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  • EPO webinars: ASEAN Patent Information, Espacenet advanced features, INPADOC, EPO Linked data, etc. (Feb.23- Mar. 24, 2021) - additional session on EPO Global Patent Index 3/11/2021 8:00 AM EST | 2 PM CET
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  • EPO webinars: ASEAN Patent Information, Espacenet advanced features, INPADOC, EPO Linked data, etc. (Feb.23- Mar. 24, 2021) - additional session on EPO Global Patent Index 3/11/2021 8:00 AM EST | 2 PM CET

EPO webinars: ASEAN Patent Information, Espacenet advanced features, INPADOC, EPO Linked data, etc. (Feb.23- Mar. 24, 2021) - additional session on EPO Global Patent Index 3/11/2021 8:00 AM EST | 2 PM CET

  • 11 Mar 2021 7:09 AM
    Reply # 10184897 on 10126858

    EPO would held an additional 1.5 hour session 3/11/2021 at 8:00 AM EST | 2 pm CET on EPO Global Patent Index (GPI), a subscription based search for patent searchers.

    This advanced training "Get the most from Global Patent Index" may be of interest to familiarity of with another professional search system, which integrate full-text and legal status searching and provides variety of download data formats for statistical analysis of search results.

    The presentation discusses query enhancement using  of terms from EP B claims in DE and FR and glossaries  (p.7-8 of the presentation), choice of patent classification from analysis of CPC/IPC  frequency and co-assignments (p.11-12), simultaneous searching  applicants from bibliographic  data and owners mentioned in legal events (p.17-19), and GPI query building fot FTO searching (p.20-21), ranking results using simple family information (p.15, 27 & 31), etc.

    Copy of 3/11/2021 presentation: KL18-2021 - Get the most from Global Patent Index.pdf(35 slides)

    See additional information on the original Feb.22, 2021 PIUG PF post

    Recording of the session would be posted at EPO e-leaning center webpage

    Last modified: 11 Mar 2021 10:10 AM | Anonymous member
  • 22 Feb 2021 8:04 PM
    Message # 10126858

    EPO webinars: ASEAN Patent Information, Espacenet advanced features, INPADOC, EPO Linked data, etc.  (Feb.23- Mar. 24, 2021)

    EPO offers a number of interesting online seminars in February-March 2021 listed below, many of them in earlier morning hours for North America time zone.

    Registration link for all webinars – EPO webex page


    Patent information from the ASEAN region - patent systems, search and documentation (3 Sessions)

    How can I search for prior art filed in Singapore?
    What sources are available for finding out if I have freedom to operate in Indonesia? How can I find out the current status of my competitor's application in Malaysia?
    The ASEAN region has developed into one of the fastest-growing markets in the world and is attracting increasing attention from patent applicants and searchers.
    What are the most important features of the different patent systems? What sources are available for prior art searches, patent monitoring and legal status retrieval?
    This series of online seminars will explore various aspects of patent information from six countries in the ASEAN region: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. In addition, we will have a look at the IP infrastructure of Myanmar, which implemented its first patent law in 2019.


    Session 1. Singapore and Malaysia  (KL09-2021)

    February 23, 2021   4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) |10:00 am, Europe Time

    (Presenters:Jutta Haußer (MY) and Jürgen Mühl  (SG), EPO Asian Information Services)

    Copy of 2/23/2021 presentation: KL09_Asia1_MY_SG.pdf (72 slides), recording (1:05:45)

    Session 2 Thailand and Indonesia (KL13-2021)

    March 2, 2021  4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) |10:00 am, Europe Time

    Copy of 3/2/2021 presentation: KL13-2021_Indonesia.pdf (41 p., Jürgen Mühl) and KL13-2021_Thailand.pdf (31 p., Jutta Haußer), and  recording (58:22)

    Session  3: Vietnam, the Philippines and Myanmar (KL16-202)

    March 9, 2021  4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) |10:00 am, Europe Time

    Copy of 3/9/2021 presentation: KL16-2021_ASIA_3.pdf

    Additional Info: EPO Asian Information Services which prepared these webinars recommends the following region-specific sources:

    (1) ASEAN: Intellectual Property Portal, which include a link to ASEAN PatentScope []with  bibliographic and legal status (if available) information of patent applications filed in ASEAN countries 

    See, for example Sanofi’s  PCT/EP2011/068090 2011.10.17 entered in NP in VN as VN 1-2013-01520 2013.05.17, and registered as VN 1-0024729-000 2020.06.22,  ASEAN PatentScope record VN1201301520 [see attached a copy of the record] .Another example: Servier Labs’ SG Published Application  SG 10202009894P A 2020.11.27 [WO 2017/182754] with priority FR 1653502 2016.04.20 [see attached a copy of the record]

     (2) Singapore: IP2SG (a link to advance patent search form)  - records include a links to filehistories /“Patents Open Dossier” (for recent files)

    Example: Search by priority 1653502 (from an example above) retrieves two  applications: (1) PCT-NP 11201808848S Abandoned, lodged 10 Aug 2018 as PCT/FR2017/050929 and (2) a divisional 10202009894P, Pending (Published), lodged 10 Jun 2020, both applications have filing date 19/04/2017 [PCT filing date]. Both application has file wrapper files [may take time to populate pop-up window], including  Preliminary [Formalities] Examination Report for a divisional application]. See p, 55 of the MY/SG 2/23/2021 presentation for discussing of application number formats)


     Other webinars:

    Registration link for all webinars – EPO webex page

    Advanced features of Espacenet (KL10-2021)

    Feb. 23, 2021  8:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 2:00 pm, Europe Time

    This online seminar provides an insight into the advanced features of the Espacenet interface, including the query builder, filtering, and much more.

