The following online patent information and related events are offered Mon-Sat, Dec. 6-Dec. 11, 2021. See also below information about other upcoming training events (Dec.14 -16, 2021)
Conferences this week:
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, Thirty-Third Session(SCP/33) Dec. 6-9, 2021 (6:00 -8:30 AM ET) (Agenda & Time Table) (Webcast)
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021 (hybrid), Dec. 6-9, 2021 (~3:00 -11:00AM ET) (Schedule) (Registration, free)
This week summary:
12/6-9/2021 6:00 -8:30 AM WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, Thirty-Third Session (SCP/33) (Agenda & Time Table)
12/7/2021 4:00 AM EPO Searching post-grant data from Asia: Korea
12/7/2021 4:30 AM ET European IP Helpdesk: IP and Artificial Intelligence - Advanced
12/7/2021 10:00 AM ET Northwestern/IPlytics “Mechanisms...of SEP Determination Approaches” (New)
12/7/2021 11:00 AM ET PIUG Community Engagement Hour
12/7/2021 2:00 PM ET USPTO Learn about design patents
12/7/2021 7:30 PM ET American Patent Agency webinar series@MITLitigation II (#13)
12/8/2021 3:00 AM ET EPO Examination Matter Double Patenting Workshop (Reg. closed, fee)
12/8/2021 9:00 AM ET STN Coffee Lecture: Understanding Derwent’s DCRs, DCNs and DRNs
12/8/2021 10:00 AM ET Altmetric How to search for competitors in the Altmetric Explorer
12/8/2021 10:30 AM-1:00 PM WIPO Update on Recent and Future Developments in the PCT System (also 12/6 @ 9:00 AM CET and 12/10 @ 8:30 AM CET)
12/8/2021 12:00 PM ET Patinformatics. Who's Winning the Race to Dominate Metaverse Tech: A Patent Analysis Case Study
12/8/2021 2:00 PM ET Carl Oppedahl "Picking a PCT International Searching Authority".
12/9/2021 9:00 AM ET STN Coffee Lecture: Legal Status categories in INPADOC
12/9-11/2021 CIP Forum Göteborg 2021 (hybrid) (see details in daily listing)
12/9/2021 4:00 AM ET Clarivate [Derwent] Advanced Masterclass volume 2 (patent classifications, Derwent Class and manual codes)
12/9/2021 5:00 AM ET CENTREDOC Future Trends – How they can be identified and followed?
12/9/2021 12:00 PM Amplified How to integrate AI prior art in your patent strategy
12/9/2021 12:00 PM ET Kilburn & Strode Priority at the EPO: Spotlight on critical issues
12/9/2021 4:00 PM ET USPTO [Wine &] IP: Copyright and Publications
Monday 12/6 | Tuesday 12/7 | Wednesday 12/8 | Thursday| 12/9 | Friday 12/10 | Saturday 12/11
Monday, Dec.6, 2021
6:00 AM-8:30 AM ET | 12:00 PM-2:30 PM CET
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, Thirty-Third Session (SCP/33) (Agenda & Time Table) Day 1 (webcast)
Agenda item #3. Report on the international patent system: Certain aspects of national/regional patent laws (SCP/33/3)
Secretariat updated the SCP electronic forum website (, which contains information concerning certain aspects of national/regional patent laws [1]. The website was updated for 21 countries inclding AU, CN(and HK), IL, IT, JP, KZ, MY, MX, NZ, KR, RU.
[1] Prior Art (11 p.); Novelty; (12 p.); Inventive Step (Non-Obviousness) (11 p.); Grace Period (19 p.); Sufficiency of Disclosure (11 p.), etc.
Tuesday, Dec.7, 2021
4:00-5:00 AM ET | 10:00 -11:00 AM CET
EPO Searching post-grant data from Asia: Korea (KL46-2021)(Registration)
Overview of possible post-grant events in Korea, Searching post-grant data in Espacenet and KIPRIS.
See also
EPO webinars: Overview of Republic of Korea (Jürgen Mühl, EPO, Dec. 3, 2019, video (1:06:05), presentation, 72 p.)
