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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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Patent Information Users Group, Inc.  The International Society for Patent Information Professionals

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  • Webinar 2: Using Pivot Tables and MS Excel to Generate Simple Charts, Graphs and Tables
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  • Webinar 2: Using Pivot Tables and MS Excel to Generate Simple Charts, Graphs and Tables

Webinar 2: Using Pivot Tables and MS Excel to Generate Simple Charts, Graphs and Tables

  • 29 Oct 2019
  • 31 Dec 2025
  • Webinar
  • 97



Once a data table has been created in a workbook or a spreadsheet a number of interesting and insightful analyses can be conducted using common office software tools that most practitioners have access to. The most common of these MS Excel and the PivotTable function is one of the most powerful functions available for comparing fields, or in the case of a spreadsheet columns that represent the attributes of a patent family. This webinar will cover the basics of generating a PivotTable from a data table and using this functionality to generate statistical data from a patent collection. There will also be hands-on examples of using this statistical data to create bar and column charts, as well as line graphs and table to provide insights into a patent data set.  The webinar is one hour in length and can be downloaded or viewed at your leisure once it is paid for.

Once the session is paid for, the confirmation email will be sent containing the URL and password for accessing the session to view on demand along with a link to download presentation slides.

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