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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

These courses have been accredited by ISBQPIP for training as a Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIPTM).  It is listed on the following QPIP page:

Best Practices for Patent Searching

  • Learn comprehensive techniques for focused searching of specific technology areas.
  • All training sessions are provided by professional patent agents with extensive experience in finding and analyzing intellectual property information.

Register individually for one or more training webinars below.

Best Practices for Patent Searching in Engineering Technologies

Presented Live on September 28, 2022 - 10 AM EDT 

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

Dominic DeMarco (BIO)

Managing Director of DeMarcoIP

Abstract: This class builds upon prior PIUG presentations in the Fundamentals series, but may also be attended as a stand-alone presentation. The target audience should have one to thirty years of experience and come in with an open mind.

There is no set “way” to perform a patent search in the engineering space. This presentation will help patent information professionals utilize their own personal adaptive toolbox to maximize the opportunity to locate particularly relevant art and minimize the chances of screwing up. Experience is the greatest teacher in our field and learning from Dominic’s two decades of experience should hopefully allow all attendees to skip a few years of the learning curve.

This presentation will be all new material for 2022 and has been rebuilt from the ashes of the last Engineering session taught pre-Covid. We will energetically cover all engineering disciplines with an emphasis on teaching participants to think creatively to solve their own patent search problems.  Registration Link

Best Practices for Searching Chemical Patent Information

Presented Live on October 19, 2022 - 10 AM EDT

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

John Zabilski ( BIO)

Chair, PIUG Education Committee

Abstract: Chemistry is called the central science since it connects physical sciences with life sciences and applied sciences such as medicine and engineering. As such it provides a challenging area to search comprehensively without considering multiple techniques and approaches. Discover resources and techniques particularly suited to cross boundaries and database connections to include pharmaceutical and material applications.

This session covers the fundamentals necessary to search for chemical related information and builds on that information to extend searching into multidisciplinary areas through targeted case studies. Learn best practices in this area taught and used my major organizations and global patent offices and fill in any gaps in your practical knowledge to excel in producing comprehensive retrieval of chemical intellectual property.  Registration Link

Best Practices for Searching Biotechnology Information

Presented Live on November 16, 2022 - 10 AM EDT

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

Greg Roland (BIO)

Global Head of Search and Analytics,

Novartis Institutes of BioMedical Research (NIBR)

Abstract:  Learn best practices in finding Biotechnology information including resources for searching the biotechnology area, tips for searching and techniques for finding biosequence information. A case study that utilizes these best resources and approaches will provide additional insight into finding comprehensive search results and understanding this cutting edge technological area.  Registration Link

Best Practices for Patent Searching for Medical Devices

Presented Live on December 14, 2022 - 10 AM EDT

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

Andrea Davis (BIO)

Managing Director of Bodkin IP

Abstract:  The webinar is geared towards patent information professionals interested in learning more about medical device searching and will cover key features of database choices, important elements of a comprehensive strategy in this particular technology area and ways to increase efficiency in covering large volumes of art. Medical Device specific examples will be included to illustrate the approaches covered.  Registration Link

Best Practices for Searching Non-Patent Literature

Presented Live on February 15, 2023 - 10 AM EDT

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

Christine Geluk (BIO)

Principal & Founder, Librarian At Your Service LLC

Abstract: Patent Office examiners around the world search all types of prior art, not just patents, so there is a need to learn more about Non-Patent Literature (NPL) sources and how to search them.

Starting with the core definition of NPL (remember NPL is not just journal articles!) ,  this session explores database choices patent information professionals have for their patentability search (aka prior art) checklist. While several types of databases will be covered, there will be an emphasis on publicly available databases. General search strategies on each database, and on several NPL types will be included. Specific examples will be shown that illustrates the database and NPL type search strategies.  Registration Link

Best Practices for Searching IP5 Literature

Presented Live on March 15, 2023 - 10 AM EDT

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

Kartar Singh Arora (BIO)


Abstract: IP5 is a term used to represent the five major patent offices namely, USPTO, EPO, SIPO, JPO and KPO. These offices are responsible for granting of a large majority of patents worldwide. Most of the patent professionals are very familiar with US and EP patents and patent offices. The knowledge of Chinese, Japanese and Korean patents may be limited for those of us who do not deal with these patents on a regular basis. This webinar will present an overview of differences in patents and procedures used by IP5 patent offices with a particular focus on the following items.

