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  • (On-Demand) Best Practices for Searching IP5 Literature
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  • (On-Demand) Best Practices for Searching IP5 Literature

(On-Demand) Best Practices for Searching IP5 Literature

  • 16 Mar 2023
  • 31 Dec 2024
  • Zoom Webinar
  • 450



Best Practices for Searching IP5 Literature

Kartar Singh Arora, Ph.D. (BIO)


IP5 is a term used to represent the five major patent offices namely, USPTO, EPO, SIPO, JPO and KPO. These offices are responsible for granting of a large majority of patents worldwide. Most of the patent professionals are very familiar with US and EP patents and patent offices. The knowledge of Chinese, Japanese and Korean patents may be limited for those of us who do not deal with these patents on a regular basis. This webinar will present an overview of differences in patents and procedures used by IP5 patent offices with a particular focus on the following items.

  1. Types of patents granted
  2. Patentable inventions
  3. Critical dates i.e., bar dates
  4. Definition of novelty and lack of invention step
  5. Procedures for challenging pending and granted patents
  6. Patent terms including extensions
  7. Patent offices and services provided including online databases including timeline for grant of patents and statistics.

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