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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

Conference Materials (PIUG Members Only) 

NOTE:  Slides from only three of the workshop presentations are currently available. Those slides are from the CAS workshop and the two workshops by Laura Battle from Clarivate.  If you want any of the other slide decksfrom the remaining 7 workshops, please contact the presenter(s) directly.  If you would like to havethem psted, you may suggest that they send the PDFs to Admin at for posting.


Monday, May 1

9:00 am Welcome and Introductions
Martha Yates, PIUG Planning & Program Chair
9:10 am The Ever-Changing Face of Global Search or 'Has the Centre of the Forest Moved'?
Stephen Adams, Magister Ltd
9:55 am After Expiration: Strategic Insights into Patent Term Extensions Under 35 U.S.C. § 156 and the § 271(e)(1) Safe Harbor
Mike Jesperson, Senior Counsel, Foley & Lardner LLP
11:00 am IPR Estoppel: What Prior Art Can Reasonably Be Found?
Andrea Davis, Bodkin IP and Andrew McElligott, Crowell & Moring LLP
11:30pm When AI Fails: Effective use of AI in Patent Search Systems
Jonathan Skovholt and Brad Buehler, Ensemble IP
1:00 pm

PIUG Awards Presentations; Kaback Award Presentation

Martha Yates, PIUG Planning & Program Chair 

1:55 pm Information Literacy and the Patent Information Professional
Malcolm Hallam, Senior Information Advisor,
ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company
2:25 pm Best Practices for Training Patent searchers
John Zabilski, Chair of PIUG Education Committee
3:30 pm

Future Proof My Career (An Audience Reflection Panel)

Malcolm Hallam, Jonathan Skovholt, Rosanna Lindquist, Devin Salmon


Tuesday, May 2  (Plenary Sessions)

9:00 am Responsible Use of AI for Patent Information
Martha Yates, Bayer CropSciences
9:30 am Patent Alert for Targeted Protein Degradation

Julia N. Heinrich, Ph. D., Bristol Myers Squibb

10:30 am Edible, Comestible, Consumable: Navigating Food Science IP

Rosanna Lindquist and Jennifer Cessna, Sr. Information Research Scientists, Technical Intelligence, The Hershey Company

11:00 am Technology Opportunities Identification in Low Carbon Space - Search and Visualization of CO2 Capture External Options

Zhifu Shu, ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company


Tuesday, May 2  (Workshops)

 1:00 pm

Explore the IP Universe with BizInt Smart Charts for Patents

John Willmore, Vice President, Product Development, BizInt Solutions

 2:00 pm

Minesoft Mastery: New Features and Advanced Search Tips

Daniel Lowe, Lead Software Developer

 2:00 pm

Maximizing AI for Comprehensive Landscape Analysis

Sharon Shofner-MeyerCOO, DorothyAI and Pati Pietek, Patent Attorney & Analyst, DorothyAI.  

 3:00 pm

Boost Your Search Strategies With CAS

Scott Hertzog and Darryl French, Customer Success Specialists, CAS

 3:00 pm

Navigating PATENTSCOPE: Unveiling New Features and Refreshing Essentials

Sandrine Ammann, Marketing & Communications Officer, WIPO

 4:00 pm

The Right Guideposts for Navigating Patent Disputes: How Patent Data Can Help You Improve Your Assertion and IPR Outcomes

Laura Bantle, Esq., Lead Solution Consultant, Clarivate

 4:00 pm

Aptean GenomeQuest 2024 PIUG Workshop

Stephen Allen, Senior Solutions Consultant for GenomeQuest & LifeQuest

  Wednesday, May 3  (PlenarySessions)
 9:00 am

Deep Learning for Patents (Virtual Presentation)

Jason Lee, Assistant Professor of Law at the NYCU School of Law in Taiwan

 9:45 am

Focused IP Reports: FTO Whitespace, Surveillance, Structures, Sequences, and Beyond

Matt Eberle, Lead Developer, Analytics and Custom Solutions, BizInt Solutions

 10:45 am

Digging Deep into Patents

Ron Kaminecki, Kaminecki IP LLC

 11:15 am Final Conference Statistics and Acknowledgments
Martha Yates, PIUG Planning & Program Chair 
  Wednesday, May 3  (Workshops)
 1:00 pm

AI-Powered Biotech Patent Analysis in Emerging Markets

Sharon Shofner-MeyerCOO, DorothyAI and Donna Haynes, Owner & CEO, Haynes Application Art

 2:00 pm

Aptean GenomeQuest 2024 PIUG Workshop

Stephen Allen, Senior Solutions Consultant for GenomeQuest & LifeQuest

 3:00 pm

Shifts in Biotech Patent Searching: Risk Mitigation Response Strategies to Better Protect Your Portfolio

Laura Bantle, Esq., Lead Solution Consultant, Clarivate

 4:00 pm

At the Frontier of Biosequence Searching - Searching the Unsearchable

Sam Winders, Account Director, PatSnap

  Thursday, May 4 (Biotech)
8:45 am

Welcome and Introductions

Greg Roland, Biotechnology Program Chair

9:00 am 

Painstaking Experimentation Is Not Enablement: Implications of Amgen v. Sanofi

Thomas Ehrich, Rakoczy Molino Mazzochi Siwik LLP

9:45 am

Patent Mining: Excavating the Fuel to Power the AI Drug Discovery Revolution (slide deck n/a)

Sam Winders, PatSnap

11:00 am

Using Machine Learning to Create a Comprehensive Patent Landscape

Katie Brown, LexisNexis

11:30 am

Plant Patents Color Image Site - Background and Technical Challenges

Russ Allen, PTRC

1:00 pm

Look Back on the First Two Years

Kathleen Kalafus, USPTO

1:30 pm

ElasticBLAST: Using the Cloud to Accelerate Sequence Searching

Anne Marie Clark, CAS IP Services and Christian Camacho, NCBI

2:30 pm Data Integration for Report Generation (Panel Discussion)

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