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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

PIUG 2009 Northeast Conference

| Overview | Program | Presentations (PIUG members only) | Sponsors | Travel | Workshops |

Monday, October 12 to Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hyatt Regency New Brunswick
2 Albany Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 08901


Monday, October 12 – All Day

  • STN Patent Forum – more information below

Wednesday, October 14 – Morning

  • GenomeQuest: "Patent Sequence Searching Requires More Than Sequence Databases" (8:30am - 10:30am; 7:30am continental breakfast; Brunswick D) – more information below
  • Questel: "Questel's New IP Portal and the Release of QPAT 7" (Joe Terlizzi and Christophe Marchisio; 9:00am - noon; Brunswick B) – more information below
  • PIUG: "Learning and Sharing: Getting the Most out of the PIUG Wiki" (Tom Wolff; 10:45am - noon; Brunswick C) – more information below
  • Thomson Reuters: "Enhancements to Derwent World Patents Index and the use of Manual Code and Japanese F/FI indexing systems to improve retrieval" (Bob Stembridge and Don Walter; 8:30am - noon; Brunswick A) – more information below

Wednesday, October 14 – Afternoon

  • Questel: "Merged Markush Service (MMS) Training - Processing of Results" (Joe Terlizzi; 1:00pm - 4:00pm; Brunswick B) – more information below
  • PIUG: "Learning and Sharing: Getting the Most out of the PIUG Wiki" (Tom Wolff; 1:00pm - 2:15pm; Brunswick C) – more information below

These links will bring up Word documents for the 2009 Workshop/Exhibitor Agreement. Each provides critical information and a form to be returned to Adrienne Shanler.

Contact Adrienne Shanler (shanlera @ of PIUG if there are questions concerning workshops and exhibits at the PIUG 2009 Northeast Conference.

Workshops – Detailed Descriptions and Registration Information

STN Patent Forum

Monday, October 12 – 9:00am - 4:00pm

Room: Brunswick BC




What's New on STN?
9:00am - 10:00am

Update yourself on the latest from STN. You will learn about:

  • Updates to STN interfaces
  • New features and functionality in STN databases
  • New fields and new STN database reloads

Extending the Borders of Chemical Searching on STN
10:00am - 11:15pm
Comprehensive chemical searching on STN requires a mix of specific structure, Markush, and text searching across a wide variety of indexed and full-text patent databases. Learn ways to improve your chemical structure searching through a variety of case study examples by reviewing the mechanisms for controlled precision of Markush queries and techniques for text searching in the full-text patent databases.

We are Patent Families
11:15am - 12:15pm
The phrase "patent family" has a different meaning for each database producer. In this session you will learn the STN patent family concept as applied in databases CAplus, Derwent World Patents Index (WPIDS/WPIX) and INPAFAMDB. Explore the unique features and benefits of each patent family definition. This session will also include specific comparative examples from each of the databases.

Searching for Polymer Information in the CAS REGISTRY and CAplus
1:15pm - 2:30pm
Polymers are used in multiple applications, from coatings and lubricants, capsules and tablets, to biopolymers serving as tissue scaffolding. In this session you will learn how polymers are registered in the CAS REGISTRY database, and strategies for finding polymer information in REGISTRY and CAplus.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Full Text
2:45pm - 4:00pm
If you feel like you need a roadmap to find the relevant information in the full-text patent files on STN, this session is for you! Explore the content and unique features of each of the full-text patent files on STN, and learn how best to search, sort, browse, and review the documents retrieved in a multi-file search environment. Utilizing the new and enhanced full-text patent files and standard STN search and display techniques, a case study will be used to explain how to eliminate patent family duplication between the full-text patent files. Come join us for a road trip full of great surprises.

GenomeQuest: "Patent Sequence Searching Requires More Than Sequence Databases"

Wednesday, October 14 – 8:30am - 10:30am (includes continental breakfast starting at 7:30am)

Room: Brunswick D

Presenter: Dr. Kamalakar "Gulu" Gulukota, Scientist, GenomeQuest Inc./p>

Dr. Gulukota, the company's product evangelist, is committed to improving genomics research through better computational biology. With GenomeQuest for over four years, he previously built and directed the Clinical Research division at GVK Biosciences in India and directed the Bioinformatics Core Sciences group for Wyeth in Cambridge, MA. With rich experience in drug discovery and development as well as computational biology, Dr. Gulukota brings a unique vision and energy to GenomeQuest's product direction.

