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The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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  • Meeting/Conference/Seminar (2008)

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Previous PIUG Meetings

Past Meetings/Conferences/Seminars

Date Location Meeting/Conference/Seminar (2008)
4-5 February 2008 Geneva, Switzerland Patent Search Methods (Management Circle AG) (in German, Patent-Recherche mit Methode, see also)
Among other topics: Use of Web 2.0
23-24 January 2008 München, Germany International Patent Classification (IPC) Workshop (WIPO) (See: Program)
IPC publication and IPC-related WIPO services; Core/Advanced level division; Reclassification and Master Classification Database (MCD); Post-reform IPC attributes; Quality of classification; Use of the IPC in the industry; IPC and commercial databases: IPC and other classification systems; IPC revision policy
2-6 March 2008 Seville, Spain IPI-ConfEx 2008
Role of Information Scientists in Company KM & CI (Yulia Aspinall, MedImmune); Patent Research Challenges in the Global Economy (David Brown, Thomson Scientific); Freedom to Operate Searches (Gerhard Fischer, Syngenta); U.S. Patent Invalidity Searches after KSR v. Teleflex (Yateen Pargaonkar, Procter & Gamble); Patent Landscaping (Gerard van der Ligt, Philips); Changes in U.S. Patent Law (Ron Kaminecki, Thomson Scientific; Marc Adler, Rohm and Haas); Integration of Chemical Structures from Patents for Pharmaceutical Discovery (David Walsh, Pfizer); Searching NPL and Internet Content (Maik Annies, Syngenta AG) Asian Patent Information (Irene Schellner, EPO). PATENTSCOPE (William Meredith, WIPO)
IPI MasterClass™ Presentation: Citations - Myth, Mystery or Magic? (Stephen Adams, Magister Ltd.)
Bio & Chemical Track: [Using Patents to Elucidate Novel Behavior of Compounds] (Jorge Manrique,Prous Science/Thomson Scientific); Bio-Sequences Searching (Susanne Tropf, BASF); Towards In-House Searching of Markush Structures from Patents (John M. Barnard, Digital Chemistry, Ltd.)
Engineering Track: [Semantic Enrichment & added metadata for workflow productivity] (Peter Atzmueller, voestalpine Stahl); IPC 8 (Torsten Gerber, Robert Bosch GmbH)
Breakout Groups of Interest: IP Landscaping and Mapping; IPC 8; Patent Visualization; Asian Patent Information; Text Mining and Visualizations; Cost Saving Techniques; Alerts
31 March - 24 April 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark Collection, Retrieval and Strategic Use of Patent Information (also)
(Training Course, Brochure)
Organized Dutch Patent Information User Group (WON)
(1) Patent legal aspects and patent legislation. (2) Patent documents and their accessibility. (3) Retrieval and distribution of patent literature (4) Approaches for several kinds of patent searches
Instructors: L.A.C.M. Wezenbeek (NL), Stephen Adams (UK) A. van de Kuilen (NL), G. Gieling (NL), Lucy Akers (USA)
6-10 April 2008 New Orleans, LA 235th ACS National Meeting (also)
CINF Symposiums includes "Challenges in Structure Searching":
Analyzing large chemical substance answer sets in SciFinder (Anthony J. Trippe, CAS); Challenges in structure searching (Lora Burgess, CAS); Inorganic and organometallic substructure searching (Judith Currano, Univ. of Pennsylvania); Comparing chemical structure searching in multiple structural databases (Donald Walter, Bob Stewart, Thomson Scientific); Comparing MMS and Marpat search results (Joseph M. Terlizzi, Questel); Chemical Structure Lookup Service (CSLS) Markus Sitzmann et al. (NCI/NIH, etc.); ChemSpider (Anthony Williams, ChemSpider); OSRA: Using open source optical structure recognition software to recover chemical information (Igor V. Filippov, Marc C.Nicklaus, NCI/NIH).
Other presentations:
Patenting the transition to the bioeconomy: Tools for searching (Edlyn Simmons, P &G); Licensing and technology transfer (Andrew H. Berks, Hoffmann & Baron LLP); You know you're a chemical information searcher if (Brian M Bridgewater, Rohm and Haas Company); Careers in patent law (Justin J. Hasford, Finnegan Henderson).
CHAL Symposiums:
A Big Dose Of Change For Patents: Is It Good Medicine For Drug Discovery?; Patenting and Technology Transfer in University-Industry Collaboration; Pharmaceutical Companies Dealing with The Intersection of Patents and Anti-Trust Issues.
6-8 April 2008 Location TBD SLA Pharmaceutical & Health Technology Division Spring Meeting
7-8 April 2008 The Hague, The Netherlands Search Matters 2008 (See Programme and Abstracts)
Lectures: EPO documentation strategy; Patent searching in free sources; Espacenet (Nigel Clarke); Internet prior art (Dominique Andlauer & Lucas Tsitsilonis); Academic publications on the internet (Martin van Staveren); Market-driven classification (Heiko Wongel & Oscar Gonzalez Ordonez); Machine translation of patents and cross-lingual information retrieval (Richard Frey), Trilateral Harmony Project (Pierre Held & Alan Bacon), etc.
Workshops: Non-patent literature; When to stop a search; Searching Chinese and Korean prior art; Japanese classification schemes; Inside the mind of an EPO examiner; Homogenous catalysts; Organometallic compounds; Searching Markush formulae; Challenges in searching chemical reactions; Sequence searching in biotechnology; Small peptides; Nanotechnology; Computer-implemented inventions, etc.
"At-the-desk" exchange with an EPO examiner
10-11 April 2008 London How To Use Patent Legal Status Records & Registers
(Management Forum, with Stephen Adams, Magister (UK)) (Programme)
14-16 April 2008 Arlington VA PERI Patent Information for Pharma/Biotech Course
