The following online patent information and related events are offered Mon-Fri.. Nov. 8-12, 2021: See also below information about
other upcoming training events (Nov.15 – Nov. 26, 2021)
New conference: The 11th Annual Global TechMining Conference (GTM2021)“Mining Science & Technology Information Resources in a Digital Environment” 17-19 November 2021 (Registration, $10) (Details to be added to this post)
This week summary
11/8-10/2021 WIPO IPC Union - IPC Revision Working Group, Forty-Sixth Session (Program) (no public meetings)
11/8 -12/2021 EPO Behind the scenes Search| PU11-2021 (Registration closed)
11/8-11/2021 IPWatchdog Standard Essential Patents 2021, A Patent Masters™ Virtual Symposium (Registrattion)
11/8/2021 11:00 AM IPWatchdog SEP 2021: SEP Ecosystem Innovators vs Implementers
11/8/2021 3:00 PM IPWatchdog SEP 2021: Patenting Standards: Strategically Building a SEP Portfolio (added post-event) ) (New)11/9/2021 4:00 AM EPO Search Basics (KL34-2021)
11/9/2021 4:00 - 7:30 AM EST STN User Meeting Czech Republic (in Czech and English, Registration open) (New)11/9/2021 8:00 AM EPO Introduction to the European Patent Register (KL35-2021)
11/9/2021 8:00 AM EST EPO Advanced lecture series on green technologies: Patenting in green technologies (AS09-2021)
11/9/2021 7:30 PM EST American Patent Agency webinar series@MIT Application Process & Prosecution I (#9)
11/10/2021 3:15 AM EST EPO Opposition matters: Arguing prior use in opposition
11/10/2021 4:00 AM EST Clarivate: What’s New in Derwent Innovation
11/10/2021 4:00 AM EST SHIGA International Patent Office: Patent Term Extensions for Pharmaceutical Inventions in Japan
11/10/2021 8:00-11:00 STN User Meeting (in German) (New)
11/10/2021 11:00AM EST PIUG Introduction to Patent Analytics and Technical Intelligence
11/10/2021 & 11/12/2021 9:00 AM EST CIIPM: Freedom to Operate Search & Analysis – Advanced (Fee)
11/10/2021 11:00AM EST Elsevier Big Data in Chemistry: Understanding the history of chemical space through big data
11/10/2021 3:00 PM EST Clarivate How to Think Like A Professional Patent Searcher
11/11/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO Introduction to Espacenet (KL36-2021)
11/11/2021 8:00 AM EST EPO A beginner’s guide to INPADOC legal event data (KL37-2021)
11/11/2021 3:00 PM EST Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner How to Obtain a US Patent (New)
Monday, November 8 , 2021
EPO Behind the scenes in search (substantive aspects (PU11-2021) (Mon. 8-12, 2021, virtual, offline) (Registration closed)
Reading selected passages of the guidelines
Working on exercises and posting comments and answers in a forum
Covering aspects such as drafting a written opinion issued by the search division (novelty, inventive step, clarity), consultation at search stage.
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (March 2021, ISBN 978-3-89605-265-0, approx.986 p.)Part B – Guidelines for Search (… Ch. III Characteristics of the search; Ch. IV Search procedure and strategy; … Ch. VI The state of the art at the search stage; … Ch. IX Search documentation; Ch. X Search report…)
11:00 AM -12:30 PM ET | 5:00 - 6:30 PM CET
IPWatchdog SEP Ecosystem Innovators vs Implementers (Registration, free)
Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) exist as a mechanism for industry innovators to work together to collectively identify and select the best and most promising innovations that will become the foundation for the entire industry to build upon for years to come. Those contributing patented technologies to the development of a standard are asked to provide a FRAND (which stands for Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) assurance, in essence committing to providing access to patents that are or may become essential to the implementation of the standard.
The panel would discuss: The current state of the SEP ecosystem at large; Whether implementers and innovators co-exist without litigation? Misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounding SEPs. Why is determining a FRAND rate so difficult? Looming issues on the horizon for the industry
Panelists: Roberto Dini (Metroconsult*), Taraneh Maghamé (Via Licensing Corporation), Tim Pohlmann (IPlytics*), Matteo Sabattini (Ericsson*) [* Sponsors]
SEP Materials:
Pohlmann, Tim.[IPlytics]. Unpacking 5G SEPs and Standards Contribution Data. Blog. May 15 2021
Pohlmann, Tim Using AI to Valuate and Determine Essentiality for SEPs. Blog. June 18, 2021
Pohlmann, Tim. Standard Essential Patents and Legal Risks Across Industries. Blog. July 7, 2021
Pohlmann, Tim., & Belk, Jeffrey [Ocreati Advisors, LLC]. From SEP to Deal: Insights On an Often Long and Challenging Process. Blog October 21, 2021
11:00 AM -12:30 PM ET | 5:00 - 6:30 PM CET
IPWatchdog SEP 2021: Patenting Standards: Strategically Building a SEP Portfolio (Registration, free) (added post-event)
Speakers: Gabriele Mohsler, Ericsson, Jake LaCombe & Dan Venglarik, Munck Wilson Mandala, Gene Quinn, IPWatchdog, Inc.