Protection beyond 20 years - SPCs, term extensions and adjustments Session 3: Korea and China (Jürgen Mühl, Jun. 16, 2020, video, 00:00-39:28, presentation, pp.1-38) [out-of-scope of Dec. 7, 2021 webinar]
EPO Asian patent information resources: Korea (KR) (FAQ, Grant procedure, Numbering system, Useful terms, Searching in databases) (incl. Handouts on finding legal status information in KIPRIS: Licenses; Trial proceedings ; Legal status (in English) ; Fee payments; Ownership changes; PTEs ; Lapsed and expired KR patents (K-PEG).
4:30-6:00 AM ET | 10:30 AM -12:00 PM CET
European IP Helpdesk: IP and Artificial Intelligence - Advanced (Registration)
Speaker: Dr. Robert Harrison - Sonnenberg Harrison Law
Syllabus: Review of latest EPO decisions on protection of AI inventions as computer programs and disclosure requirements; European practice vs.patent protection in CN and US; who are the “inventors” in an AI invention?; Protection of data and data structures;...Protection of AI as a trade secret.
See recording (1:21:12) of the previous (basic) European IP Helpdesk webinar “IP and Artificial Intelligence “(Nov. 10, 2021, Dr. Robert Harrison)
6:00 AM-8:30 AM ET | 12:00 PM-2:30 PM CET
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, Thirty-Third Session (SCP/33) (Draft agenda & timetable) Day 2 (webcast)
[Includes] #7 Study on approaches to the quality of the patent grant process (SCP/31/3)
Sharing session on the use of artificial intelligence for examination of patent applications.
10:00 -11:30 AM ET | 4:00 – 5:30 PM ET \
Northwestern/IPlytics Research Roundtable “Mechanisms...of SEP Determination Approaches” (Registration)
... presentation of 4 recent research articles discussing approaches such as generalized essentiality checks of individual SEPs, assessments of random samples, and predictive models using semantic comparisons between patent and standard documents as well as data on technical contributions and patent citations:
Justus Baron: Precision and bias in the assessment of essentiality rates in firms’ portfolios of declared SEPs (PDF)
Rudi Bekkers: Overcoming inefficiencies of patent licensing: A method to assess patent’s essentiality for technical standards (PDF)
Fabian Gaessler: Truly Standard-Essential Patents? A Semantics-Based Analysis (PDF)
Keith Mallinson: Essentiality Rate Inflation and Random Variability in SEP Counts with Sampling and Essentiality Checking for Top-Down FRAND Royalty Rate Setting (PDF)
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ET | 4:30 6:00 PM CET
PIUG Community Engagement Hour (Registration)
10:30 AM Welcome. 2021 End-of-Year Review. 2022 Preview.
11:00 AM Discussion topics: What would you like to see PIUG do in 2022? ; Biotech Conference – March 1-2 (in-person); Annual Conference – May 1-4 (in-person); May 11-12 (virtual)
USPTO Learn about design patents (Registration, Please register by 12/6)
What is a design patent? How does it differ from a utility patent? Don't miss your chance to learn the basics of the design patent system from a USPTO design supervisory patent examiner.
See recordings of Sep. 23, 2021 (video, 1:29:46) or June, 4th, 2021 (video, 1:57:01) webinars “Learn about design patents” (Garth Rademaker, SPE, USPTO)
7:30 - 8:30 PM ET | 1:30 - 2:30 AM CET (Dec. 8. 2021)
American Patent Agency webinar series@MIT Litigation II (#13) (Registration)
Instructor: Stephen Hou, American Patent Agency LC.
This session discusses case studies of various stages of patent litigation. Goals: – Appreciate the strategy involved in patent litigation.
Note: This is the 13th of 14 lectures of Patent Strategy for Entrepreneurs: Fall 2021 Webinar Series @ MIT.See description of the course, recording of the previous lectures at the course website.(Available until Jan.4, 2022)
Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021
3:00 – 4:30AM ET | 9:00 – 10:30AM ET
EPO Examination Matter Double Patenting Workshop (Reg. closed, fee)
Speakers: Gershom Sleightholme, senior expert, EPO and Jürgen Scheuer, examiner, EPO
This workshop aims to help applicants understand current EPO examination practice for double patenting rejection, especially in the light of the recent decision G4/19;. …the meaning of “identical subject-matter”.
