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The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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  • (On-Demand) Patent Law for Searchers
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  • (On-Demand) Patent Law for Searchers

(On-Demand) Patent Law for Searchers

  • 20 Apr 2023
  • 31 Dec 2024
  • Zoom Webinar
  • 447



Patent Law for Searchers

Ron Kaminecki (BIO)

Kaminecki IP LLP


This session is aimed at the non-attorney patent professional who needs to know about some of the most important parts of US patent law. Coverage will include most of the sections of the law that deal with patent searching and will also include interpretations of case law relevant to these sections. Search requesters rely on not only the thoroughness of the search, but also the that the searcher is cognizant of both general intentions and specific nuances of patent law. Coverage will involve mostly US law, but comparisons will be made to other jurisdictions. The importance of timelines (filing and priority dates, and deadlines) will also be detailed.

The information provided at this presentation does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is created by registering or viewing this presentation. All content is for general information purposes only. The views expressed via this presentation are those of the author and are not necessarily reflective of the Patent Information User’s Group, its officers, directors or board, staff, membership or employees.  You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal matter.   All liability with respect to actions taken based on the content of this presentation are expressly disclaimed; no representations are made that this content is error-free. 

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