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The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

Patent Information Bibliography - Articles

These patent information bibliography pages were originally created on the PIUG wiki in ca. 2008 and augmented subsequently. Further suggestions for improvement are welcome by the PIUG webmaster, webmaster@

Articles: 2020

"Identifying Inventions in the Public Domain. A Guide for Inventors and Entrepreneurs"
World Intellectual Property Organization, 2020: 115 pages.

Contributed by Dominic Demarco

Articles: 2019

"Mistakes Happen: A Patentability Case Study"
Wolff, Thomas E.
Online Searcher, 43(6) (November/December 2019): pp. 18-24

"Enhanced Patent Search Systems Revolutionize Searching"
Wolff, Thomas E.
Online Searcher, 43(3) (May/June 2019): pp. 22-29

"Freedom-to-Operate Search Strategy: Hitting the Target"
Wolff, Thomas E.
Online Searcher, 42(4) (July/August 2018): pp. 31-42

Articles: 2018

"Want to find? Break the rules!"
Niehof, Evert
World Patent Information, 52 (March 2018): pp. 22-25

Articles: 2015

"Update on the Confederacy of European Patent Information User Groups (CEPIUG)"
Baudour, Frederic; Gundertofte, Klaus; Moradei, Guido; et al.
World Patent Information, 41 (June 2015): pp. 41-44

"Guidelines for Preparing Patent Landscape Reports"
Trippe, Anthony (Patinformatics, LLC)
Guidelines prepared for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 2015

Articles: 2012

"Improving Patent Information Quality: Development and the Disclosure Requirements"
Chakroun, Nefissa
The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 15 (3) (2012): pp. 199-220

"What’s So Special about Patent Invalidity Searching?"
Wolff, Thomas E.
ONLINE, 36(4) (July/August 2012): pp. 28-33

Articles: 2011

"A proposed framework for the certification of the patent information professional"
Hantos, Susanne
World Patent Information. 33(4) (2011): pp. 352-354

"Searching? Or actually trying to find something? – The comforts of searching versus the challenges of finding"
Niehof, Evert
World Patent Information, 33(4) (December 2011): pp. 360-363

Contributed by Dominic Demarco

Articles: 2010

"Continuous Learning"
Akers, Lucy
Special Topics in Intellectual Property Book Series: ACS Symposium Series, 1055 (2010); Andrea Twiss-Brooks, Editor.

"Patent Search Primer – Guidelines from Practitioners. A White Paper"
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) Patent Search Committee
August, 2010

Contributed by Dominic Demarco

"Education and Certification of Patent Information Professionals in Europe"
Stembridge, Robert A.
Special Topics in Intellectual Property Book Series: ACS Symposium Series, 1055 (2010): pp. 87-93; Andrea Twiss-Brooks, Editor.

"Patents in the Realm of Independent Information Professionals"
Wolff, Thomas E.; Adams, Stephen
Bulletin of American Society for Science and Technology, 37 (1), October/November 2010: pp. 17-20

"Patent Users Group – Collaborating via PIUG wiki and discussion forums"
Wolff, Thomas E.
World Patent Information, 32 (2010): pp. 141-144

Articles: 2009

"The patent information users' group - Twenty excellent years: PIUG's impact on patent information"
Davis, Sara K.
World Patent Information, 31 (2) (June 2009) pp. 140-141

Articles: 2008

"Freedom-to-Operate Patent Searching: My Six Basic Rules"
Wolff, Thomas E.
Searcher. The Magazine for Database Professionals, 16 (5) (May 2008): pp. 34-39

Contributed by Dominic Demarco

Articles: 2007

"Improving Patent Quality through Identification of Relevant Prior Art: Approaches to Increase Information Flow to the Patent Office"
Lewis & Clark Law Review, 11 (2007): pp. 495–519. Graf, S. W.

