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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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  • Patent Information and related events Apr. 27-30, 2021 (4/27 WIPO AI-based Image TM search @11:30am ET; 4/28 Patent systems of EA, UA, GE, MN, UZ @10 AM CET; IPRally AI powered patent search @10:20am CET; FTO @10:30am CET; 4/29 Searching Catalysts in CAS/Derwent files @9am & 2pm ET, AI-Augmented Innovation @12 pm ET; Plant Patents @USPTO 3pm ET, etc.) (updated 4/26/2021)
  • Home
  • Patent Information and related events Apr. 27-30, 2021 (4/27 WIPO AI-based Image TM search @11:30am ET; 4/28 Patent systems of EA, UA, GE, MN, UZ @10 AM CET; IPRally AI powered patent search @10:20am CET; FTO @10:30am CET; 4/29 Searching Catalysts in CAS/Derwent files @9am & 2pm ET, AI-Augmented Innovation @12 pm ET; Plant Patents @USPTO 3pm ET, etc.) (updated 4/26/2021)

Patent Information and related events Apr. 27-30, 2021 (4/27 WIPO AI-based Image TM search @11:30am ET; 4/28 Patent systems of EA, UA, GE, MN, UZ @10 AM CET; IPRally AI powered patent search @10:20am CET; FTO @10:30am CET; 4/29 Searching Catalysts in CAS/Derwent files @9am & 2pm ET, AI-Augmented Innovation @12 pm ET; Plant Patents @USPTO 3pm ET, etc.) (updated 4/26/2021)

  • 28 Apr 2021 6:49 AM
    Reply # 10384414 on 10354206

    "European IP Helpdesk Webinar: Freedom to Operate" Wed, Apr 28, 2021 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT (instead of 10:30 CEST) Registration link [There is discrepancy between starting time of the webinar posted on the event page and within GotoWebinar  system -ab]

  • 25 Apr 2021 11:59 PM
    Message # 10354206

    The following patent Information and related  events are offered April 27-30, 2021. It include information about standalone webinars, as well as from the following conferences: Nordic IPR Summit 27 –28 April, 2021; IPAS 2021 (The 4th IP Awareness Summit), April 28-29, 2021. For information on selected presentation of 2021 World IP Forum, April 26- May 2021 see a separate PIUG-PF post,

    Tuesday, April 27, 2021

    11:30am – 12:15pm ET | 5:30pm – 6:15pm CET (also Apr. 29. 2021 at 8:30 CET)
    WIPO Image search in the Global Brand Database         Registration (for both days)
    See also:
    WIPO Press release: State-of-the-Art AI-Based Image Search Tool for Brands, April 1, 2019  [WIPO’s new AI-based technology improves on [image search] technology by using deep machine learning to identify combinations of concepts within an image to find similar marks that have previously been registered. [It] leverages deep neural networks and figurative elements classification data from the Madrid System …and from large trademark offices. The AI image similarity algorithm allows users to combine it with any other search criteria, for example … to one or several parts of the Nice Classification. Users … may use an in-built editing tool for close cropping of a searched region of interest in the image…].  See a short introductory video (1:00)
    A recording (20:39) and copy of slides (47 p.) of previous April, 2020 webinar. Other webinars on Global Brand Database could be found here.


    April 27, 2021
    12:00am – 1:00pm ET | 6:00pm – 7:00pm CET   New!
    Georgia Tech PTRC
    Introduction to Patent Searching (registration form at this page)
    In this class, we will cover patent classifications and patent search strategies. We also explore several free patent databases and their features through search examples.

    Additional Info: Georgia Tech Library patent search guides:
    Patent Databases by Category
    Patent Search Tutorials
    Patent Classifications and Search Tools
    About PubEAST/PubWEST
    Historial Patents
    Pre-1920 Patentee Search (


    April 28, 2021, Wednesday

    4:00-5:30 AM ET | 10:00-11:30 AM CET
    Gorodissky & Partners (Moscow) "
    Expansion of IP Horizons in Eurasia" (a registration form at this page) [In English]
    Eurasian Economic Union as an emerging IP Region, Yury Kuznetsov
    Eurasian patent system: key features, advantages, procedure, Valentin Kirillov
    Neighbors to Eurasian Union: patent systems of Ukraine, Georgia, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan, Sergey Dorofeev, Maxim Bocharov (Kyiv)
    April 28, 2021
    [Nordic IPR Summit 27 –28 April, 2021 Agenda  Registration Link]
    4:20 -5:00 am ET | 10:20-11:00 am CET
    Lessons Learned: How to evaluate the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Achieving Your Goals, Sakari Arvela, CEO and founder & Andreas Cehlinder, CCO, IPRally
    The patent space is clearly in the early stages of such a transformation [ by use various form of AI] as well, and traditionally labor intensive processes may now be supported by (more or less) intelligent software….In this session, IPRallywill share some lessons learned from companies that have been evaluating AI…Some of the key issues to be discussed include: ...
    ·What types of AI are there, and what are the main differences?
    ·A hands on, five step guide to effective AI tool evaluation
    ·An introduction to graph based, AI powered patent research
    Additional info:
    IPRally Patent Search. The first AI that think like a patent professional;
    Feb 15, 2021
    Kallio, J., Why patent search needs to be graph based. IPRally blog, April 12, 2019.: [… The benefits of a graph based patent search will be increasingly hard to compete with the traditional approaches.]
    IPRally.  IPRally Free Search Introduction. Feb.15, 2021 (video, 1:17,)


    April 28, 2021
    4:30 am - 6:00 am ET | 10:30 am - 12:00 pm CET
    European IP Helpdesk:  
    Freedom to Operate, Dr Christian Hackl, European IP Helpdesk Helpline (Organised by EU Executive Agency for SME)
    …What is FTO, what are the different FTO types, what level of accuracy can be chosen in the data analysis?... How much should SME budget for FTO?