This is a 3-day workshop on patent law and patent information basics, intended for information specialists and others involved in searching patent information and applying it to corporate decision making. It differs from most patent information training in that it provides an overview of the fundamentals of patents and patent information resources rather than teaching how to use specific tools and databases. Although the focus of examples given in the course is on pharmaceutical patents, the basic principles apply to all technologies. The faculty is made up of experienced patent attorneys/agents and corporate patent information professionals. The course will be held at the PERI Training Facility, in Arlington VA.
14-17 April 2008 San Diego, CA 2008 SCIP International Annual Conference (Conference Sessions)
Some sessions of possible interest: Competitive Technical Intelligence Methods and Analysis - Using Patent Information (Curtis Droege); Intellectual Property: Leveraging the Knowledge Within (Lakshmikant Goenka and Samir Raiyani, Dolcera); Quantifying Patent Value (Barry Brager, Perception Partners);Use Intelligence to Protect Your Company's Intellectual Property (Tim Powell, The Knowledge Agency) Applying Global Hedge Fund Research Techniques to CI (Peter McKenney, Cipher Systems LLC); Mining Lawsuit Filings for Competitive Advantage (Mary Dennis and David Smith, Hogan and Hartson LLP); Competitive Technical Intelligence: A Sample Exploration of Internet Resources (Bonnie Hohhof, SCIP); Open Innovation Machine (Paul Frey, and Nils Newman, Search Technology, Inc.); Theranostics: Use of Diagnostics to Facilitate Drug Development Enabling Personalized Medicine (Barbara Gilmore-Halliwell, KAI Pharmaceuticals); Public Records Searching [.corporate filings; judgments/liens, court dockets; personal/business finder information] (Christine Wunderlin, MarketSmart Research Services) Workshops: Using the Internet and Online Sources for Competitive Intelligence (Arthur Weiss, AWARE); [Creative CI Collection] (Toni Wilson, MarketSmart Research Services); Conference and Trade Show Intelligence (Jonathan Calof, Univ. of Ottawa)
17-18 April 2008 Vienna, Austria Far East meets West in Vienna
Forum on patent information from Japan and the Far East
21-24 April 2008 Vienna, Austria 11th EPO Patent Information Beginners Seminar
28-29 April 2008 Boston, MA 2008 Search Engine Meeting
Hybrid/Vertical Search (François Bourdoncle, Exalead, France); Semantic Retrieval [applications include patent analysis] (Roger Bradford, Agilex Technologies, Virginia); Using Information Retrieval and NLP techniques to drive Business Intelligence (George Chitouras, Business Objects, California); The Use of Search and Information Retrieval Methods in E-Discovery (Jason R. Baron National Archives, D.C.)
30 April - 1 May 2008 Pittsburg, PA 22nd Annual AIIP Conference (2008)
Social Networking Tools and technique for CI (Sam Fee, Barbara Fullerton, etc.); Tips: International Business Research; Networking Discussions: Pharma/Biotech (Cindy Shamel), CI and Due Diligence (Michele Bate and Arthur Weiss); Workshop: SEC Filing (Marge King, InfoRich Group)
5-8 May 2008 Vienna, Austria 2nd EPO Patent Information Advanced Seminar
14-16 May 2008 Houston, TX 2008 AIPLA Spring Meeting
15-16 May 2008 Ulm, Germany PDG Annual Members' Conference (AMC)
28-30 May 2008 Warsaw, Poland PATLIB2008 Conference
27-30 June 2008 Seattle, WA Special Libraries Association (SLA) 2008 Annual Conference
12-13 June 2008 Ilmenau, Germany Patinfo 2008. 30th Colloquium on Patent Information and Intellectual Property. Patent Management – Methods, Tools and Education
17-21 August 2008 Philadelphia, PA 236th ACS National Meeting
6-11 September 2008 Boston, MA AIPPI's (the Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle) 41st World Intellectual Property Congress
Q202: The impact of public health issues on exclusive patent rights
Examination of national and international legislation and case law with regard to limitations of the exclusive rights conveyed by a patent for medicines or other medical or biological products (experimental use exceptions, the Bolar-type exception, parallel importing, individual prescription exceptions and compulsory licenses, right of government authorities).
22-25 September 2008 Vienna, Austria 12th EPO Patent Information Beginners Seminar
September 2008 Singapore 008 Singapore Europe Asia Patent Info Conference (EAPIC)
8-11 October 2008 Florence, Italy 11th FICPI Open Forum (The International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys)
19-22 October 2008 Nice, France ICIC 2008 (Infonortics)
Topics: Tools for Competitive Intelligence (e.g., mining tools, visualisation tools, analysis tools, etc); Challenges for the information community over the next five years; Changes in the information environment for patents, innovation and intellectual property; Trends in Search Engines and Information Retrieval
23-25 October 2008 Washington, DC 2008 AIPLA Annual Meeting
24-29 October 2008 Columbus, OH 2008 ASIS&T Annual Meeting
"People Transforming Information – Information Transforming People"
28-30 October 2008 Stockholm, Sweden EPO Patent Information Conference 2008
5-7 November 2008 Tokyo, Japan 2008 Patent Information Fair and Conference (Japanese; English Translation)
9-13 November 2008 Europe The Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Information Conference & Exposition 2008 (International Institute of Information Professionals)
10-13 November 2008 Vienna, Austria 3rd EPO Patent Information Advanced Seminar
2-4 December 2008 London ONLINE Information 2008
16-19 December 2008 Tokyo, Japan NTCIR-7 Meeting and EVIA 2008
Cluster 3: Patent translation and mining

Previous Meetings/Conferences/Seminars 2007 | 2006

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