"Subject analysis and search strategies – Has the searcher become the bottleneck in the search process?"
Niehof, Evert
World Patent Information, 29(1) (March 2007): pp. 20-25

"Half a century of the Patent Documentation Group (PDG) 1957-2007"
Philipp, Minoo; Appleton, Bob.
World Patent Information, 29(2) (June 2007): pp. 148-153

Articles: 2004

"Making the Case for Patent Searchers? Go Tell the Clients"
Homan, Howard S.
Searcher. The Magazine for Database Professionals, 12(3) (March 2004): pp. 8ff

Contributed by Dominic Demarco

Articles: 2002

"Automatic Categorization Applications at the European Patent Office"
M. Krier, F. Zacca
World Patent Information, 24 (2002): pp. 187-196

Contributed by Georg Richter, October. 2002

"Bases of the United States Patent Classification"
Louis Falasco
World Patent Information, 24 (2002): pp. 31-33

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Patent Information at Henkel: From Documentation and Information to Collaborative Information Commerce"
Christoph Haxel
World Patent Information, 24 (2002): pp. 25-30

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Search Combinatorial Chemistry: from Biochips to Catalysts and Beyond -An EPO Perspective"
Niels Stevnsborg
World Patent Information, 24 (2002): pp. 13-23

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

Articles: 2001

"Hierarchical Classification of real Life Documents"
K. Wang, Z. Senqiang, Y. He
Proceedings of the First Siam International Conference on Data Mining, Chicago, IL, 2001.

Contributed by Georg Richter, October 2002

"Classifying Patent Applications with Winnow"
C.H.A. Koster, M. Seutter, J. Beney
Proceedings Benelearn 2001, Antwerpen

Contributed by Georg Richter, October 2002

"Patent and Copyright Term Extension and the Constitution: A Historical Perspective"
TT Ochoa
Journal of the Copyright Society of the U. S. A., 49(1) (2001): pp. 10-125.

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"A Patent Lust for Life"
J. Evans
Chemistry in Britain, 37(1) (2001): pp. 27-30

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Citation Analysis Using Online Databases: Feasibilities and Shortcomings"
W. Marx, H. Schier
Scientometics, 52(1) (2001): pp. 59-82

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Bioinformatics - A Patenting View"
Tony Maschio, Tom Kowalski
Trends in Biotechnology, 52(1) (2001): pp. 59-82

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Current State of the Art of Markush Topological Search Systems"
Andrew H. Berks
World Patent Information, 23 (1) (2001), pp. 5-13

Contributed by E.Cheeseman, June 2002

"Web Sites for Patent Information Centers: the US Experience"
Julia Crawford
World Patent Information, 23 (2001): pp. 75-77

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Sources of Japanese Patent Information"
Irene Schnellner
World Patent Information, 23 (2001): pp. 149-156

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"The Reform of the IPC"
James Calvert, Mikhail Markarov
World Patent Information, 23 (2001): pp. 133-136

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Perspectives on Machine Translation of Patent Information"
Tim Cavelier
World Patent Information, 23 (2001): pp. 367-371

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"European Patents for Biotechnological Inventions - Past, Present, and Future"
Derek Wood
World Patent Information, 23 (2001): pp.339-358

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Bioinformatics in the Post-Genomic Age"
Patricia Jones
World Patent Information, 23 (2001): pp. 349-354

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

Articles: 2000

"Skills for Patent Searching - A Personal View"
Stephen R. Adams
E-Content, 23(5) (October/November 2000) pp. 39-43.

Contributed by Stephen R. Adams, Magister Ltd.

"The Seventh Edition of the IPC"
Mikhail Makarov
World Patent Information, 22 (2000): pp. 53-58

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Patent Information on the Internet"
T. P. Stauffer, A. J. Esher, and A. Litscher
Chimica, 2000, Vol 54(5): pp. 281-285.

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"An Evaluation of Patent Searching Resources: Comparing the Professional and Free On-Line"
Paul Schwander
World Patent Information, 22 (2000): pp. 147-165

Contributed by E Cheesman, June 2002

"The Referencing of Prior Art Documents in European Patents and Applications"
Noel J. Akers
World Patent Information, 22 (2000): pp.309-315

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"The Future of Patent Information"
Stephen van Dulken
World Patent Information, 22 (2000): pp. 273-275

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

Articles: 1999

"The European Patent System: An Introduction for Patent Searchers"
Noel J. Akers
World Patent Information, 21 (1999): pp. 135-163

Contributed by Suzanne Robins

"A Patent Search and Classification System"
L.S. Larkey
Proceedings of 1999 Conference on Digital Libraries, Aug. 11-14, 1999; Berkeley,
CA, USA: pp. 179-187.

Contributed by Georg Richter, October 2002

"Creating Customized Shared Databases of Patent Information Using Lotus Notes"
C. Herzberg
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 39(3), 1999: pp. 432-438.

