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  • WIPO Webinars on Chemical search in PATENTSCOPE September 8, 2020 11:30 ET | 5:30 PM CET and September 10, 2020 8:30 CET | 12 PM IST| 11:30 PM PT [Amended 9/9/2020]
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  • WIPO Webinars on Chemical search in PATENTSCOPE September 8, 2020 11:30 ET | 5:30 PM CET and September 10, 2020 8:30 CET | 12 PM IST| 11:30 PM PT [Amended 9/9/2020]

WIPO Webinars on Chemical search in PATENTSCOPE September 8, 2020 11:30 ET | 5:30 PM CET and September 10, 2020 8:30 CET | 12 PM IST| 11:30 PM PT [Amended 9/9/2020]

  • 07 Sep 2020 11:59 PM
    Message # 9218740

     Note: [A fee-based (~$20)] Patentscope webinar "Chemical searches in PATENTSCOPE for & by experts".Sep.24, 2020 @ 5:30 PM CEST I 11:30 ET  has been announced during Sep. 8, 2020 Patenscope webinar. [Provided below a GotoWebinar registration page does not require any payment upon registration, payment details could be sent by organizers later]

    Registration link

    Update: See an additional info in the Sep. 17, 2020 PIUG-PF post.


    WIPO is offering two webinars on  Chemical search in PATENTSCOPE

    September 8, 2020 11:30 ET | 5:30 PM CET   OR  September 10, 2020 11:30 PM PT | 8:30 CET | 12 PM IST

    Registration Link  (Choose either Sep.8 or Sep.10 webinars)

    See also previous Patentscope webinars on the same subject:video, 24:09 and slides, 58 p.(recorded April 23, 2020); slides (73 slides, February 2019) (the latter presentation appear to be have more details then the presented in Apr. 23, 2020 video)

    Patentscope chemical indexing coverage [Webinar 9/8/2020]

    Current country coverage: CN [1996-2000]; EPO [1978-2020], EAPO [1978-2020], JP [1993-2020]; KR [1980-2020]; PCT [1979-2020]; RU [1995-2020]; US [1979-2020]

    To be indexed, at least one IPC code is required from the following IPC subclasses:

    A01N, A01P, A23J, A61K, A61L, A61P, A61Q, B01J, B01S, C01B, C01C, C01D, C01F, C01G, C06B, C07B, C07C, C07D, C07F, C07H, C07J, C07K, C08F, C08G, C08J, C08K, C08L, C09B, C09C, C09D, C09J, C09K, C10H, C10L, C10M, C10N, C11D, C12C, C12H, C12M, C12N, C12P, C12Q, C13B, C13K, C14C, C23C, C25B, C40B, G01N, G03C, H05B

    Examples of searchable: compounds: Stereoisomers, Monomers, Enantiomers, Transition metal complexes like cisplastin.

    Examples of unsearchable: compounds: Chemicals from tables, compounds within genus, Inorganic clusters, Metal-organic frameworks, Peptides, Polymers, Polymorphs, DNA and protein sequences, etc.

    Search Tips [Webinar 9/8/2020]



    CHEM:(BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N) AND IC:C01 [combination of compound InchIkey with another field]

    CHEM:(CAS83x88x5) [search for CAS RN 83-88-5]


    Additional Information

    Brief user documentation:

    [1]. WIPO, Patentscope: The User’s Guide. Updated September 2018. 45 p.
    SEARCH INTERFACES. 5.Chemical structure search. p.17-20 

    Background information:

    WIPO PATENTSCOPE chemical search project RFP & RFI:

    [2]. PTD/14/076 - Addition of Chemical Search capabilities to the WIPO PATENTSCOPE search system,  Request for proposal. Published on 30-Jan-2015

    WIPO has issued this RFP (Request for Proposal) in order to obtain financial offers from the key Service providers in the Chemical Search consultancy field in response to the requirements outlined below. Different kinds of texts are indexed in PATENTSCOPE: patent titles, abstracts, description and claims. The goal of this project is to add to PATENTSCOPE “exact”  search capabilities for chemical compounds in these fields, in the sense that chemical fuzzy search, sub-compound search and Markush search are currently out of scope of this project.

    The main issue to solve is recognition of the numerous different ways to refer to a given chemical compound in a patent application: accepted name, commercial name, IUPAC name, CAS name, CAS registry number, InChI, SMILES, embedded drawing, MOL file, etc. The idea is to enrich the texts indexed in PATENTSCOPE by replacing the detected compounds by their corresponding IUPAC International Chemical identifier key (InChIKey).

    A first usage of these new indexation capabilities will be the implementation of a search capacity for International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) that can be represented by an InChIKey in PATENTSCOPE which may be used by the public at large (INNs are standard names of pharmaceutical drugs designated by the World Health Organization (WHO)).

    Processing pipelines should be developed, taking in parameter source text strings of patent applications in HTML, localizing the references to chemical compounds (from substrings of text and embedded images), determining the compounds chemical structures and outputting the enriched text, replacing each found source text/image with the corresponding computed InChI key.

    An intuitive chemical search graphical interface should be developed as an additional menu item “Chemical compounds” under PATENTSCOPE main search drop down menu item.

