PIUG 2012 Annual Conference
An International Conference for Patent Information Professionals
View From a Mile High –
Best Practices in Analysis and Visualization of Patent Information
Overview | Program | Conference Materials (PIUG members only) | Sponsors
Workshops | Brian Stockdale Award
Saturday April 28 – Thursday May 3, 2012
Denver Hilton City Center
(formerly Denver Marriott City Center)
1701 California Street
Denver, Colorado 80202
The conference will feature world-renowned experts on patent information for technology research and planning, for legal organizations, and for overall corporate IP management (technology licensing and related activities). The conference will include many opportunities for discussion and part of Tuesday afternoon will be dedicated to visiting the exhibit hall. Many workshops will also be held in conjunction with this meeting (before, during and after the technical sessions).
Attendees typically have a professional, scientific, or technical interest in patents and represent a multitude of companies. Previous meetings in Baltimore, Maryland, and Cincinnati, Ohio, drew enthusiastic groups of over 330 and 350 people, respectively, to the three-day technical sessions. Nearly one-fifth of the attendees were international; that is, attendees came from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. We expect about 400 attendees in 2012.
Join us for a great conference in the Mile High City, Denver Colorado, USA.

PIUG gratefully acknowledges the generous support of all our sponsors and exhibitors
including the following Emerald sponsors.

Program Committee
Anthony Trippe & Ron Kaminecki – Co-Chairs
Members: Lucy Akers, Kartar Singh Arora, Brian Bridgewater, Alison Taylor, Zhifu Shu

Planning Committee
Anthony Trippe & Denise Fobare-DePonio, Co-Chairs
Brian Stockdale Award Committee – Edlyn Simmons (Chair), Stephen Adams, Ken Koubek, Tony Trippe
Evaluations – Mike McManus
Meeting Book – Diane Webb, Alison Taylor
Photography – Sandra Unger (Chair), Yuri Mozolev
Presentations Logistics Coordinator – A.J. D'Ambra
Registration Liaison – Malcolm Hallam
Signage – Sandra Unger
Sponsorship & Exhibits – Jane Thompson (Chair), Mike McManus
Webpages – Tom Wolff (Webmaster)
Workshops – Martha Yates (Chair)