offer a user friendly environment to conduct searches and analyze the content of patents in a flexible way with the desired granularity for the requested information.

In this presentation we will detail TEMIS’ approach to patent analysis with our text mining based solution, the TEMIS IP-Miner™. Built on a core of highly customizable and domain specific knowledge tools (Skill Cartridge™), the IP-Miner offers a unique interface to conduct searches, analysis and reporting from large set of document sources, including patent literature, news feeds and scientific and medical literature. Using a flexible semantic layer based on our awarded Skill Cartridge™ system, the platform enables users to access and represent information in various ways from chemical structure searches to concept analysis.

This presentation is also the occasion to share different user experiences with the IP Miner and illustrate the advantages and limits of an integrated and flexible text mining approach to patent analysis.

Christophe Beguel is responsible for the business development of TEMIS operations in the United States. Working closely with our partners and customers, Christophe Beguel implements TEMIS corporate strategy for the North American market. Prior to his current position, he acted as Account Manager Life Sciences for TEMIS, responsible for the sales of TEMIS Solutions in France, Switzerland and Benelux. For customers such as Hoffmann-La Roche or IPSEN, Christophe Beguel supervised the implementation of dedicated solutions in Research and Development or Competitive Intelligence. Before joining TEMIS, Christophe Beguel held the position of Account Manager for Digimind, a European software vendor providing Competitive Intelligence solutions to the large corporations. There he was responsible for key customers such as AstraZeneca, Rockwell-Collins or Groupama. Christophe Beguel holds a Bachelor’s of Art in Economics from University of Lyon (France) and has co-authored several articles about Competitive Intelligence, mostly published in France (Edition WEKA).

Contact Details:
Christophe Beguel
Tel: 571 235 8395
Email: christophe.beguel @


Speaker: Pasquale Foglia, EPO

Title: Search Strategies and the Reformed IPC

Since its creation, the main objective of the International Patent Classification (IPC) has been to constitute an essential search tool for the retrieval of patent documents. In 1999, the Reform process was launched in order to modernise the structure, rules and tools of the IPC, in order to maintain its effectiveness also in the contemporary electronic documentation and search environment.
In January 2006 the reformed IPC entered into force. This presentation gives an overview of the Reform-related changes that have a direct impact on the search and offers some suggestions on how to adapt on-line search strategies in view of the new possibilities offered by the reformed IPC, with particular reference to patentability searches.
Short Outline:
- Aspects of the reformed IPC that have an impact on the search
- Relevant statistics relating to the inventory of the new IPC
- Non-Reform related IPC changes
- New ways to find relevant classification places in the IPC
- Types of patent search
- An approach and model for a structured search process
- Novel adaptations of search parameters rendered possible by the reformed IPC
- Aspects of the implementation of the reformed IPC
- Free internet portals for patent search using IPC
- Introduction of the ECLA Reform.

Pasquale Foglia is Senior Patent Examiner and member of the Classification Board (Electricity) at the European Patent Office (EPO). He holds a degree in electronics from the University of Naples, Italy. After working in the field of automation and robotics for an aerospace company, he joined the EPO (The Hague) in 1991 as an examiner in the field of pictorial communication, later also becoming Instructor at the EPO Academy for new Examiners. Besides his search and examination activities, he joined the EPO Classification Board in 2000. In this function, he supervises all changes to ECLA in most of the "H" and part of the "G" sections and he is member of the IPC Revision and Reform Working Groups at WIPO as EPO delegate, also being Rapporteur for several IPC Revision Projects (i.a. "Business Methods" G06Q). He is also Rapporteur of Trilateral Harmony Projects, and his interests include harmonisation of classification for emerging technologies, e.g. Digital Rights Management (DRM).

Contact Details:
Pasquale Foglia
European Patent Office
Patentlaan 2
2288 EE Rijswijk, NL
Tel: +31 70 340 3792
Email: pfoglia @


Speaker: Dan Shalloe, EPO

Title: The IPC and Other Animals

The IPC reform was the dominant topic at the EPO Patent Information Conference in Budapest last November; a substantial part of this presentation will focus on what has happened with the IPC since then and provide an answer to the question, "Did the launch of the new IPC on the 1 January go smoothly for the EPO?" We shall look at the main EPO databases, and esp@cenet, and report on which data is now fully in line with IPC version 8, which is not, and what the time-scale is for further actions.

Other than the IPC, the presentation will also briefly touch on issues raised at the EPO Patent Information Conference, such as nanotechnology searches (including the "Y01N" classification tag), the newly launched "Chinese patent information helpdesk", and the EPO declarations of "Search" or "Partial search" for complex applications.


Daniel Shalloe joined the European Patent Office in September 1989 as a search examiner, having completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London two years previously. In October 1991, he moved to the EPO’s newly created Vienna sub-office, specialising in patent information. Since 1991, he has been editor-in-chief of EPIDOS News and a leading member of the organising team for the EPO Patent Information Conference.