    [3] .GIS/17/039 - Request for Information WIPO Extention of PATENTSCOPE Chemical Search Project. Published on08-Mar-2017
    WIPO is seeking information from companies potentially interested in WIPO new project concerning the extension of PATENTSCOPE chemical search project

    Technical details on PATENTSCOPE Chemical Search Project could be found in the following presentations:

    [4]. Eiblmaier, J., Geppert, D., Insenko, L., Saller, H.(InfoChem GmbH), 2015. Automatic Chemical Annotation of Large Full-Text Patent Corpora. Pitfalls, Challenges and User Benefits. Presented at the ICIC 2015 Nice, October 18 – 21, 2015.
    Slides 27-31: Addition of chemical search capabilities to the WIPO Patentscope Search System

    [5]. Halfpenny, Paul (WIPO), 2016. Chemical Compound Search in PATENTSCOPE. Presented at the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents. DecemberTwenty-Fifth Session. Geneva, December 2016, 23 p.

    [6]. Eiblmaier, J1., Mazenc, C.2, Geppert, D., Isenko, L.1, Saller, H.1, 2016. The Addition of Chemical Search Capabilities to PATENTSCOPE: Turning a Full-text Search System into a Chemistry Database. Presented at the ICIC 2016, Nice, Oct. 16-18, 2016, 44 p.
    1InfoChem GmbH; 2World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


    [7]. Eiblmaier, J1., Mazenc, C.2, Geppert, D., Isenko, L.1, Saller, H.1, 2018. The journey continues: the addition of French, Russian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Patents to PATENTSCOPE ChemSearch. Presented at the IC-SDV 2018 Nice April 23-24, 2018, p. 44.

    1InfoChem GmbH; 2World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

    …The last big enhancement of the [PATENTSCOPE] system was the addition of chemical search capabilities, accomplished using InfoChem’s automatic text- and image-mining technologies. An automatic workflow was developed and put into operation allowing real-time, multi-modal chemical text annotation and image recognition. Since the number of patent applications in some Asian countries increases rapidly, this process was enhanced to also handle Russian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese files in the most recent project phase. This talk will report the results and will address technical challenges encountered such as OCR quality, heterogeneity of sources, scalability, performance and parallelization.

    [8]. Mazenc, C. (WIPO), 2018. PATENTSCOPE: what’s new?Presented at the EPOPIC 2018 -Brussels ,November, 2018, [12] p.
    “Chemical Compound Search”, p.7-12 [Precision/Recall data for KPO,SIPO,JPO,Rospatent, p.12]$File/MON_02_WIPO.pdf

    [9]. Chemical Structure Search in PATENTSCOPE. WIPO Patentscope Webinar presentation, February 2019. 73 p.

     [9a]. Chemical Structure Search in PATENTSCOPE. WIPO Patentscope Webinar presentation, November 2019. 59 p.

    One of “driving forces” of the projects (cited in [7, p.11]), were needs of WHO procurement agencies in patent clearence using public databases:

    [10]. WIPO Secretariat, 2014. Feasibility Study on the Disclosure of International Nonproprietary Names (INN) in Patent Applications and/or Patents. Standing Committee on the Law of Patents. Twenty-First Session. Geneva, November 3 to 7, 2014 (No. SCP/21/9).

    23...[Medicines] procurement agencies have to consider the patent status of products early in the procurement process. Unlike IP professionals, they often do not have access to commercial patent databases specialized for chemistry and pharmaceuticals search, and thus conduct patent search on publicly available, free sources. As health specialists, they are familiar with INN, and some consider it problematic that a list of patents relating to a particular pharmaceutical product cannot be obtained by a patent search using the corresponding INN as a keyword without employing patent classifications or conducting chemical structure (or chemical name) search. (p.7)
    57. With the development of computing technology, it appears that automatic identification, extraction and indexing of chemical data from a source (such as patent documents) with complex software algorithmsis increasingly practical...A query with an INN could be automatically translated into other queries that correspond to its chemical name, structure etc., and software will carry out a set of comprehensive queries. (p.17)

    See also

    PubChem. Integration of WIPO’s PATENTSCOPE data with PubChem, PubChem News, March 16, 2020. URL (accessed 9.8.20).

    Boyer, S.K., Griffin, T., Alba, A., Yan, S., Chen, Y., Spangler, S., Louie, E., Kreulen, J., 2012. InChiKey insertion technique for compound-specific and any-compound proximity search. Presented at the Spring, 2012 ACS National Meeting San Diego, CA (March 25 – 29, 2012).
    …We now report the additional ability to detect, normalize, and replace chemical names in documents with InChiKeys and then index the combined text and embedded InChi's using SOLR, a Lucene-based full text-indexing engine. The resulting index supports Boolean combinations of chemical compounds and regular text words and phrases. It also supports proximity searching. The net result is that we can now perform searches for exact chemical structures or even unspecified chemical structures within a specified context.
    (See a fragment of Steve Boyer’s presentation at Chemaxon Partner Session, 2012 Boston UGM Meeting: Slides
    (see p.4.) & video (0:51-2:46)) [in-line tagging and classification of chemical names by inserting an InChikey back into the original document as well as into the index]

    Update 9/9/2020 5:40 AM  - Added: Information on webinar 9/24/2020 Chemical searches in PATENTSCOPE for & by experts Patentscope chemical indexing coverage and  Search Tips; (based on 9/8/2020 Patentsope webinar presentation)

    Update 3/15/2021  10:18 PM Links to video and slides of to Apr. 23, 2020 webinar has been added

    1 file
    Last modified: 15 Mar 2021 10:19 PM | Anonymous member

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