One of the major challenges when licensing, transacting, or managing Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) is that there is no public database that provides information about verified SEPs. Standard-setting organizations (SSOs) such as ETSI (4G / 5G), IEEE (Wi-Fi), or ITUT (HEVC/VVC) maintain databases of so-called self-declared patents to document the fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) obligation. As a result, in the course of licensing negotiations, patent acquisitions, or litigation, the question about which patents are essential and which are not is one of the most hotly debated when negotiating SEP portfolio value, royalties, or infringement claims.
There are two big problems. Not all declared patents are essential and not all essential patents are declared. Both described scenarios show that patent declaration data needs refinement, filtering, extrapolation and a neutral and objective SEP determination and valuation metric.
The Panel Will Discuss: How SEP portfolios should be built? Standard Setting Organization disclosure requirements. Benefit and drawbacks of a patent or family declared "essential" to a standard.
SEP Materials: see above
Note: this livestream session has been recorded and link could be available for participant registered to IPWatchdog 2021 at later time upon request
Tuesday, November. 9, 2021
4:00-5:00 AM EST | 10.00 -11.00 AM CET
EPO Search Basics (KL34-2021) (Registration)
… In this online seminar we will familiarise the participants with some basic aspects of patent searching such as bibliographic information, numbers, patent families and classification systems.
See also other EPO resources for beginners:
Searching for patents…First time here?
Patent Information Tour (video, 1:24, web-based training, 146 slides)
6:15 - 7:30 AM EST | 12:15 - 13:30 CET (in English)
STN User Meeting Czech Republic
STN update, Dr. Basim Rahman, Ph.D.
A short introduction to FIZ PatMon for Patent Monitoring, Dr. Basim Rahman, Ph.D.
Additional Info:STN Application Updates: 10 New releases for STNext in 2021, including Biosequence Searching, Bioscape and Chemscape Visualizations (Jan. 2021, incl. CDR for antibody and t-cell receptors), etc.
8:00 – 9:00 AM EST | 2:00 – 3:00 PM CET
EPO Introduction to the European Patent Register (KL35-2021) (Registration)
This online seminar explains what the European Patent Register is and its key features. You will learn how to search for patent documents, how to navigate and the available information to inspect. This online seminar provides also an in-depth look at the different services offered by the Register. We will explore the Federated Register together with its deep links to the national registers, have a closer look at the Global Dossier service and show you how to use the Register Alert service.
Recording of the previous webinar “The European Patent Register as a source of legal information (video, 1:06:14; presentation, 63 p. (Feb. 25, 2021, Yolanda Sánchez García European Patent Register Product Marketing Manager)
Additional videos: European Patent Register (7:44); Federated Register (4:46); Global Dossier (6:05); Register Alert (4:38)
EPO Discussion Forum: European Patent Register and Register Alert
European Patent Register, (Introduction)
8:00 – 9:00 AM EST | 2:00 – 3:00 PM CET
EPO Advanced lecture series on green technologies (AS09-2021)
Lecture 1 Patenting in green technologies – challenges from an examiner/patent office perspective
…In this lecture, it will be explained why innovation in green tech is important, how EPO examiners deal with it and what challenges green tech patents pose to examiners.
Speakers: Victor Veefkind & Stefano Angelucci, examiners, EPO, Yann Menière, Chief Economist, EPO
Other lectures: 2. Developing an IP strategy (11/16/2021); 3. IP related challenges for an in-house IP team (11/23/2021); Meet an inventor (11/30/2021)
Recommended preparatory EPO Academy e-courses: From idea to patent; The art of reading patent documentation; Introduction to the European patent system; Think patents: the value of patent documentation for innovation and research
7:30 - 8:30 PM ET | 1:30 - 2:30 AM CET
American Patent Agency webinar series@MIT Application Process & Prosecution I (#9) (Registration)
Instructor: Stephen Hou, Patent prosecution advisor at American Patent Agency LC.Hosted by MIT Graduate Student Council.
Startups often ask how the patent application process works and how to deal with their applications being rejected. This session discusses the US patent application process and prosecuting applications. Goals: – Understand the patent application process. – Abide by the ethics associated with being an inventor or applicant.
Note: This is the 9th of 14 lectures of Patent Strategy for Entrepreneurs: Fall 2021 Webinar Series @ MIT. The webinars held every Tuesdays 7:30 PM (1 hour plus Q&A) until December 14, 2021. See description of the course, recording of the previous lectures at the course website.