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Free Patent Databases on the Internet: A Critical View"
Stephen van Dulken
World Patent Information, 21 (1999): pp. 253-257

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"International Patent Classification in Derwent Databases"
Bob Stembridge
World Patent Information, 21 (1999): pp. 169-177

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"CrossFire Searching with QPAT- US Using WordBasic Macro Tools"
E. L. Hoel
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 39(3), 1999: pp. 439-447.

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Barriers to the Use of Patent Information in UK Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Part I: Questionnaire Survey"
Matthew Hall, Charles Oppenheim, Margaret Sheen
Journal of Information Sciences, 25(5), 1999: pp. 335-350

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"Patenting - Pitfalls and Prizes"
Robert Pidgen
Chemistry in Britain, (September, 1999): pp. 25

Contributed by E. Cheeseman, June 2002

"How Technology Got a Boost from the Japanese Patent Office"
Christine A. McDaniel and Keith E. Maskus
Chemtech, August, 1999: pp.53-58

An interesting article on Japanese Patent Law and its impact on the dissemination of technology...This is a very digestible summary of Japanese Patent Law and includes some comparisons to US patent law. This article basically builds a strong case for the premise that the methods used by the Japanese patent system promoted the diffusion of technology and had a positive effect on technical progress.

Contributed by Sandra Unger, Exxon

"The Newly-Engineered Status of APILIT and APIPAT"
Nancy Lambert
EContent (formerly Database), 22(4) (August 1999)

This article may also available online. It is based on a talk given at the 217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA on March 21, 1999, Division of Chemical Information.

Contributed by Aleksandr Belinskiy, Information Specialist, Brooklyn, NY

Articles: 1998

"Enhanced Hypertext Categorization Using Hyperlinks"
S. Chakrabarti, D. Byron, P. Indyk
Proceedings of SIGMOD-98. ACM International Conference on Management of Data, 1998, Seattle, USA, ACM Press, New York.

Contributed by Georg Richter, October 2002

"Database Secrets of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office"
Robert F. Jack
Searcher, May, 1998, Vol. 6 (5): pp.12-24

The article covers the rational for patent office searching and the current state of searching at the USPTO. It includes a description of some of the specialized software information sources available to searchers at the PTO and the examiners they support.

Contributed by Edlyn S. Simmons

Articles: 1997

"Virtual File Merging: A Technique to Enhance Patent Searches"
Nancy Lambert
Database, 20(5) (October 1997): pp. 36-44

A detailed discussion of the use of multi-file and cross-file searching techniques at intermediate stages of a search to "merge" the indexing of the different databases being searched. Examples, both simple and complex, are included.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"But What's In It For IBM?: Patents on the Net"
Nancy Lambert
Searcher, September, 1997, Vol. 5 (8),pp. 33-37

A detailed look at this most extensive (so far) of the free U.S. patent databases on the Internet; a look at the security paranoia it has inspired; and a comparison of the IBM site with a product that IBM is selling for its clients to mount in-house.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

Articles: 1996

"Patent Searching: What, Why, When, Where?"
Nancy Lambert
Online User, 2(6) (November-December 1996): pp. 45-51.

Not aimed at the professional searcher, but a useful article to hand your search clients: A brief primer on patent information and an evaluation of Internet patent information resources.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"QPAT-US: A Patent Searcher's Evaluation"
Nancy Lambert
Proceedings of the 1996 Chemical Information Conference, Nimes, France, October 1996: pp.97-104.
H. Collier, Ed., Infonortics Ltd., Tetbury, Glos., England.

A detailed look at this Internet U.S. patent full-text search resource, with an extensive wish list.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Drilling for Gold: Databases for Petroleum Information"
Nancy Lambert
Searcher, April 1996, Vol. 4 (4): pp. 8-12.

A close look at the American Petroleum Institute and Petroleum Abstracts databases. Some reflections on specialty databases that currently require hefty up-front subscriptions, and how they can continue to survive.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Online Statistical Techniques as Patent Search Tools. Part 2: Patent Classifications"
Nancy Lambert
Database, 19(2) (April-May 1996): pp. 67-73.

A two-part article discussing how to use online patent statistical techniques, not to generate statistics, but to help you formulate searches and find heavily-cited or very old patents in a subject. Some detailed information on finding and searching both U.S. and International Patent Classifications.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

Articles: 1995

"More Patents - Lots More - On the Internet"
Nancy Lambert
Searcher, Nov.-Dec. 1995, Vol. 3 (10): pp. 24-27.

