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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

Chair, 2024-2026: Scott Hertzog (CAS) 

Scott HertzogAfter receiving his degree in Chemistry, Scott worked as a chemical patent examiner at the US Patent & Trademark Office for a number of years and then became a searcher for Science IP (now CAS IP Services), searching small-molecule structures, as well as more general chemical and technical searching.

Scott later worked in the IP department of a large manufacturing firm, performing freedom to operate searches and has been training and consulting with clients on CAS solutions such as SciFinder and STN for the past seven years.

Scott lives outside of Charlotte, NC with his wife and daughter and enjoys traveling, gardening and playing guitar.

Telephone: +1 308-222-1474 (US)
Email: shertzog at cas dot org

Vice-Chair, 2024-2026: Ron Kaminecki 

Ron Kaminecki performs patent searches and instructs individuals on how to search patents. He is a Patent Attorney and an Adjunct Professor at the MS in Patent Law program at Notre Dame University School where he teaches patent searching. Next semester he will also teach a patent and trademark searching course at DePaul Law School. He has conducted technical and patent searches and has advised others on patent information since the mid-1970's. He worked as Manager of Patent Information at Abbott and also in various positions at Dialog, but has always worked with technical and patent information. He has a BS in Chemistry, an MS in Computer Science and a JD with a Certificate in Patent Law and is a co-inventor of a published patent application and a co-author of a NISO standard on a common command search language.

Telephone: +1 302-660-3275 (US)
Email: ron at kaminecki dot com

Secretary, 2024-2026: Kunal Bhalla (PatInnovate) 

Kunal BhallaKunal Bhalla holds a master’s degree in engineering with biotechnology as specialization. He has diverse experience over 12 years in patent searching and analytics spanning across corporate and consulting firms. He was previously with Panacea Biotec (vaccine manufacturer) and Evalueserve (consulting firm) where he accumulated substantial experience in an in-house IP department and with consulting services. He is currently a managing partner in an IP startup firm, PatInnovate.

Telephone: +91 97112 99614 (India)
Email:  kunal dot bhalla at patinnovate dot com

Treasurer, 2024-2026: Christopher Baldwin (Clarivate) 

Chris has been involved in the patent information field since 1999 and a member of PIUG (on and off) for nearly as long. Today he manages a very talented team of solution consultants for Clarivate supporting many of our well known products and services such as Derwent Innovation, Innography, IPfolio, and many others. Prior to joining Clarivate, he was a solution consultant for LexisNexis PatentSight helping clients use patent analytics to inform critical business decisions. However, he actually honed most of his patent information and analysis skills as an information scientist for nearly 20 years with E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. While at DuPont, he learned the fine art of legally significant patent searching from Pat Dorler, a founding member of PIUG. She had a passion and dedication to the profession that easily transferred to her apprentice. Over the years, his role expanded into patent landscaping, competitive analysis, and providing innovation assessments for discovery programs in Central Research & Development. 

Telephone: +1 215-823-6665 (US)
Email: treasurer at piug dot org 

Immediate Past-Chair, 2024-2026: Kartar Singh Arora (Clarivate) 

Kartar is presently working as a Team Leader in the IP Search area for Clarivate. He started his professional career as a research scientist with the Sherwin-Williams Company and continued that path for many years with Mead Corporation, Henkel and Johnson Polymer. Patent information has been central throughout his professional career. He got involved in prosecution of patents and later became responsible for the management of IP at Johnson Polymer and then at BASF. During this time, he passed the Patent Bar and registered as a Patent Agent with the USPTO.

Kartar joined PIUG in 2000 as patent information and searching took more importance in his professional career. He joined Landon IP in 2012 which became part of Clarivate through a couple of mergers and acquisitions where he is now responsible for management and execution of patent searches in the areas of Chemistry and Materials. Kartar has been an active volunteer for PIUG, starting as web page editor and continuing as Annual Conference Exhibits Committee chair and Annual Conference Program Committee Co-Chair.

Telephone: +1 248-697-7761 (US)
Email: kartar at ahkhs dot com

Director-at-large (2-year term), 2024-2026: John Zabilski

John Zabilski

John Zabilski is the Chair of the PIUG Education Committee. John has received the PIUG Service Award in 2011 and in 2023 for his work with the Education & Training Committee. Previously he held multiple positions for over 40 years at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) including indexing, development, training and consulting on how to search for patent information. John has provided on site and online training at many organizations including 10 patent offices, helped developing presentations for the WIPO Technology Innovation Support Centers (TISC), presented at AALL, ACS, PIUG, SLA meetings and represented PIUG at the China Patent Annual Conference in Beijing. John is a Registered U.S. Patent Agent and a Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP).

Telephone: +1 614-364-1349 (US)
Email: jzabilski at gmail dot com

Director-at-large, 2022-2026: Barbara Miller (Amgen)

Barbara is currently the Patent and Scientific Analyst in the Amgen IP Law group. Prior to joining Amgen in 2017, she was a Patent and Scientific Analyst at the Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research(NIBR) and an Information Scientist at Pfizer. She has a PhD in Biological Sciences from Emory University, a MS in Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance from Temple University, and a BS in Chemistry from Rhodes College. She has been a member of PIUG since 2010 and has served on various PIUG committees over the years, including the Biotechnology Conference Planning Committee and the Member Relations Committee. She is also a Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP) and serves on the QPIP Accreditations Committee.