See also:
G 0004/19 (Double patenting) of 22.6.2021
T 0318/14 (Double patenting) of 7.2.2019 (Interlocutory decision)
EPO Guidelines for Examination G.IV.5.4 Double patenting
6:00 AM-8:30 AM ET | 12:00 PM-2:30 PM CET
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, Thirty-Third Session (SCP/33) (Draft agenda & timetable) Day 3 (webcast)
[Includes] #8...patents and access to medical products and health technologies (SCP/31/5)
...publicly accessible databases of patent status info on medicines and vaccines
9:00 – 9:15 AM ET | 3:00 – 3:15 PM CET
STN Coffee Lecture: Understanding Derwent’s DCRs, DCNs and DRNs (Registration)
Presenter: Jim Brown, FIZ Karlsruhe Inc.
This coffee lecture explains those different numbering systems for substance records used by Derwent indexing system in the Derwent databases.
See also:
Brown, Jim Introduction to the Derwent Chemistry Resource (DCR) on STNext. February 2018, 60 p.
FIZ Karlsruhe. DCR Reference Manual: A supplement for the DERWENT WORLD PATENTS INDEX®. August 2007, pp. 21-22
10:00 – 10:30 AM ET | 4:00 – 4:30 PM CET
Altmetric How to search for competitors in the Altmetric Explorer (Registration)
…Having clear visibility of where, when and how your competitors’ research is receiving attention is crucial for benchmarking and informing future strategy.
10:30 –11:15 AM ET | 4 :30–5:45 PM CET
WIPO Recent and future developments in the PCT System (Registration)
Eva Schumm & Thomas Henninge, PCT Legal and User Relations Division, WIPO
12:00 PM –1:00 PM ET | 6:00 –7:00 PM CET
Open PCT Q&A session
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET | 6:00 – 7:00 PM CET
Patinformatics. Who's Winning the Race to Dominate Metaverse Tech: A Patent Analysis Case Study (Registration)
The Metaverse is blowing up and promises to revolutionize the way we interact with information, products, and one another. . ...Tony Trippe of Patinformatics, LLC and Andrea Davis of Bodkin IP will explore the idea of the Metaverse and look at the major companies and technologies covered by patents in the area.
See also:
Trippe, Anthony Here’s Who’s Winning The Race To Dominate Metaverse Tech. Forbes. October. 12, 2021
2:00 – 3:00 PM ET | 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET
Carl Oppedahl Picking a PCT International Searching Authority.(Registration)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of various ISAs [ISA/AU, ISA/EP, ISA/IL, ISA/JP, ISA/KR, ISA/RU, ISA/SG and ISA/US]? ...
See also: Filing strategies: factors to consider when deciding which International Searching Authority to choose where more than one Authority is competent, PCT Newsletter, October. 2021, pp.11-13
Thursday, December 9, 2021
2:45 -3:00 AM ET | 8:45 -9:00 CET
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021 Latest IP Developments from the European Commission (Registration)
Speaker: Kamil Kiljanski, DG-GROW, European Commision, Acting Director
4:00 - 5:00 AM ET | 10:00 - 11:00 AM CET
Clarivate [Derwent] Advanced Masterclass volume 2 (Registration)
In this session we will look at how to search using the main patent classification systems available, CPC, IPC, Japanese national classifications and Derwent Class and manual codes...
5:00 - 6:00 AM ET | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CET
CENTREDOC Future Trends – How they can be identified and followed? (Registration)
In this Webinar, the Swiss Center for Data Analysis – CENTREDOC will share ... key steps to identify what’s going on in your technology area right now, and how to extract from the data what is most likely the product portfolio of your competitors and partners in the near and distant future. (Data extraction from patents, scientific literature and the web).
