The Magister ® global website listing is a compilation of website addresses for national and regional patent-issuing authorities. The content is based on the most current edition of WIPO Standard ST.3 “Two-Letter Codes for the Representation of States, Other Entities and Intergovernmental Organizations”, dated September 2019.
Supplied as a PDF table with live links, the listing facilitates access to the home pages of over 220 countries and territories. Each link is checked and amended on a continuous basis, and alternative URLs are provided when known. A unique feature of this product is that the validation date (YYYY.MM) is clearly recorded against each entry; URLs which are temporarily unavailable on the date of validation are not deleted, but retained and distinguished by italics.
Purchase of a single copy entitles the user to receive all updates released within 12 months of the original purchase. The frequency of updates will depend upon the number of amendments which accumulate as the table is reviewed. The update will consist of a new copy of the entire table, not just amended entries.
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