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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Registration, Exhibits Open
9:00 AM Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Kimberly Miller, PIUG 2015 NE Conference Chair
Don Walter, PIUG 2015 NE Program Committee
9:10 AM The Substance of Substances
Anne Gregg, Max Pometun, Bryan Warner (Dow Chemical Company)
9:35 AM Using Patent Information to Support Selection of Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceuticals: Part 2 - Biologics
A.J. D'Ambra, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
10:00 AM Special Members of Your Patent Families: Non-Convention Equivalents
Brian Sweet, Chemical Abstracts Service
10:25 AM Product Reviews
10:35 AM Break & Vendor Exhibits
11:05 AM Efficient and Effective Patent Landscaping Using PatBase: a Case Study
Robert Poolman, Minesoft Ltd
11:30 AM Learning from Patent Examiners: Solution to Help Companies Patent their Inventions, License Technologies, and Address Litigation Challenge
Liat Belinson, AIP North America
11:55 AM Product Reviews
12:05 PM Lunch
1:05 PM Global Patent Prosecution
Jessica Patterson, United States Patent & Trademark Office
1:30 PM The 5 Golden Rules of Business Requests
Charles J. Brumlik, Nanobiz LLC
1:55 PM Product Reviews
2:05 PM Break & Vendor Exhibits
2:45 PM Patent Data, Evidence-Based IP Policy Making, and the Importance of Analytics
Arleen Malley Zank, Way Better Patents
3:10 PM Product Review
3:15 PM Patent Search beyond Boolean
Katya Suvorova, Thomson Reuters
3:40 PM Taking Patent Analysis to the Next Level – Using Multiple Patent Quality Metrics to Support Strategic Decisions for a Patent Portfolio.
Nancy Lee, Questel
4:05 PM The Patent Landscape and Beyond…Bridging the Gap between Patent Information and “Everything Else”
Terri Sawyer, ProQuest Dialog
4:30 PM Closing Remarks
6:00 PM Networking Dinner ("Dutch treat';registration required)

Conference Abstracts and Biographies

Learning from Patent Examiners: Solution to Help Companies Patent their Inventions, License Technologies, and Address Litigation Challenge Top of page
Liat Belinson, AIP North America


With more than one million patent applications filed every year, searching for prior-art has become a daunting task. This constitutes an important challenge for technology companies and their legal representatives, as the value of its assets depends on their ability to demonstrate the novelty of their inventive efforts. Failing to identify prior-art makes it difficult for companies to patent their inventions and exposes them to costly litigation. The breadth and complexity of the IP space makes it all but impossible to search for prior-art without the help of machine-based intelligence that identifies relationships between a new invention and those described in millions of patent documents. Existing solutions fail to take into account that companies often use (and are strongly motivated to) different words to describe similar inventions. This makes search efforts based on the similarities between words prone to miss relevant prior-art. What is more, existing techniques do not account for temporal changes in the terminology used to describe particular inventions. This is not a trivial omission as, by definition, the search for prior-art requires comparing an invention with other produced at different points in time. AIP developed an advance search engine that addresses these shortcomings. AIP uses thousands of examination reports to learn about textual relationship that describe scientific concepts and applies this learning to compare inventions. That is, instead of comparing document on the basis that these contain similar words, our algorithm compares document on the basis that these describe similar ideas. We present a number of cases were AIP’s solution helped companies patent their inventions, license technologies, and address litigation challenges.


Liat Belinson is the founder and CEO of AIP North America. She has a BSc in Economics and Computer Science from Tel Aviv University in 2004, and an MSc in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2005. After graduating from LSE, Liat worked as a product developer in a large financial firm in the city of London. Liat founded AIP North America in 2013 after completing two accelerator programs at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, and the Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Prior founding AIP, Liat spent several years developing her unique, patent-pending, search technology, which is the foundation on which AIP stands. Shortly after its launch, AIP signed several long-term contracts with fortune 500 and medium-size companies.

The 5 Golden Rules of Business RequestsTop of page
Charles J. Brumlik, Nanobiz LLC


We will discuss how soft skills impact search results.

