PIUG 2008 Annual Conference
An International Conference for Patent Information Professionals
20 Years of Patent Searching in a World of Emerging Technologies
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of PIUG!
The conference will feature world-renowned experts on patent information for technology research and planning, for legal organizations, and for overall corporate IP management (technology licensing and related activities). The conference will include many opportunities for discussion and part of Tuesday afternoon will be dedicated to visiting the exhibit hall. Many workshops will also be held in conjunction with this meeting (before and after the technical sessions).
Attendees typically have a professional, scientific, or technical interest in patents and represent a multitude of companies. The PIUG 2007 meeting drew an enthusiastic group of over three hundred and thirty people to our three-day technical session in Costa Mesa, CA. Over 18% of the attendees were international, that is, more than 60 attendees represented various countries, including the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, China, India, Israel, Italy, and Canada. We expect 300-400 attendees in 2008.
At our Annual Conference we will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of PIUG! We look forward to seeing you in Crystal City.

Program Committee
Kartar Arora, Co-Chair, BASF Corporation
Doreen Alberts, Co-Chair, Theravance
Lucy Akers, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Marty Goffman, SequenceBase Corporation
Edlyn Simmons, Procter & Gamble Company
Diane Wian, IFI Patent Intelligence

Planning Committee
Cynthia Yang, Co-Chair
Heidi Stone, Co-Chair
Suzanne Robins, Co-Chair
Anniversary Dinner – Lucy Akers, Holly Chong-Williams, Ginger DeMille, Ken Koubek, Helen Oen, Neil Prasad,
Chirag Shah, Edlyn Simmons, Alison Taylor, Diane Wian
Brian Stockdale Award Committee – Edlyn Simmons (Chair), Stephen Adams, Ken Koubek, Tony Trippe
Evaluations – Adrienne Shanler (Chair)
Exhibits – Helen Yun (Chair), Barbara Burg, Qin Meng
Gifts – Kim Miller
Hospitality – Ginger DeMille
Information Coordinator – Dan Phelps
Meeting Book Liaison – Alison Taylor
Meeting Brochure Publication – Donna Cooper (Chair)
Photography – Sandra Unger (Chair), Marty Goffman, Yuri Mozolev
Presentations Logistics Coordinator – A.J. D'Ambra
Registration Liaison – Tom Stanton
Signage – Sandra Unger
Travel – Don Walter
Sponsorship – Denise Fobare-DePonio (Chair), Luisa Balasta, Ken Hoppe, Mike Mullican, Jane Thompson, Martin Wallace
Webmaster – Tom Wolff
Webpages – Ric Snead, Tom Wolff (Webmaster)
Workshops – Martha Yates (Chair), Diane Wian