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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

  • Home
  • (On-Demand) Essential Patent Search Techniques For IP Professionals
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  • (On-Demand) Essential Patent Search Techniques For IP Professionals

(On-Demand) Essential Patent Search Techniques For IP Professionals

  • 10 May 2024
  • Zoom Webinar
  • 100


  • For use by Non-Members who will only attend the workshop virtually by viewing the recording.
  • For Use by PIUG Members will only attend the workshop virtually by viewing the recording.

Registration is closed

INSTRUCTOR: John Zabilski Chair, PIUG Education & Training Committee

Registered US Patent Agent (No. 59,626)

Qualified Patent Information Professional (No. 20190010100257)

Build a strong foundation of essential patent information and techniques for effective patent searching.

Learn necessary patent law concepts, bibliographic search skills including ways to identify expert witnesses, comprehensive keyword approaches for specific search types, and basics of alternative strategies including classification, citation and semantic searching.

While this course is ideal for newer searchers including paralegals and patent agents it also provides a strong refresher for more experienced IP professionals. Included are practical applications and opportunities to reinforce concepts with interactive search examples.

Some of what is included in this course:

  • Types and parts of patent publications
  • Basics of U.S. Patent Law
  • Essential International Patent Law
  • Patent timelines covering publication stages
  • Identifying patent search resources
  • Database coverage, content and structure
  • Search approaches including bibliographic, keyword, classification, citation, full-text and indexed content
  • Building comprehensive search statements using search operators and command language techniques including nesting, truncation, wildcards and stemming
  • Contrasting search features across free and commercial resources
  • Necessary steps for different search types: Patentability, Freedom to Operate and Validity
  • Practical search examples and opportunities to apply these techniques

    This course was offered as a virtual course for those not attending the PIUG 2024 Joint Annual and Biotechnology Conference in-person or participating as a virtual registrant of the conference.

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