Wednesday, November. 10, 2021
3:15-4:00 AM EST | 9.15 -10.00 CET
EPO Opposition matters: Arguing prior use in opposition (Registration, by 11/8/2021, 6 PM EST, fee)
Speakers: Britta Kley, lawyer, Patent Law, EPO, Gundula Wolf, examiner, EPO, Christian Rupp, European patent attorney, epi
4:00-5:00 AM EST | 10.00 -11.00 AM CET
Clarivate: What’s New in Derwent Innovation (Registration)
Instructor: Brian Larner (Clarivate, Derwent Learning)
New features June 20th, 2021 release of Derwent Innovation: Claims charting, Changes in claims between grant and application, INPADOC family timeline, Ability to enter a publication number into Smart search to find similar documents
4:00-4:30 AM EST | 10.00 -10.30 AM CET
SHIGA International Patent Office: Patent Term Extensions for Pharmaceutical Inventions in Japan (Registration)
Speaker: Kentaro Horie, Patent Attorney, SHIGA International Patent Office
Patent term extensions (PTEs) are particularly important for pharmaceutical companies. However, the practice and rules for filing PTE applications are different depending on the jurisdiction. In our webinar, we will provide you with some practical tips for filing PTE applications in Japan, and we hope that our webinar will be useful for understanding the Japanese PTE system.
Note: Registration from persons who work for IP firms or law firms in Japan will not be approved as this may be deemed as a conflict of interest with our business.
9:00 - 10:30 AM EST | 3:00 - 4:30 PM CET | 14.00 - 15.30 BST
CIIPM: Freedom to Operate Search & Analysis – Advanced(Registration, Fee)
Instructors: Jane List, Extract Information, Stuart Newbold, PSIM
This course is aimed at those with experience of patent searching who need to improve or update their expertise in freedom to operate search and analysis. (See the Part 2 of two-day course 11/11/2021 below)
From Course Outline: (Day 1) …FTO scope and comparison to other search types; Search skills for FTO (Bibliographic searching, Inventor and organisation name searching; Examiner, and applicant citation searching): Subject searching (broader and narrow concepts, Searching in other languages, Specific subject skills. Searching around the claims of identified documents);When to stop your search?; Practical session.
8:00-11:00 AM EST | 2:00-5:00 PM CET
STN User Meeting DACH (in German, slides in English) (New)
8:00 AM/ 14.00 What’s new on STNext? Basim Rahman (FIZ Karlsruhe), Jan Baur (ACS International)
8:45 AM/14:45 The New Structure of the Derwent World Patents Index on STNext, Sebastian Brauch (FIZ Karlsruhe)
9:30 AM/15:30 CAS Scientific Patent Explorer – Live Demo, Jeanne Fronert (ACS International)
9:50 AM/15:50 Parallel Lecture Panels –
Topic I: CAS Biosequences – Live Demo, Jan Baur (ACS International)
Topic II: Efficient Legal Status Monitoring with FIZ PatMon – Live Demo, Sebastian Brauch (FIZ Karlsruhe)
Topic III: Analyzing the chemical space more efficiently with Chemscape, Jeanne Fronert (ACS International)
10:15 AM/16.15 What’s Coming Next to STNext? Paul Peters (ACS International) (in English)
10:00 AM – 11:00 PM ET | 4:00 -5:00 PM ET
Elsevier Big Data in Chemistry webinar series: Understanding the history of chemical space through big data (Add to Calendar)
Presenter: Prof. Guillermo Restrepo, Leipzig Univ. (Germany)
Along its evolution, chemistry has left a historical record of substances and chemical reactions… this large corpus of historical chemical information constitutes more than a source of data. It can shed light on the evolution of chemistry and its knowledge through a computational approach posing new challenges and opportunities for the field of chemistry. Prof. Restrepo will cover the sources of data and the available mathematical and computational methods to carry out computational studies of the history of chemistry. As a case study recent results on the computational study of the evolution of the chemical space will show how World Wars and scientific theories have affected the annual production of new chemicals.
See also:
Llanos, E. J., Leal, W., Luu, D. H., Jost, J., Stadler, P. F., & Restrepo, G. (2019). Exploration of the chemical space and its three historical regimes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(26), 12660–12665.
3:00 – 4:00 PM ET | 9:00 – 10:00 PM CET
Clarivate How to Think Like A Professional Patent Searcher (Registration)
…In this session, you will learn how to deconstruct a search topic into concepts, how to develop keyword and classification strategies for each concept for maximum comprehensiveness, and how to combine those strategies for maximum relevancy.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
4:00 – 5:00 AM EST | 10.00 – 11.00 AM CET
EPO Introduction to Espacenet (KL36-2021) (Registration)
This online seminar provides an introduction to the navigation and features of Espacenet. The Espacnet interface offers extended full text search and an intuitive user experience. We will take you on a journey, from entering your first keywords to inspecting the details of specific documents.