A look at the controversy that arose among commercial patent information providers, professional searchers, and private inventors and end-user searchers when the USPTO put a free front-page US patent database on the Internet. Some recommendations to all of these, as well as to managers who pay for patent information, are provided.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Pharmaceutical Patent Alerting Services: Patents Preview and Patent Fast-Alert"
Cheeseman, Elaine N.
Database, 18(4) (August/September 1995): pp. 65-71

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons,

"Patent Family Databases 10 Years Later"
Edlyn S. Simmons
Database, 18(3) (June/July 1995): pp. 28-37.

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

The Idiot's Guide to Patent Resources on the Internet"
Nancy Lambert
Searcher, May 1995, Vol. 3 (5): pp. 34-39.

The first of many articles on Internet patent resources. The content is out of date, but the conclusion can still give some useful ammunition to use against management who wonder why they're paying for expensive patent databases "when it's all there for free on the Internet."

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Survey of Patent Documentation from the Pacific Rim Countries"
Stephen Adams
World Patent Information, 1995, 17 (1): pp. 48-61

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

Articles: 1994

"Patent Information in Biotechnology"
Andrew H. Berks
Trends in Biotechnology, 1994, Vol. 12: pp. 352-364.

Abstract: Patents represent an important source of scientific and legal information. Unfortunately, many of the major sources of biotechnology scientific information, (for example, Medline and Biosis) do not index patents. It is probable that information of importance to the field of biotechnology reported in patents is not available in the scientific journal literature. This article gives a brief overview of patent law from the standpoint of the technical information content of patents, and provides a survey of relevant sources of patent information for retrospective searching and for current awareness.

Contributed by Andrew H. Berks, Ph.D.

"Derwent's New Plasdoc Indexing: A User's View"
Nancy Lambert
Proceedings of the 1994 Chemical Information Conference, Annecy, France, October 1994: pp.75-86.
H. Collier, Ed., Infonortics Ltd., Calne, England.

A look at how Derwent indexed polymers over the years; a detailed analysis of their latest major version of polymer indexing, complete with wish list.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Some problems in the Translation of Japanese Patents"
Roger Huby & Victor T. Schenk.
World Patent Information, 16 (3) (Sept. 1994): pp. 154-158

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"The ECLA Classification System"
David T. Dickens
World Patent Information, 16 (1) (1994): pp. 28-32

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"Japanese Patent Information"
Gunther. Vacek
World Patent Information, 16 (1) (1994): pp. 41-45

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

Articles: 1993

"Comparing Grapes and Watermelons"
Edlyn M. Simmons, and Nancy Lambert
ChemTech, 1993, Vol.23 (6): pp. 51-59.

Part of Edlyn's and Nancy's answer to Francis Narin: A compendium of detailed caveats regarding generating and drawing conclusions from patent statistics.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Geographic Localization of Knowledge Spillovers as Evidenced by Patent Citations"
Jaffe, A. B., M. Trajtenberg and R. Henderson.
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3) (1993): pp.577-98.

A good example of the use of patent citations to draw information about the effects of information disclosure from patent documents.

Contributed by Jon Putnam

"WIPO. Glossary of terms concerning industrial property information and documentation"
World Patent Information, 15 (1) (1993): pp. 21-39

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

Articles: 1992

"Patents: A Valuable Resource in the Information Age"
Connie Wu
Ellen Calhoun
Special Libraries, Winter 1992: pp.16-25.

Contributed by Madeline Douglass

Articles: 1991

"Online searching of polymer patents: precision and recall"
Nancy Lambert
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 31(4) (1991), pp 443-446

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"Editorial. Markush or Generic Structures"
Edlyn S. Simmons
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 31(1) (1991): p. 1

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"The grammar of Markush structure searching: vocabulary vs syntax"
Edlyn S. Simmons
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 31(1) (1991): pp.45-53

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"A comparison of different approaches to Markush structure handling"
John M. Barnard
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 31(1) (1991): pp. 64-68

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"After the grant: Online searching of legal status information for U.S. patents"
Nancy. Lambert
Database, (August 1991) pp. 42-48.

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

Articles: 1990

"Patent Statistics as Economic Indicators: A Survey"
Z. Griliches
Journal of Economic Literature, 28 (1990: pp. 1661-1707

Summarizes a very large number of empirical studies that use patent counts in conjunction with other economic data to infer the performance of firms, industries, and national economies.