  • How to impress business clients who think that they are expert [Google] searchers.
  • How to deliver actionable results to highly competitive and data-overloaded executives.
  • Differences between technical drivers and business drivers that compound miscommunication.

We will include structured approaches and examples based on five golden rules to bridge the business-searcher chasm. The five golden rules:

  1. Fit with the business goal - understand the underlying business need versus the request
  2. Efficient results – iteratively develop that ‘real’ request
  3. Value - adjust the approach to its worth
  4. Actionable by the client - translate multisource data into business ideas
  5. Actionable opportunities – deliver easily digestible snippets with simple action items


Charles Brumlik founded and manages the mid-size consulting firm, Nanobiz LLC. He advises multinational companies and investment groups who convert science into profits. Advanced patent search, competitive intelligence, and market research are critical components of Nanobiz’s operational methodology.

At ExxonMobil, Honeywell, and the Porzio law firm, he specialized in transactional and patent issues in science commercialization with corporations, academia, and governments. Dr. Brumlik has a chemistry Ph.D. and over 25 years of experience with advanced materials, nanotechnology, chemistry, and their industrial processes.

Nanobiz team members, Abhishek Choudhury and Mandar Vaidya, have masters degrees in polymers and pharmacy. Through their years of experience with custom business-driven IP in cross-border settings, they developed advanced multi-source search techniques and client-friendly reporting.

Taking Patent Analysis to the Next Level – Using Multiple Patent Quality Metrics to Support Strategic Decisions for a Patent Portfolio.Top of page
Nancy Lee, Questel


While competitive benchmarking has been around for many years, comparing portfolios can be complicated and manually time-consuming. But it remains necessary to do this, as well as assessing your legal risk to operate, in order to exclude others from entering your specific space. The multiple metrics can then be illustrated easily via charts, graphs, or other reporting techniques to reveal trends previously undetected.


Ms. Nancy Lee holds a Master of Science in Business and a Master in Library Science. She held various positions in training and sales at Dialog Information Services (now Proquest LLC) and was Solution Consultant for the Thomson Reuters IP & Science division.

Ms. Lee is now Questel Manager of Training and IP Education for the US market.

Using Patent Information to Support Selection of Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceuticals: Part 2 - Biologics Top of page
A.J. D'Ambra, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research


This presentation will resume the previous discussion (PIUG NE 2014) of the use of patent information in the creation and selection of nonproprietary names (NNs) for pharmaceuticals. A very quick review of the basics of NNs will be followed by a case study of search techniques to support the creation and selection process for biologics. As before, this presentation will focus on the application of general knowledge of patent information and of patent, chemical-substance, and sequence search and analysis techniques to the preparation of requests for International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) and U.S. Adopted Names (USANs).


A.J. D’Ambra is a member of the Information Consultancy team in the Novartis Knowledge Center. He is based in East Hanover, NJ, where he commutes daily from his home in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. A specialist in chemistry and patent information services, A.J. serves the information needs of internal clients worldwide in all of Novartis’s divisions. After an earlier career at the bench as an R&D chemist in the vaccines industry, A.J. has worked as an information professional, primarily in the pharmaceuticals industry, for over 10 years. He has served PIUG as program chair of the 2005 and 2006 NE Conferences, as well as listserve administrator and then associate wiki/webmaster since 2006. A.J. earned his B.A. in chemistry from Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, and his Ph.D. in biological chemistry from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

The Substance of SubstancesTop of page
Anne Gregg, Max Pometun, Bryan Warner, Dow Chemical Company


Presentation with time for discussion on methods for discovery of substances in bibliographic records. The presentation will examine techniques for extraction of substance data (registry numbers, controlled terms, enhanced vendor coding) from databases (e.g., Chemical Abstracts, Derwent World Patent Index). Then methods for analysis of the substances will be reviewed. These methods may allow one to answer questions such as:

  • companies working on what substances,
  • applications where used,
  • geographies where substances used and
  • time trends

The last 20 minutes of the presentation will be an open discussion at which attendees are invited to share their own methodologies.