Registration (free):

It is a common concern in the IP search community to worry about database content in terms of the reliability of the database being searched; after all, you could miss something by using an incomplete database.

While reliable content is necessary it is only one of three things needed for a valid search. The other two are (a) the right search algorithm, and (b) powerful analysis. Using GenomeQuest, we will work through a real life example from diagnostics to illustrate that with access to all three (content, search, and analysis) you can reach accurate and reliable conclusions very expeditiously.

The workshop will highlight some new features of GenomeQuest that will make your IP sequence searches more efficient.

PIUG: "Learning and Sharing: Getting the Most out of the PIUG Wiki"

Wednesday, October 14 – Two times: 10:45 - noon and 1:00pm - 2:15pm

Room: Brunswick C

Presenter: Tom Wolff, Wolff Information Consulting LLC

Registration (free):

The PIUG wiki and discussion forum (PIUG-DF) are approaching the first anniversary of their introduction to the global patent information user community. The number of people who have signed up for the PIUG wiki is approaching 900 and over 10% of these people have contributed topics or comments to the PIUG-DF. Whether you are a new registrant or active participant, a member of a committee or one who just wants to follow the discussion and stay updated, or one who is still waiting for "the right time" to get onboard, this training workshop is for you. That's because the content will be customized to the attendees. I'll help you get started and make the most of your expectations and intentions on the wiki. Please join us and get connected. A broad array of topics we could cover are included in the Workshop abstract from the PIUG 2009 Annual Conference.

Questel: "Questel's New IP Portal and the Release of QPAT 7"

Room: Brunswick B

Wednesday, October 14 – 8:30am - noon

Presenter: Austin Englert and Joe Terlizzi and Christophe Marchisio, Questel

Registration (free):

Come join us at this workshop that will introduce Questel's new IP Portal for easy access to many of the IP services on Questel, including the new QPAT 7. The first version of the new QPAT has been developed from feedback and suggestions from our customers over the past three years. QPAT's biggest enhancement is the addition of our full text data into the FamPat database so that only one database needs to be searched in a session and one search history can be retained. Other QPAT enhancements include: 1/ an option called Quick Lists (similar to Questel's MEM Lists) that open up a world of possibilities for storage, analysis, and strategy manipulation of sets of records, 2/ customizable exports, 3/ a simple easy-to use search interface.

Questel: "Merged Markush Service (MMS) Training - Processing of Results"

Wednesday, October 14 – 1:00pm - 4:30pm

Room: Brunswick B

Presenter: Joe Terlizzi, Questel

Registration (free):

This seminar is for chemical structure searchers who want to manage, manipulate, export, and analyze their MMS results more effectively. The seminar will review the steps for creating a query and running an MMS search. It will then focus on commands and techniques for managing CN lists, including Questel commands useful with MMS and databases useful for the transfer of results, including DWPI, PHARM, and FAMPAT. It will also review options for combining MMS results with other answer sets for export and analysis using various software programs, including QPAT.

Thomson Reuters: "Enhancements to Derwent World Patents Index and the use of Manual Code and Japanese F/FI indexing systems to improve retrieval"

Wednesday, October 14 – 8:30am - noon

Room: Brunswick A

Presenters: Bob Stembridge, Customer Relations Manager, and Don Walter, Training Manager, Thomson Reuters

Registration (free):

The Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) patent database produced by Thomson Reuters is a unique, valuable source of patent information for researchers around the world. Covering 41 patent authorities, DWPI includes editorially-enhanced titles, abstracts and claims (many with English translations of non-English documents); value-add bibliographic information; a proprietary manual coding and indexing system; excellent coverage of the Asia-Pacific patenting region; and much more.

In this workshop, you will learn about the program of continuing enhancements to coverage of further patent authorities and value-add indexing of existing sources particularly for Asia-Pacific patents information. Improved retrieval through enhancements to the Manual Code proprietary indexing system will be reviewed. The use of the newly applied Japanese F/FI indexing terms to DWPI records will be also covered in depth to show how this unique system can be used to find information in a fundamentally different way.

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Become a Member

PIUG - Patent Information User Group, Inc.

Mailing Address:  
40 E. Main St., #1438
Newark, DE  19711

Phone: +1 (302) 660-3275   
Fax: +1 (302) 660-3276


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No one may use the PIUG name or logo for any promotional or commercial purpose or any other purpose without the prior written consent of the PIUG Board of Directors.  

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