For recording previous webinar, see video, 57:19 and presentation, 33 p. (Feb 2, 2021, Roland Feinäugle, Johannes Schaaf, EPO)
8:00-9:00 AM ET | 2:00 -3:00 PM CET
EPO A beginner’s guide to INPADOC legal event data (KL37-2021) (Registration)
… In this online seminar we will explore the background and coverage of INPADOC. We will look at examples of patent applications and their legal status history and find out about the latest additions to the database. Finally, we will identify some of the pitfalls when using legal status data and how to avoid them.
See a copy of presentation (40 p.) of the previous webinar, 29 September 2020, by Sofie Leplae, EPO
9:00 - 10:30 AM EST | 3:00 - 4:30 PM CET | 14.00 - 15.30 BST
CIIPM: Freedom to Operate Search & Analysis – Advanced
This is Day 2 of 2-day Course, see information for Day 1 for Nov. 10, 2021 (above)
From Course Outline: Demonstration of a model answer; Analysis for FTO purposes; Analysing the claims in relation to description and drawings;
Divisionals and continuations; Claims trees, structure and claims analysis; How to review pending applications; Examples from US, EP, WO, GB;
Reporting of results…Establishing patent watches, Maintaining a black list, Re-executing search, analyses and reporting.
3:00 - 4:00 PM EST | 9:00 - 10:00 PM CET
Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner How to Obtain a US Patent (Link to join, no registration is needed))
Speakers: Douglas Portnow& Aris Gregorian, Schwegman. Lundberg & Woessner
This session will provide an overview of the patent process in the US. From preparing and filing a patent application to responding to rejections from the US Patent and Trademark Office to issuance and obtaining foreign protection. This session is ideal for the first time inventor who wants to understand major actions and costs associated with obtaining a patent
Other upcoming events (Nov.15 –26, 2021)
11/15/2021 11:00AM EST Gorodissky & Partners (Moscow): New Regional Systems: Protecting Trademarks and Designs in the Eurasian States
11/15/2021 12:00 PM EST Kilburn & Strode Drafting Masterclass 2. European patent drafting – masterclass for patent experts
11/16/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO Patent families and their key features
11/16/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO & EUIPO Packaging as a product: an IPR perspective (New)
11/16/2021 8:00 AM EST EPO Introduction to PATSTAT online
11/16/2021 8:00 AM EPO Advanced lecture series on green technologies: Developing an IP strategy
11/16/2021 10:30 AM EST Cohausz & Florack Unified Patent Court & Unitary Patent
11/16/2021 10:30 AM EST (also 10:00 AM CET) Gridlogics Identifying the emerging players in CRISPR-Cas9 and comparing their portfolio strengths using PatSeer Pro X
11/16/2021 7:30 PM EST American Patent Agency webinar series@MITApplication Process & Prosecution II (#10)
11/17-19/2021 The 11th Annual Global TechMining Conference (GTM2021) (Registration, $10) (New)
11/17/2021 5:00 AM EST Clarivate How to Think Like A Professional Patent Searcher
11/17/2021 12:00 PM EST Webinar Series with Averbis (Episode 6)
11/17/2021 1:30 PM EST USPTO TXRO Meet the Patent Experts: Class Five (patent searching, searching strategies)
11/18/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO Special focus Espacenet – Advanced search
11/18/2021 12:00 PM EST USPTO PTAB Inventor Hour Webinar
11/18/2021 2:00 PM EST USPTO Path to a Patent Part V: Understanding the role of claims in a patent application
11/18/2021 8:00 PM EST Oblon Patent Term Adjustment - A Dollar Won is Twice as Sweet as a Dollar Earned(also 11/19/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO )
11/19/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO A deep dive: INPADOC legal event data
11/23/2021 4:00 AM EST EPO Inventor’s certificates – a forgotten source of prior art? (New)
11/23/2021 8:00 AM EST EPO Advanced lecture series on green technologies: IP commercialisation
11/23/2021 7:30 PM EST American Patent Agency webinar series@MIT Post-Grant Proceedings (#11)
11/24/2021 4:30 AM EST European IP Helpdesk Webinar: Geographical Indications
11/25/2021 10:00 AM EST Elsevier Big Data in Chemistry: A Universal Approach to Reaction Informatics (Prof. Leo Cronin, Univ. of Glasgow) (New)
11/26/2021 8:15 AM EST EPO BoA and key decisions 2021: Inventive step: views from national judges and board members (New)
Update: 11/9/2021 Information on STN User Meeting (in German), Nov. 10, 2021 has been added.