Contact Details:
Daniel Shalloe
European Patent Office
Rennweg 12
1030 Vienna


Speaker: JiNan Glasgow, Neopatents

Title: Freedom-to-Operate Analysis: Streamlining the Process and Avoiding Landmines

Most business leaders assume that having a patent automatically gives you the right to make or sell a product or service – and to be the only one to do it. The truth is that patents don’t give the right to make or sell anything. Business leaders must understand what a patent is – and isn’t – in today’s innovation economy. Protecting innovation is only part of the game; avoiding infringement of others’ patents is another significant part that often goes unnoticed at first. The key for avoiding infringement landmines is getting a complete picture early in the game and exercising the options that are available. There’s no better time to avoid future litigation than before you have invested the time and resources to move something into the commercial marketplace – including all the marketing, advertising, branding, and packaging that goes with it. This presentation will focus on the importance of incorporating a freedom-to-operate analysis early on in the product development process and will include several case studies.

JiNan Glasgow is co-founder, CEO & president of Neopatents and is recognized worldwide for her expertise in intellectual property (IP). As an inventor, patent attorney and prior United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) patent examiner, JiNan uniquely understands intellectual property from the industry, legal services and government perspectives. JiNan’s technical background includes textiles, mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering, polymer fiber science composites and materials, biomedical devices, surgical/dental devices and applications, fiber optics, software, and pulp/paper science. Her educational background includes degrees in engineering, law and theology from NC State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Duke University, respectively.

Contact Details:
JiNan Glasgow
CEO, Neopatents
PO Box 28539
Raleigh, NC 27611-8539
Tel: +1 919 664 8222
Fax: +1 919 664-8625
Email: jinan @


Speaker: Joe Ebersole, Counsel for the Coalition for Patent and Trademark Information Dissemination

Title: Requiring Pre-Filing Patentability Searches: An Emerging USPTO Policy

In public meetings, USPTO has announced its interest in moving toward a policy of requiring pre-filing patentability searches for all applications. These would have to be conducted according to guidelines USPTO will provide. In the meantime, several Rule changes have instituted this requirement in selected areas, and as such, they represent small steps toward the eventual policy. The impact on USPTO quality and pendency would be very positive. The impact on private sector patent information and search services would also be very positive; although adjustments or enhancements would be needed by both USPTO in their approach to guidelines and by the private sector in some of the specifics of services offered. There are some potential barriers that could block, or, as a minimum, force USPTO to alter an eventual blanket requirement. This presentation will discuss the implications for the private sector patent information services industry and private sector patent searchers, and the problems that will need to be overcome to implement the policy in full.

Joe is Counsel for the Coalition for Patent and Trademark Information Dissemination. Coalition members are: CCH Corsearch; Dialog; IFI Claims; LexisNexis; MicroPatent; Thomson Scientific; and Thomson Compumark.

Contact Details:
Joe Ebersole
2101 Conn. Ave.
No. 63; Washington, DC 20008
Office Cell: 202-329-5380
Home: 202-387-3509
Email: JLE2 @


Speakers: YooChan Choi & Jeong Sei-Joon, Korean Institute of Patent Information

Title: KIPRIS (Korean Industrial Property Rights Information Service)

KIPRIS is the most comprehensive patent information search service in Korea which covers Korean patents, utility models, designs and trademarks. KIPI(Korea Institute of Patent Information), on behalf of KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office), started the service in 1996 and KIPRIS has become free of charge since 2000.
For patent information user in the world, KIPRIS began its KPA(English abstracts of Korean patents) search service through the internet in 1999. Moreover, KIPRIS added new English interface for patents, utility models, designs and trademarks in 2005.

This presentation aims at informing the accessibility to Korean patent information through free source, “KIPRIS”, by introducing the features and coverage as well as how to retrieve the best results.

Biography: Choi, YooChan graduated from KangNung National University majoring Electronic Engineering and joined the Korea Institute of Patent Information(KIPI) in 2002. He also studied intellectual property law at the Graduate School of KyungHee University. He first started his career as a patent searcher at Imaging Device Division and transferred to KIPRIS team in 2003. In KIPRIS team he has been heavily involved in international cooperation and KIPRIS Helpdesk to support foreign users. Furthermore, he coordinated several conferences and training courses for KIPRIS users.

Contact Details:
Choi, YooChan
IT Planning & Development Team, KIPI
KIPS, 647-9 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul, Korea 135-980
Tel.: +82-2-3452-8144 ext. 333
Fax: +82-2-3453-2967
Email: uchan2 @



Program Committee

Barbara Burg, Co-Chair
Terri Dockter, Co-Chair
Tony Arleth, Co-Chair
John Arenivar, Co-Chair

Carol Bachmann
Richard Kurt
Yateen Pargaonkar
Daniel Phelps
Paul Steig
Vicki Veach
Michael White

Last updated: 11 May 2006

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