Contributed by Jon Putnam

Articles: Pre-1990

"Patent Statistics Searching: Practices and Pitfalls"
Nancy Lambert
Proceedings of the Montreux 1989 International Chemical Information Conference, (1989): pp. 141-160
H. Collier, Ed., Springer Verlag: Heidelberg.

Nancy's first major article on patent statistics: Lots f examples using GET, MEMSORT, and Derwent's PatStat; lots of caveats about what you'll get.

Contributed by Nancy Lambert

"Appropriating the Returns from Industrial Research and Development"
R.Levin, A. Klevorick, R. Nelson, S. Winter
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 3 (1987): pp. 783-820

This article is cited as the source of most "conventional wisdom" about the use of patents (and other mechanisms of earning returns to R&D, such as secrecy) across a large number of industries. Except in a few industries, such as pharmaceuticals, patents are not cited as the most important mechanism.

Contributed by Jon Putnam

"How to Search the IFI Comprehensive Database Online... Tips and Techniques"
Nancy Lambert
Database, 10(6) (December 1987): pp. 46-59 favorite all time Patent Searching article (obviously biased due to the subjects I search)

I studied this article over and over long before I met Nancy Lambert, so this is not biased by the fact that she has become a good friend. It is well written with lots of explicit details. Whenever I attempt to teach any new searcher how to use the IFI Claims database, I make certain to point them to this article.

Contributed by Sandra Unger, Exxon

"Complementary Searching in Patent Databases"
Bernd-Ruediger Weckend
World Patent Information, 9 (3) (1987): pp.140-6

Contributed by Edlyn Simmons

"Use of Descriptor Search Language in Automated Patent Information System"
S.V. Popov, R.P.Vcherashny, D.G. Lakhouti, V.V. Maslikov, I.L. Dubnova
World Patent Information, 9 (3) (1987): pp.157-162

Describes an experimental study which includes comments on increased precision by combining classification with keywords.

Contributed by Lucy Akers

"Comparison of Keywords and Classification for Building Strategies"
T.S. Eisenschitz, J.A. Crane
World Patent Information, 8 (1) (1986): pp.38-40

Contributed by Lucy Akers

"Patents as Options: Some Estimates of the Value of Holding European Patent Stocks"
A. Pakes
Econometrica, 54 (1986): pp. 755-84

A technically very demanding article that computes the value of patent rights held in Germany, France and the U.K. It won the Ragnar Frisch award for the best paper in Econometrica during the previous 5 years. Its methods are still state-of-the-art.

Contributed by Jon Putnam

"The Paradox of Patentability Searching"
Edlyn S. Simmons
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 25 (1985): pp. 379-386
In the abstract, Edlyn writes:

The searcher charged with confirming the patentability of an invention is thus presented with three dilemmas: how to design and exhaustive search for a reference that is believed not to exist, how to recognize a reference describing the invention in a different context or vocabulary, and, if no relevant references are found, how to tell when the search is complete.

Another dilemma for searchers working at the behest of the inventor is that a successful search, one that finds prior art, can lead to an unhappy customer.

I didn't find any formal training that helped as much as this article did in giving me critical insights about the job that I do.

Contributed by Thomas E. Wolff, Wolff Information Consulting LLC

"Online Patent Searching: The Realities"
Stuart M. Kaback
Online, (July 1983): p. 22

For years, Stu Kaback has referred to a 1983 article that he considers the best thing he has ever written. I asked him about it in and in two seconds he handed me a copy with the comment that he considers it the best (or at least very nearly the best) thing he has ever written. It is now a bit dated, but the truths and the insight from this article showed great vision when you consider that it was written over 13 years ago.

Contributed by Sandra Unger, ExxonMobil

"Computer-Based Patent Searches: using the IPC or Free-Text?"
H. Bechtel
World Patent Information, 3 (2) (1981): pp. 61-67

Contributed by Lucy Akers

"Scientific and Technical Information Contained in Patent Specifications - Extent and Time Factors of its Publication in Other Forms of Literature"
F. Liebesny, J.W. Hewith, P.S. Hunter, M. Hannah
Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 25 (5) (1974): p. 339

Contributed by Peter Steele

"Mainly on Patents: The Use of Industrial Property and Its Literature"
Felix Liebesny
London; Butterworth, 1972 - Part of a series "Information Sources for Research & Development"

Contributed by Julia M. Fletcher

This page was originally created on the PIUG wiki in ca. 2008. Further suggestions for improvement are welcome by the PIUG webmaster, webmaster @

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