Anne, Bryan and Max are technical information analysts in the Search & Analysis Services organization at The Dow Chemical Company. Together they have over 60 years’ experience searching chemical/polymer topics and applying text mining tools.

Global Patent ProsecutionTop of page
Jessica Patterson, United States Patent & Trademark Office


The USPTO created the Office of International Patent Cooperation (OIPC) in March 2014 to Improve Global Patent Prosecution and Work Sharing. To achieve this, the organization is developing tools and initiatives that modernize existing systems. These benefit the user community by delivering cost savings, reduced prosecution time, increased quality, and the certainty of IP rights. Key programs included the Patent Prosecution Highway, Common Citation Document, the new Collaborative Search Programs with Japan and Korea, and the future of global work sharing - Global Dossier. Global Dossier is a set of business services modernizing the global patent system and delivering benefits to all stakeholders through a single portal/user interface. The first service will be released to the public in November 2015.


Jessica Patterson currently serves as a Program Manager in the Office of International Patent Cooperation, overseeing the implementation of key initiatives in support of the organization. In addition, Ms. Patterson is the manager of the Global Dossier program, a complex, strategic initiative aimed at modernizing the international patent system by providing cutting-edge services for all stakeholders.

Ms. Patterson began working at the USPTO in 2006 and has served in many leadership roles throughout her career. She has been involved with the Global Dossier project since 2012. In 2014, Ms. Patterson also served as President of the USPTO’s Asian Pacific American Network, a voluntary employee organization comprised of more than 800 members.

Ms. Patterson holds a Bachelor of Arts in Government & Politics and Criminal Justice & Criminology from the University of Maryland, and a Master’s in Public Policy, with a focus on International Governance, from George Mason University.

Efficient and Effective Patent Landscaping Using PatBase: a Case StudyTop of page
Robert Poolman, Minesoft Ltd


Key questions for any patent landscape analysis are:

  • Is this a growing area of interest?
  • What are the fields of current interest?
  • Who are the key players?

Delivered from the perspective of an experienced patent analyst who recently joined Minesoft, we will discuss the challenges in creating a patent landscape analysis and the features and functionality of PatBase which enable the efficient creation of clean and reliable patent landscape studies.

From the development of a comprehensive search strategy to the analysis and visualization of results, we will use a case study to demonstrate a number of features and techniques including:

  • Thesauri to craft a comprehensive strategy.
  • Citation ranking to identify the most pertinent patents.
  • Advanced keyword highlighting to efficiently review large numbers of documents.
  • Use of the “Similar” function to identify related documents and
  • PatBase Analytics to:
  • Help build a comprehensive strategy and
  • Visualize the results of the landscape analysis.

The aim of any patent landscape analysis is to accurately identify and visualise results so that answers to key questions are quickly and easily found. This presentation will demonstrate how any user can benefit from the innovative features and functionality in PatBase to craft and visualize a meaningful patent landscape for any technical area.


Rob is currently a Senior Manager (Innovation and Consulting) at Minesoft Ltd, UK. In 2000, and having completed a PhD in Biochemistry, Rob started his career at Pfizer as a Biotechnology Information Consultant providing biomedical, patent and competitive intelligence to both research scientists and patent attorneys. During 6 years at Pfizer, he helped form and lead a high performing team of information professionals within the Legal division. In 2006, he joined Novartis to create and manage the NIBR Search and Analytics team and during the last 3 years at Novartis, Rob completed an MBA at Warwick Business School which allowed him to take on additional operational and managerial responsibilities. With over 14 years of experience in the information industry, Rob has recently joined Minesoft to spearhead their future product development, to enhance their consultancy based approach and to bring an end user perspective to the company.

The Patent Landscape and Beyond…Bridging the Gap between Patent Information and “Everything Else”Top of page
Terri Sawyer, ProQuest Dialog


When is your information quest complete and accurate? Being certain that you have left no stone unturned is an ongoing challenge. This presentation connects relevant scientific, financial, legal, academic, and newsworthy information using a 1-stop global information source and modern search techniques.