    Copy of 2/23/2021 presentation  (46 p.); recording (53:14) (Johannes Schaaf, Roland Feinäugle)

    Previous recorded webinar: New Espacenet: Advanced features (29.01.2020) (VC04,1:00:52) (VC04_2020 New Espacenet advanced features.pdf, 24 p.)


     Introduction to the European Patent Register (KL11-2021)

    Feb. 25, 2021  4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 10:00 am, Europe Time

    This online seminar explains what the European Patent Register is, how it works, how to search it and what to do with your result lists. It also takes an in-depth look at the different services offered by the Register. We will explore the Federated Register together with its deep links to the national registers, have a closer look at the Global Dossier service and show you how to use the Register Alert service.

    Copy of 2/25/2021 presentation The European Patent Register as a source of legal information" (63 p., Yolanda Sánchez García) & recording (1:08:14)

    Previous recorded webinar: The European Patent Register as a source of legal information (October 2020) (49:39) (202010_European Patent Register-legal status.pdf, 56 slides)


    Patent families (KL12-2021)

    Mar. 1, 2021  4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 10:00 am, Europe Time

    This online seminar explains the concept of patent families and their key features, including priorities. Starting with an overview of how patent data is processed, grouped and stored in the EPO's databases, the webinar will introduce the general concept of patent families and the way they are used at the EPO for Espacenet, Open Patent Services (OPS) and other products. Examples and case studies will illustrate how patent families are created and how they can be interpreted by patent information users.

    Copy of 1 Mar 2021 presentation: "Understanding Patent Families: Patent Families at the EPO" (56 p., Sofie Leplae)

    Previous recorded webinar: Patent families (January 2020) (48:57) (VC_PatentFamilies_20201013.pdf, 57 slides)


    INPADOC worldwide legal status database - basic (KL14-2021)

    Mar. 3, 2021  4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 10:00 am, Europe Time

    The EPO gathers legal status information from over 40 countries around the world in its INPADOC worldwide legal status database. You can access INPADOC via Espacenet. In this online seminar we will explore the background and coverage of INPADOC. We will look at examples of patent applications and their legal status history, and find out about the latest additions to the database. Last but not least, we will identify some of the pitfalls when using legal status data and how to avoid them.

    Copy of 3 Mar 2021 presentation 20210303_INPADOC_basic.pdf  (41 p., Sofie Leplae) and recording (37:04)

    Previous recorded webinar: INPADOC worldwide legal event database (29 Sep 2020) (basic, 46:58) (VC13_2020_Inpadoc_basic.pdf, 40 p.)

    INPADOC worldwide legal status database – advanced (KL20-2021)

    Mar.24, 2021 4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 10:00 am, Europe Time

    Previous recorded webinar: INPADOC legal status database (18 Nov  2020) (advanced, 46:54) (20201118_Inpadoc advanced.pdf, 47 slides)

    EP patent information and CPC taxonomy as linked data (KL15-2021)
    Mar. 3, 2021  8:00 am Eastern Time (New York) | 2:00 pm, Europe Time

    Linked data - also known as the Semantic Web - is a data format which makes it easier to combine data sources from different domains and sources. This online seminar gives a short introduction to linked data, presents the EPO Linked Open EP data and concludes with a live demo.

    Copy of 3 Mar 2021 presentation  (43 p., Martin Kracker) & recording (48:38)

    See Linked open EP data webpages, including User guide  and Dolores Modic (Nord University, Bodø) presentation (PDF, 2.9 MB) at  EPO PIC 2020 Using EPO linked open data: opportunities unveiled by the IPLOD project

    Get the most from Global Patent Index (KL18-2021)

    Mar. 11, 2021  4:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 10:00 am, Europe Time (1 h 30 m)

    and 8:00 am, Eastern Time (New York) | 2:00 pm, Europe Time (1 h 30 m)

      This online seminar will cover the key benefits of searching patent information with Global Patent Index (GPI). It will demonstrate the detailed search possibilities combining bibliographic data with full text and legal events. Participants will learn how to operate the interface quickly and effectively when browsing search results and inspecting the content of documents. Recent developments will be highlighted and tips will be offered on how to use patent data to support decision making in business

    Copy of 3/11/2021 presentation (35 p., Patrick Le Gonidec)

    Additional info: GPI – pocket guide (PDF, 728 KB); GPI user manual (PDF, 3.7 MB)

    Related web-based training: Introduction to the Global Patent Index (GPI) (2016)

    See also EPO portal "Patent information services for experts", which in addition to subscribtion based GPI, provide access to free EP full-text and EP bulletin searches using the same interface as GPI.

    Registration link for all webinars – EPO webex page


    Source: EPO Webex, a list of Live Sessions (a registration page, course details); EPO Online Training; EPO Patent information tools  (Virtual classrooms on patent information - previous recorded webinars); EPO Discussion Forum on Patent Information Training (links to copies presentation slides)

    Update 2/23/2021 - A link to a copy of MY&SG 2/23/2021 presentation has been added

    Update 3/2/2021 Links to copies/recordings of 2/23/2021,2/25/2021 and 3/1/2021 has been added

    Update 3/9/2021 Links to copies/recordings to several EPO e-seminars has been added

    Update 3/11/2021 Info on additional session on GPI 3/11/2021 8:00 AM EST | 2 pm CET

    2 files
    Last modified: 11 Mar 2021 9:29 PM | Anonymous member

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