  1. Types of patents granted
  2. Patentable inventions
  3. Critical dates i.e., bar dates
  4. Definition of novelty and lack of invention step
  5. Procedures for challenging pending and granted patents
  6. Patent terms including extensions
  7. Patent offices and services provided including online databases including timeline for grant of patents and statistics.   Registration Link

Best Practices for Identifying Freedom-to-Operate

Presented Live on September 27, 2023 - 10 AM EDT

John Zabilski (BIO)

Chair, PIUG Education Committee

Abstract: A Freedom-to-Operate (aka Freedom-to-Practice or Clearance) search is one of the fundamental searches that patent information professionals need to master. FTO search results provide details on what is legally protected and can yield insight into making informed business decisions. This webinar provides understanding of the fundamental concepts of FTO, identifies essential resources and provides focused strategies for performing FTO searches.

Case studies demonstrate best practices for performing a FTO search. Learn how to utilize freely accessible resources for searching claimed content and to determine what is legally in-force, including INPADOC, national patent office registers, and vendor offerings. Whether you are new to performing FTO searches or more experienced, this session provides focused techniques that save your time and make you more effective in achieving accurate results. Registration Link

Best Practices: Novel Approaches for Novelty Searching

Presented Live on November 15, 2023 - 10 AM EST

Now available as an on-demand webinar.

Ron Kaminecki (BIO)         Kaminecki IP LLP

Martha Yates (BIO)                Bayer Crop Science

Abstract: When do you know when you have found all novel prior art for an invention?

You probably suspect there may be something lurking behind a specialized source that you just didn’t find though you tried hard to do so. Recall how scary it is to confirm to an inventor that there just isn’t any prior art for the invention, all the while hoping that what you say is still true.

We are going to discuss some novel approaches for novelty searching.  Perhaps you need some novel sources.  Perhaps you need a novel way of looking at the invention.  Perhaps you need a novel way of formulating the query.  Please join us for some fun discussion about some ways of expanding your thinking on novelty searching. Registration Link

Best Practices for Validity and Opposition Supporting Patent Searches

Presented Live on December 13, 2023 - 10 AM EST

Andrea Davis (BIO)            Bodkin IP                             

Dominic DeMarco (BIO)    Managing Director of DeMarco IP

Abstract: An issued patent is considered a valuable asset. But how rock solid is the patent? Can it stand up to a challenge?

When applicants file for a patent, they usually do not apply infinite resources to determine potential patentable scope. Likewise, no patent office has unlimited time and budget to review an application during prosecution. All parties do the “best they can”.

And this is when the fun begins for us, as professional patent searchers! Can we do better than those who have come before us? Can we help a patent owner vet their own portfolio before assertion? Can we help a company eliminate potential roadblocks to rolling out a new product? Can we help a litigation defendant avoid a costly lawsuit?

In this brand-new course, PIUG instructors Andrea Davis and Dominic DeMarco will share best practices, tips, and tricks from their 50 years of real world, full time, patent searching experience. This will be an extension of the PIUG “Best Practices” series, but no prior coursework is required to enjoy and benefit from this class. Registration Link

tried hard to do so. Recall how scary it is to confirm to an inventor that there just isn’t any prior art for the invention, all the while hoping that what you say is still true.

We are going to discuss some novel approaches for novelty searching.  Perhaps you need some novel sources.  Perhaps you need a novel way of looking at the invention.  Perhaps you need a novel way of formulating the query.  Please join us for some fun discussion about some ways of expanding your thinking on novelty searching. Registration Link

Best Practices for Citation Searching Webinar

Presented Live on April 17, 2024 - 10 AM EDT

Stephen Adams (BIO); Managing Director of Magister Ltd

Abstract:  Learn Best Practices for Performing Citation Searching from a Leading Information Professional


  • Techniques for exploiting patent citation data to the best advantage
  • Reviewing methods and reasons citations in patents are recorded The strengths and weaknesses of citation-related retrieval
  • How the use of both official search reports and applicant-supplied citations can supplement other subject retrieval techniques
  • Examination of particular issues which arise from the nature of patent citations Review of dedicated citation searching tools    Registration Link

All previous sessions have been recorded and are available on demand using links above or on the PIUG Education and Training Page.

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PIUG - Patent Information User Group, Inc.

Mailing Address:  
40 E. Main St., #1438
Newark, DE  19711

Phone: +1 (302) 660-3275   
Fax: +1 (302) 660-3276


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No one may use the PIUG name or logo for any promotional or commercial purpose or any other purpose without the prior written consent of the PIUG Board of Directors.  

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