This presentation will take you through a company intelligence case study and build a company portfolio. Company profiles, patent ownerships, current litigation, and R&D information is collected, along with other notable items. Navigating through heaps of publications and data errors add to the challenge of a complete yet accurate study. As we bridge the gap between patent information and everything else, techniques to overcome these challenges are addressed.


Terri Sawyer’s career in the patent information industry was launched as a patent examiner at the USPTO, then quickly moved on to the public sector, first as a customer of online information services, where she learned about Dialog. Terri currently manages the patent product line for ProQuest Dialog, and has held various roles supporting the intellectual property information industry over the past 2 decades, spanning data processing and software development to product marketing and sales support.

Terri specializes in project and product management, content analysis and processing, database design and development, and is a patent subject matter expert (SME). She holds a B. S. degree from Penn State in Chemical Engineering.

Patent Search beyond BooleanTop of page
Katya Suvorova, Thomson Reuters


This session will give you inside scoop on Smart Search, the semantic search technology implemented on Thomson Innovation. We will look under the hood and discover how you can benefit from the next generation of patent search regardless of your proficiency level. We will learn how Smart Search broadens results beyond original keywords and languages. We will discuss the unique patent-specific ranking algorithms, which allow display of the most relevant results first. The discussion will uncover how Smart Search implements patent-search best practices and puts the power of DWPI's 900 editors in the hands of the researcher.


Katya Suvorova is a Senior Solution Architect for IP Solutions. She has been with ThomsonReuters for 15 years, starting as a developer for Micropatent. Over the years she played different management roles including Director for patent search platform. Prior to ThomsonReuters, she worked as a Software developer, studied and taught Advanced Math. She was born and received her education as an engineer in Applied Mathematics in St Petersburg, Russia.

Special Members of Your Patent Families: Non-Convention EquivalentsTop of page
Brian Sweet, Chemical Abstracts Service


Patent families in key STN databases offer great value to IP professionals when determining the global protection of an invention and locating national publications of interest. While most family members are identified based on priority data relationships, some family members are non-convention equivalents. These include publications filed without priority data by non-residents, publications filed outside the 12 month priority period of the Paris Patent Convention, and publications filed in countries not part of the Paris Patent Convention. This presentation will explore the inclusion of non-conventional equivalents in patent families in CAplus®, Derwent World Patent Index®, and INPADOC, including techniques for their identification and their value for patent information consumers.


Brian Sweet has been a senior product manager at CAS for over thirteen years, focusing on STN®’s patent and biomedical content. With more than 30 years of experience in the information industry, Brian began his career at BIOSIS, then moved on to Elsevier, where he managed the product development and marketing of Embase and other databases. Brian is a former president of NFAIS. He is delighted to be presenting again to friends and colleagues at PIUG NE.

Patent Data, Evidence-Based IP Policy Making, and the Importance of AnalyticsTop of page
Arleen Malley Zank, Way Better Patents


2015 has been the year of patent data and analytics - the CPC is now the classification system of choice among a growing number of National Patent Offices; USPTO is investing in more evidence-based examination of the patent system through its research programs that use patent data; and new programs and initiatives focused on improving patent quality are focused on patent information. This presentation will look at some of this year’s important developments, take an under the hood look at patent data being released each week and present a data focused view of why raw patent data is becoming increasingly important to the innovation economy.


Seasoned business executive, technologist, and solutions architect with over 25 years experience designing, developing, and commercializing complex information products and services for intellectual property-intense market sectors. Ms. Zank is an intellectual property strategist and IP portfolio analyst with deep understanding of and experience in all aspects of patent and IP portfolio development and management, innovation technology transfer, licensing, monetization, patent landscape analysis, and IP related product and freedom to operate and risk management issues. Ms. Zank is an expert in the USPC and IPC systems and how classification impacts patent findability, prior art searching, and patent validity. She is the Managing Partner of Way Better Patents, a digital information firm chronicling the latest developments in intellectual property, innovation, inventions and patents and the emerging innovation economy. Way Better Patents is one of the New York University GovLab's Open 500, the companies in the US that use open government data to generate new business and develop new products and services.

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