Discussion of Patent Family tab Information for Patenscope WO2014074540 patent family
See attached a copy of a diagram of an extended patent family for WO2014074540, which is based on known filing/national entry dates of each patent family member patent applications. In the list of family members under the diagram, special codes IC1-IC4,IC6 below filing date of each member (on the right) indicate the basis in inclusion in Patentscope family:
IC1 PCT application from which the family originated;
IC2 National entry of PCT application
IC3 National entry of PCT application without Patenstcope record;
IC4 US application related to another US application already included in the family [divisional, continuation, reissue or republication of the latter]
IC6 Priority Equivalence
See attached selection of the family list illustrating use of codes IC1-IC4,IC6.
Note that information for parent family members with published applications and granted patents, only patent number of published applications are included along with two or more kind codes are included for different publication stages, see for example, US20150291685 (with kind codes A1,B2), US9879070B2 is not listed.
Comparison with Espacenet patent family: Patentscope patent family (with a PCT member WO2014074540) contain essentially the same patent family members as the Espacenet family, except missing US patent numbers, translation in some EPO country and HK patent information.
Update 3/23/2021 3:42 A discussion of Patentscope Patent information tab has been added.