Telephone: +1 617-444-5356 (US)
Email: bmille02 at amgen dot com

PIUG Committees and Teams


Board of Directors Chair

  • Scott Hertzog

Conference Committees

Annual Conference Committee Chair

  • Chair: Martha Yates
  • Chair: Ken Koubek

See PIUG 2020 Annual Conference Page

Biotech Conference Committee

Northeast Conference Committee

Awards & Election Committees

Brian Stockdale Award Committee

  • Chair: Dominic DeMarco
  • Andrea Davis
  • Ken Koubek
  • Shelley Pavlek

Stu Kaback Award Committee   

  • Chair:  Kartar Singh Arora
  • Christopher Baldwin
  • Shelley Pavlek
  • Martha Yates

Nominating & Election Committee

  • Chair: Ken Koubek
  • Carol Bachmann
  • Rosanna Lindquist

Functional Committees

Bylaws Committee

Certification Committee

  • Chair: Ron Kaminecki
  • Stephen Adams
  • John Cavicchi
  • Andrea Davis
  • Susanne Hantos
  • Bettina de Jong
  • Barbara Miller
  • Tony Trippe

Education & Training Committee    

  • Chair: John Zabilski
  • Stephen Adams
  • Kartar Arora
  • Andrea Davis
  • Dominic DeMarco
  • Susanne Hantos
  • Ron Kaminecki
  • Ken Koubek
  • Shelley Pavlek
  • Suzanne Robins
  • Victoria Smith
  • Tony Trippe
  • Monica Weiss-Nolen
  • Martha Yates

Electronic Communications Committee

  • Chair: Shelley Pavlek
  • A.J. D’Ambra
  • Jordan Bell
  • Ken Koubek
  • Rick Williams
  • Tom Wolff

Membership & Marketing Committee

  • Vacant

Member Relations Committee

  • Chair: Suzanne Robins
  • Kartar Arora
  • Cathy Chiba
  • A.J. D’Ambra
  • Malcolm Hallam
  • Barbara Hampton
  • Ken Koubek
  • Elliott Linder
  • Seth Mendelson
  • Barbara Miller
  • Vanessa Pena
  • Gus Pinto
  • Heather Simmons
  • Heidi Stone
  • Cedric Tchakounte
  • Wongel Tefera
  • Rick Williams
  • Tom Wolff

Partnerships & Patent Offices Committee

  • Chair: Lucy Antunes
  • Chair: Rosanna Lindquist
  • Andrea Davis
  • Cynthia Gallagher
  • Susanne Hantos
  • Ron Kaminecki
  • Louisa King
  • Elliott Linder
  • Edlyn Simmons
  • Alison Taylor
  • Wongel Tefera

Sponsorship Committee

  • Chair: Ken Koubek
  • Jane Thompson
  • Martha Yates

Volunteer Recruitment Committee

  • Chair: Kim Miller
  • Shelley Pavlek

PIUG Past Officers and Directors

Years Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Directors-at-Large /
Immediate Past-chair
1988-1990 Mike Feider   Nancy Lambert Pat Dorler  
1990-1992 Edlyn Simmons John Dudinyak Nancy Lambert Pat Dorler  
1992-1994 Andy Berks Joseph DiSalvo Nancy Lambert Pat Dorler  
1994-1996 Suzanne Elsoffer Vicky Veach Elyse Turner Pat Dorler  
1996-1998 Vicky Veach Sandra Unger Joan Rogers Pat Dorler  
1998-2000 Sandra Unger Steve Reynolds Karen Wehner Elaine Campbell  
2000-2002 Lucy T. Antunes Ford Khorsandian Sandy Smith Suzanne Robins Stuart Kaback
Edlyn Simmons
Sandra Unger
2002-2004 Lucy T. Antunes Elyse Turner Sandy Smith Suzanne Robins Stephen Adams
Edlyn Simmons
Sandra Unger
2004-2006 Elyse Turner Suzanne Robins Anne Marie Clark Ken Koubek Stephen Adams
Lucy T. Antunes
Edlyn Simmons
Sandra Unger
2006-2008 Suzanne Robins Heidi Stone Ginger DeMille Ken Koubek Edlyn Simmons
Elyse Turner
Sandra Unger
2008-2010 Cynthia Barcelon-Yang Doreen Alberts Denise Fobare-DePonio Ken Koubek Edlyn Simmons
Suzanne Robins
Heidi Stone
2010-2012 Anthony Trippe Denise Fobare-DePonio Jim Brown Ken Koubek Cynthia Barcelon-Yang
Heidi Stone
Diane Wian (2010-2011)
Dominic DeMarco (2011-2012)
2012-2014 Susanne Hantos Jim Brown Kimberly Miller Ken Koubek Anthony Trippe
Cynthia Barcelon-Yang
Dominic DeMarco
2014-2016 Elliott Linder Stephen Adams Bo Peng Martha Yates Cynthia Barcelon-Yang
Susanne Hantos
Ron Kaminecki
2016-2018 Martha Yates Stephen Adams Shelley Pavlek Malcolm Hallam Ron Kaminecki
Elliott Linder
Heather Simmons
2018-2020  Martha Yates Shelley Pavlek Rosanna Lindquist Malcolm Hallam

Ron Kaminecki
Elliott Linder
Heather Simmons

2020-2022 Shelley Pavlek Kimberly Miller Leah Sandvoss Malcolm Hallam

Ron Kaminecki
Victoria Smith
Martha Yates

2022-2024 Kartar Singh Arora Devon SalmonMrinalini Muralidharan  Christopher Baldwin

Ron Kaminecki

Barbara Miller

Victoria Smith

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PIUG - Patent Information User Group, Inc.

Mailing Address:  
40 E. Main St., #1438
Newark, DE  19711

Phone: +1 (302) 660-3275   
Fax: +1 (302) 660-3276


Notice on use of PIUG name and logo:  

No one may use the PIUG name or logo for any promotional or commercial purpose or any other purpose without the prior written consent of the PIUG Board of Directors.  

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