6:00 AM-8:30 AM ET | 12:00 PM-2:30 PM CET
WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, Thirty-Third Session (SCP/33) (Draft agenda & timetable) Day 4 (webcast)
#10 Patent law provisions and practices that contributed to effective transfer of technology (SCP/32/6)
7:15 -8:30 AM ET | 1:15 -2:30 PM CET
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021 AI and IP: IP Management of AI and AI Management of IP (Registration)
Speakers: Nigel Swycher, Cipher, Sakari Arvela, IPRally, Manoj Pillai, CEO, Clairvolex, Thomas Randes, Rouse Consultancy, Tom Tassignon, Philips, Julian Nolan, Iprova
9:00 – 9:15 AM ET | 3:00 – 3:15 PM CET
STN Coffee Lecture: Legal Status categories in INPADOC (Registration)
Presenter: Jim Brown, FIZ Karlsruhe Inc.
This coffee lecture will discuss the various value-add categories for legal status events created by FIZ Karlsruhe for use in INPADOCDB and INPAFAMDB databases.
9:00 -10:15 AM ET | 3:00 -4:15 PM CET
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021 Computer Generated Inventions
Speakers: Dr. Malte Köllner, mbB, Patentanwälte, Ryan Abbott, , Univ of Surrey (UK), Ulrike Till, IP and Frontier Technologies Division, WIPO, ·Merima Bruncevic, CIP
[... AI named DABUS... as inventor]
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET
Amplified How to integrate AI prior art in your patent strategy (Registration)
Speakers: Samuel Davis, CEO/Founder, Amplified; Miku H. Mehta, Partner, Procopio; Jonah Probell, IP strategist, SoundHound
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET | 6:00 - 7:00 PM CET
Kilburn & Strode Priority at the EPO: Spotlight on critical issues (Registration)
Speakers: Jamie Atkins, Counsel, Kristina Cornish, Partner, Claire Weston, Trainee Patent Attorney, Kilburn & Strode
Issues: What are the criteria for a valid transfer of the priority right? 2. What role does enablement of the priority document play in the assessment of priority entitlement?
4:00 – 5:00 PM ET | 10:00 – 11:00 PM CET
USPTO [Wine &] IP: Copyright and Publications (Registration)
…Our guest lecturer from the Library of Congress will explain the process and procedures for registering … work with the U.S. Copyright Office.
Friday, Dec.10 , 2021
7:15 - 8:30 AM | 1:15 - 2:30 PM CET
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021 The Role of the Patent System in the 21st Century
Ian Harvey, Imperial College, Antonio Campinos, President, EPO, Valencia Martin-Wallace, Deputy Commissioner, USPTO, Peter Strömbäck, Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV), Director General; Johanne Belisle, Canadian IP Office, WIPO
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021
7:00 -8:15 AM ET | 1:00 -2:15 PM CET
From research to high-growth technology businesses: patents driving start-up success in additive manufacturing
Thomas Bereuter, European Patent Academy, Ilja Rudyk, Senior Economist, EPO, ·Jürgen Stampfl, Cubicure, Judy Ceulemans, Patent examiner, EPO
8:30 -9:45 AM ET | 2:30 -3:45 PM CET
Different Valuation Perspectives and IP
Maaike van Velzen, and Jon Calvert, Partner, Deloitte
Satuday. Dec.11, 2021
CIP Forum Göteborg 2021
10:15 pm-11:30 AM ET | 4:15 -5:30 PM CET
Evidence-Based Decision Making for IP Management
Nigel Swycher, Cipher, ·Kent Richardson, Richardson Oliver Insights LL
Other upcoming events (Dec.14 – Dec.16, 2021)
12/14/2021 4:00 AM ET Clarivate What’s New in Derwent Innovation
12/14/2021 4:00 AM EPO Searching post-grant data from Asia: China
12/14/2021 11:30 AM ET WIPO PATENTSCOPE: retrospective of 2021 and plans for 2022
12/15/2021 11:00AM ET PIUG Finding and Understanding Legal Status Information
12/15/2021 10:00 AM ET CAS IP Search Tips (also at 4:00 AM ET and 4:00 PM ET)
12/14/2021 7:30 PM ET American Patent Agency webinar series@MIT Patent Valuation & Business Considerations (#14)
12/16/2021 12:00 PM ET USPTO PTAB Inventor Hour Webinar
12/16/2021 4:00 PM ET Univ Utah PTRC B2B Webinar: Patent-Search Best Practices