    Registration Link


    April 28, 2021
    7:30 -8:10 am ET | 1:30-2:10 pm CET
    [Nordic IPR Summit 27 –28 April, 2021 Agenda  Registration Link]
    From Patent to Profit, Start With a Search to Maximise Your Returns When Commercialising Your IP Ben Rowan, Account Manage & Mie Rasmussen, Head of Support & Training, Minesoft
    …How can you utilise PatBase to support commercialisation efforts?


    1:15 – 2:15 pm ET |7:15 – 8:15 pm CET
    IPAS 2021 (The 4th IP Awareness Summit), Center for IP Understanding and Center for Research in Technology and Innovation of Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University      Program               Registration link
    What does China’s IP rights explosion mean for innovation?
    In less than two decades China has gone from an emerging innovator with few IP rights to a global leader. How has China’s emergence and use of its IP and IP rights changed the global innovation landscape?
    Jeremie Waterman, President, China Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    Jon Putnam, principal Competition Dynamics, Inc.; China IP valuation expert
    Michael Mangelson, Senior Counsel for China IP Policy, USPTO
    Moderator: Hon. Randall R. Rader, Chief Judge of the Court Appeals for the Federal Circuit (ret.)

    April 29, 2021 Thursday

    9:00 – 10:00 am ET |3:00 – 8:00 pm CET  (and  also 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET | 8:00 – 9:00 pm CET)
    The Kinetics of Searching Catalysts on STNext® (Sebastian Brauch, FIZ Karlsruhe and Paul Peters, ACS International)
    …Indexing and registration policies in CAS (CAplus, Registry, CASREACT, MARPAT) and Derwent (DCR, DWPI and DWPIM) files for some of the most common types of catalysts. “Search strategies will demonstrate the most complete retrieval for organometallic as well as enzymatically catalyzed reactions but also for less well-defined catalysts like molecular sieves or zeolites. Moreover, the numeric property search being available in various databases will help to find further details around pore size, temperatures and other factors determining the efficiency of these catalysts.”


    12:00 – 1:00 pm ET |7:00 – 8:00 pm CET
    IPWatchdog/– Facilitating and Augmenting Innovation with Artificial Intelligence  
    (a registration form at this page)
    How can innovative companies determine which ideas should be pursued, which require more work and those that need to be scrapped altogether if it is unclear what has been invented in the first place? 
    …the panel will discuss:… Artificial Intelligence tools for assisting and augmenting invention disclosures.
    Panelists: Gene Quinn, the founder of, Joining Gene will be Carlo Cotrone, Chief IP Counsel at Techtronic Industries North America (TTI), and Jim Durkin, Former USPTO Examiner and Product Manager for
    Additional Info:
    IPWatchdog/ Webinar Innovation Triage: Identifying What is Ripe to Pursue Today (Apr.28, 2020, 1:02:27)  See AI-Augmented Innovation Process (Slide 7 at 23:00) which propose unbiased novelty scoring based on automatically returned top prior art references.; “Technology Vitality Report” (Slide 8 at 23:00) Blog, July15, 2019. How Quantitative Analytics Gives Your Invention a Competitive Advantage , also a short video  (1;25, Sep.25, 2019) on semantic search-based ideas novelty scoring .
    Technology Vitality Report, see also a video “Technology Vitality Report Introduction” (5:58, Jan.16, 2019)
    Related products: IQ Ideas™ Plus [IQ Ideas is an AI-powered workflow that finds relevant prior art and sparks new ideas for consideration…. Once novel ideas are formulated, the Inventor’s Aide workflow in IQ Ideas Plus helps engineers and scientists write better invention descriptions and scores the ideas for novelty.]
    Rosen, J., Osman, M., Cronin, J. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Invention Disclosures. Legit; ip Capital Group. October 2020, (see AI based prior art for enhancement of the invention disclosure  at p.5) Apr. 29, 2020

    3:00-4:00 pm ET | 9:00-10:00 pm CET
    USPTO. Do You Know @ USPTO: Plant patents         Registration
      [Incl. How USPTO applies non-obviousness for plant patents and How a patent owner proves infringement of a plant patent]

    Additional Info:
    CBT Types of applications, slides 1.8-1.10
    General Information About 35 U.S.C. 161 Plant Patents, Sec. Arrangement of the Specification
    Sukhapinda, K., 2016. Intellectual Property Protection for Plants in U.S.,  Presentation at  UPOV-Train the Trainers Program, May 9-13, 2016, 16 p.
    Knauss, D.J., Veitenheimer, E.E., Pomeranz, M., Protecting Plant Inventions. Landslide 11 (6), July/August 2019 [this and above references provided by Yateen Pargaonkar
    35.U.S.C 161-164; 37 CFR § 1.161 - 1.167;  MPEP Chapter 1600 - Plant Patents
    How to search plant patents: see a detailed discussion on PIUG wiki (October 2019) (and references therein); Upconsel. Plant Patent Search: Everything You Need to Know; UCF Libraries. How do I search for Plant Patents? USPTO Class PLT


    Apr. 30, 2021, Friday

    1:00- 2:30 pm ET | 7:00- 8:30 pm CET
    The Path to a Patent, Part III: Patent searching  Registration (by 4/29)
     [preliminary searching, Seven Step Strategy, tips and resources for searching….]
    See also recording of the previous webinar “The Path to a Patent, Part III: Patent searching ” (Jan. 22, 2021, 2:00:30)

     Update: 4/26/2021 5:05PM Information on 4/25/2021 Georgia Tech PTRC Patent search Class has been added.

    Last modified: 26 Oct 2021 4:21 AM | Anonymous member

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