PIUG - Membership Benefits
Member Enrollment - New Member Why join the PIUG?Learn Anyone who searches patent information knows how challenging it can be. The PIUG provides a supportive environment in which you can learn about cutting edge developments in searching, analyzing, organizing and understanding patent information. By having access to the PIUG conference proceedings held three times a year and participating in the 24/7 PIUG Community, you will learn from your international colleagues new skills that will help further develop your knowledge about patent information. As a PIUG member, you will have the information and support that will help you excel. Share Share your experiences, expertise or unique solutions to patent information challenges and reap the benefit of building your professional network and advancing your career. Connect Become a part of an international community of intelligent, resourceful and generous individuals, all of whom have a professional, technical or scientific interest in patent information. The PIUG community is a vibrant and highly respected network of professionals. See for yourself, come join us. Membership FeesMembership is based on the calendar year. Renewals after October 1 are effective until December 31 of the following year. The one-year membership fee is $130 (US) and includes the member benefits listed below. The discounted annual membership fee is $80 (US) and is available for full-time students, full-time retirees, individuals unemployed at the time of renewal, and individuals residing in an emerging country as defined by PIUG as low, lower middle or upper middle income countries on the World Bank's World Bank List of Economies spreadsheet. For those who are looking to save money and expect to renew each year, PIUG now has an autorenewal option for each level that provides a 10% discount and automatically chargings your card on record each year on January 1st. Member Enrollment - New Member Please check and update your existing membership profile to provide PIUG your most current contact information and correct profile of your patent-related skills. Access to your existing membership profile to make changes at Member Profile. Questions about Membership: Contact the PIUG office at the contact information on the top and bottom of each page. Current Member BenefitsDiscounts
Membership BrochurePIUG offers its updated membership for distribution to members and potential members alike. It provides concise information about PIUG and its many benefits for the patent information community.
Anyone planning on attending a non-PIUG conference and interested in giving out this brochure may contact membership @ piug.org (remove spaces) for a version that can be printed by a professional printing agency. |