PIUG 2008 Boston Biotechnology Meeting
The following workshops are being offered by PIUG sponsors in conjunction with the PIUG 2008 Boston Biotechnology Meeting. Please note:
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Time |
Workshop |
Instructor |
Location |
Registration |
9:00 AM |
Searching and analyzing biological data and patented sequences using BONDplus |
Colin Williams
Thomson Financial
55 Thomson Place, Boston
On-line Deadline 2/7/2008 |
9:55 AM |
Searching at the interface of small molecules and biological molecules |
Donald Walter
Thomson |
Thomson Financial
55 Thomson Place, Boston |
On-line Deadline 2/7/2008 |
11:05 AM |
Thomson Innovation: An Introduction |
Mark Markley
Thomson |
Thomson Financial
55 Thomson Place, Boston |
On-line Deadline 2/7/2008 |
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Time |
Workshop |
Instructor |
Location |
Registration |
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
DWPI Chemistry Resource (DCR) Training
Jonathan Grant
FIZ Karlsruhe
Boston Information Center
Exchange Place 53 State St., 13th floor
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
GENESEQ on STN (DGENE) User Update |
Robert Austin
FIZ Karlsruhe
Boston Information Center
Exchange Place 53 State St., 13th floor |
On-line |
Friday, 15 February 2008
Time |
Workshop |
Instructor |
Location |
Registration |
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Sequence Searching on STN
Robert Austin
FIZ Karlsruhe |
New Horizons Computer Learning Center 40 Summer Street, 3rd Flr., Boston

Workshop Details
Directions to Venues from the Hotel
Please note:
- Each venue in the tables above is linked to webbed information, including directions.
- The directions below include local travel by "T", definitely the easiest way to traverse the city.
- Click for the T maps and schedule.
Thomson Financial
55 Thomson Place, Boston |
- From the Hyatt, walk west to Washington Street.
- Turn left (south) and go 2 blocks to Chinatown Station.
- Take Orange Line Inbound (Oak Grove) to Downtown Crossing.
- Take Red Line outbound (Braintree) to South Station.
- Take Silver Line to Courthouse Station and exit.
- The office is right next to the “T” Silver Line, Courthouse Station, and near the Children’s Museum.
- Approx. 35 minutes (on a good day).
Boston Information Center
Exchange Place 53 State St., 13th floor |
- From the Hyatt, walk west to Washington Street.
- Turn left (south) and go 2 blocks to Chinatown Station.
- Take Orange Line Inbound (Oak Grove) to State Street and exit.
- Exit onto Washington (turn left) and walk north to State Street.
- Turn right onto State Street.
- The Center is in this block.
- Approx. 7 minutes (on a good day).
New Horizons Computer Learning Center |
- The Hyatt is bordered on the west by Washington Street, on the east by Chauncey Street, and on the north by Summer Street.
- The Center is near the corner of Chauncey and Summer Streets
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Searching and analyzing biological data and patented sequences using BONDplus
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
9:00 AM
Colin Williams, Product Manager Biology & Bioinformatics
This session will provide an introduction to BONDplus, which was released by Thomson Scientific in August 2007, and which links patented sequences in GENESEQ, public domain sequences and biomolecular interactions. We will demonstrate how BONDplus can be used by biologists, intellectual property professionals and bioinformaticians, all of whom may have different needs. Also presented will be future plans for addition of content and applications and an opportunity to comment on the relevancy of these plans to you.
Searching at the interface of small molecules and biological molecules
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
9:55 AM
Donald Walter, Training Executive
Some indexing tools are built to describe small molecules, some are built to describe macromolecules, and some are built to describe biological molecules. If only the searches we are asked to conduct were so neatly classified! This talk will focus on some techniques for handling searches involving both small molecules (e.g. drugs) and biological molecules (e.g. receptors).
Thomson Innovation: An Introduction
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
11:05 AM
Mark Markley, Product Specialist
This session will focus on the new Thomson Innovation Intellectual Property tool. Thomson Innovation will contain both first level patent information, including information from some surprising sources, and the value add of the Derwent World Patent Index database. It will also contain references from the technical literature and business information, all in one place. The session will focus on the current state of the platform, as well as address improvements over current Thomson offerings, including PatentWeb and Delphion. Searching, display and exporting features will be discussed, as will the future direction of the product.
There is no charge for attending, but on-line registration is required. For more information, contact:
Donald Walter, Ph.D.
Training Executive
Pharmaceutical & Chemical Markets
Thomson Scientific
Fax +1 703 519 5838
don.walter @ thomson.com (no spaces)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
DWPI Chemistry Resource (DCR) Training
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
- What is the DWPI Chemistry Resource (DCR)?
- A tour through a typical DCR database record
- Effective use of name, formula and other text search fields
- Chemical structure searching in the DWPI Chemistry Resource
- Navigating between DCR and DWPI patent family records
- Refining DWPI Chemistry Resource retrieval using ROLES
- Refining answer sets with DWPI Classification (DC), Manual Codes and IPCs
- Tips for multi-file searching DWPI/DCR with other key STN databases
- An introduction to Fragmentation Code generation using STN Express
GENESEQ on STN (DGENE) User Update
February 13, 2008
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
- News on recent DGENE indexing and content enhancements
- Latest sequence search tips, tricks and ideas
- Networking with industry colleagues
- Q & A with expert Thomson and STN trainers
- Search tips for comprehensive searching using DGENE and USGENE®
- Extensive hands-on practice time
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sequence Searching on STN 
Friday, February 15
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
In this session, learn how to most efficiently use the comprehensive biological sequence searching resources on STN.
- Techniques for searching USGENE, DGENE and PCTGEN
- Sequence Code Match Searching
- CAS Registry BLAST
- Techniques for combining a multi-file search
- Extensive hands-on practice time
This workshop is free, but registration is required.