Note: This posting include information on some forthcoming CompuMark trademark webinars and a recorded webinar on design research, etc..
Clarivate Analytics CompuMark, a leading provider of trademark information, offers regular online training on its products. Below are selected webinars (August -September 2020) on trademark screening and searching.
Screening the Globe on SAEGIS: Custom Search Basics (Product: Screening; Level: Beginner)
Topics covered: Overview of SERION Applications; Navigation; Boolean Syntax; Truncation; Cross Referencing; Viewing Hits; Building Reports; Combining Queries; Strategy Controls; Searching Multiple Fields
Dates & Registration: August 5, 2020 2:00 pm ET; August 6, 2020 11:00 am CET; August 25, 2020 11:00 am CET; September 8, 2020 2:00 pm ET and September 28, 2020 11:00 am CET
(see also a video tutorial : SAEGIS: Custom Search Basics (7:43))
SAEGIS Refresher (Product: Screening; Level: Intermediate)
Topics covered: Overview of SERION Applications; Navigation; Boolean Syntax; Truncation; Cross Referencing; Viewing Hits; Building Reports; Combining Queries; Strategy Controls; Searching Multiple Fields; Recent Enhancements (Drill Downs, Database Templates and Goods Highlighting)
Dates & Registration: August 11, 2020 5AM ET | 11:00 am CET and September 25, 2020 5AM ET |11:00 am CET
Screening the Globe on SAEGIS: Custom Search Advanced (Product: Screening; Level: Advanced)
Topics covered: ADJ and NEAR Operators; Repeating Terms; Owner Name Searching; Pattern Matching; Searching Acronyms; Searching the Boolean Operators as part of a trademark; Utilizing Parentheses; “Begins with/Ends with” strategy; Searching with Punctuation; Searching Date Fields
Dates & Registration: August 11, 2020 2:00 pm EST; August 25, 2020 11:00 am CET; September 11, 2020 2:00 pm EST and September 17, 2020 11:00 am CET;
TM go365™ – our revolutionary cloud-based, do-it-yourself clearance solution (Product: Searching; Level: Beginner)
Dates & Registration: September 4, 2020 10:00 AM | 4:00 pm CET (and many other classes at CET time zone)
(cf. 2017 CompuMark press-release on an image search tool,. a video tutorial: TM go365 Image Search, (5:27)), a demo in Researching Industrial Design webinar (at 35:09-41:37), and a case study: Clarivate Analytics:Changing the game – TM go365 helps Urquhart-Dykes & Lord reduce the risk of infringement from secondary brands. 4 p.)
Source: Clarivate CompuMark Online Learning (this pages include information about other trademark related classes, and some webinars in Dutch, French, German and Spanish)
Additionial resources related trademark screening and searching using CompuMark products:
Trademark Screening -Eliminate potential conflicts early in the clearance process with a “knockout” search.
Trademark Searching. Get the comprehensive information you need to assess the availability of your proposed trademark for use and registration
VideoTutorials: SAEGIS: Custom Search Basics (7:43), SAEGIS Custom Search strategies (11:38), SERION Reports (11:29), TM go365 Image Search (5:27)
Identical Screening Search (ISS) database list (A comprehensive list of 191 trademark registers covered in CompuMarks products)
Multi-Country Regional Screening Search database list (A comprehensive list of global coverage for Multi-Country / Region Screening Searches, which includes an 105 trademark registers worldwide.)
TM go365™ database list
A white paper: Clarivate Analytics. Making sense of artificial intelligence: Understanding the technology behind today’s game-changing trademark research solutions. 6 p. (CM407514699/01) […how does it work? And how does it benefit busy trademark professionals? CompuMark’sTM go365TM]
Webinar: Where Art Meets Science: Researching Industrial Designs (Recorded April 15, 2020).
Speakers: Leo Longauer, VP of Corporate IP, Swarovski; Dr. Robert Stutz, Senior Partner, Beutler Künzi Stutz
Industrial design registrations are on the rise globally yet researching new designs to ensure they don’t infringe on existing registered designs has been notoriously challenging. Resources, time constraints and technology all play a pertinent role. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is coming to the rescue, powering new ways to search industrial designs faster, more effectively and at a lower cost. In this webinar, two experienced trademark practitioners examine the complexities of the industrial design research process and how intellectual property professionals can avoid their risk of rejection.
Topics include:
• Evaluating strategies for researching industrial designs and assessing results
• Tips for aligning stakeholders from R&D and branding to legal and regulatory
• Case studies that illustrate researching and protecting industrial design assets [in-depth design search of existing registrations in all relevant jurisdictions could cost €40.000+ (without NPL) (at 26:45)]
• Emerging technologies that are streamlining industrial design research [TM go365 demo at 35:09-41:37]
[also include Q&A related to the effect of AI for design searching and for designing new designs, etc.]
Longauer, Leo, and Robert Stutz. “Where Art Meets Science: Researching Industrial Designs.” Special Report. Clarivate CompuMark, July 2020. 7 p..
Clarivate CompuMark. “The Cost of Free: Industrial Design Research,” November 2019. Special Report. Clarivate CompuMark, 3 p.